First-class daughter

Chapter 215 1 Truths

Chapter 215 A Truth

Chapter 215 A Truth

Mandarin Academy.

When Lian Jue woke up, Lian's mother, Lian Yanqing, and the eldest lady were all overjoyed, especially Lian's mother, who gave everything that could be given to Lian Jue's grandson without hesitation, and finally Lian Siyue said that she would Not so much, Lian's mother stopped, otherwise the whole Qing'an Yuan would really be moved here.

The eldest lady knew the taste of Lianjue, so she asked the kitchen staff to make more than 20 kinds of food and bring them over. Lianjue smiled helplessly, "Mother, I can only take a small bite, and the wound still hurts."

With tears in her eyes, the eldest lady said, "It's okay, just take a sip, it's good to have a look."

When Lian Yanqing heard the news that Lian Jue had woken up, he hurried back from the outside. It was the first time that Lian Siyue saw a fatherly expression on his perennially deep and indifferent face.

The haze that shrouded the Xiangfu finally dissipated!
Lian Siyue helped Lian Jue out of the room to take a look outside and take a breath of fresh air. The wound on his body had not healed yet, so when he walked, his figure was a little hunched.

The warm winter sun shone lazily on their bodies, and Lian Jue's slightly pale face appeared more clear and handsome in the mottled sunlight.

The maid and the mother-in-law moved two large chairs over, and Lian Siyue and Lian Jue sat in the yard together to bask in the sun.

After a while, Qing Dai walked in quickly, and said happily, "Miss, Master, Sijiu has been found!"

"But he's still alive." Hearing this, Lian Jue got up quickly, but the wound on his chest hurt, causing him to frown.

When he was six years old, Sijiu had been by his side. He said he was a slave, but he was actually a playmate since he was a child. Lian Jue had another affection for him other than master and servant.

"Young master, young master..." At this moment, a person hurriedly ran in from outside the courtyard, crying and running towards Lian Jue, followed by Leng Mei.

"Fourty-nine!" Lian Jue endured the pain and shouted.

"Young master, my ancestor!" Sijiu plopped down on his knees in front of Lianjue, weeping bitterly, slapping himself while crying, and said, "Sijiu is useless, Sijiu is useless, even a letter can't be delivered , also, I was tied up...I was tied up and thrown into another house, and the family mistakenly thought that I was a thief and sent me to the government. come back."

"Pfft..." Seeing Sijiu's appearance like this, Lian Jue couldn't help laughing, and said, "Why didn't I sell you?"

When Sijiu heard it, she cried even louder, "Sijiu is so sorry for the young master, I will never see him again, the young master must be in pain after being seriously injured, but Sijiu didn't do anything to help."

Even Siyue couldn't help laughing, and said, "Okay, you think I really counted on a letter from you to save Lian Jue, but it's just asking someone to help, so don't blame yourself, Ping An Just come back."

Lian Siyue has an indifferent temperament, but she is a little more kind to these servants who are sincere to Lianjue, especially Sijiu. The things in the house were sold, and Aunt Xiao was sent out after being beaten with a board, and she didn't know whether she was alive or dead.

Thinking about it now, this was also Aunt Xiao's trick, to drive away some heartfelt servants from her side.

Lian Siyue had someone take Sijiu down to change clothes, and only their siblings were left in the courtyard.

The sun was gradually covered by overcast clouds, and the light in the yard became darker and even a little colder.

"Jue'er, did you find anything about those people who tied you up that day? His Highness and I are very sure that it was done by people in the palace. I saw that the leader of the man in black was wearing flying fish shoes. But, I I really don't understand, you have never had any grudges with anyone, why did the people in the palace attack you? Could it be because of me?" Lian Siyue said, now that Lian Jue has woken up, it's time to thoroughly investigate this incident!

Hearing Lian Siyue's question, Lian Jue paused his hand and clenched his fist slightly, but a complex look flashed in his eyes.

Lian Siyue stared at the front with icy eyes, didn't notice the strangeness of Lian Jue, a winter-like chill floated on her face, she said, "Your Highness left a living victim for interrogation, and the result will come soon Jue'er, no matter who it is, as long as it hurts you, I will never forgive you lightly, I will definitely find out the person behind the scenes, send her to hell, and never be reborn!"

What she hates, she wants that person to be tortured; what she cares about, she wants to protect with her life.

Lian Siyue said, turned her head, looked at Lian Jue, and asked, "Jue'er, do you still remember what they said to you? They were going to kill you with a knife, why did they spare your life later?" To take you away, do you know where they are going to take you?"

Lian Siyue asked one question after another, very urgent and determined to find out the person who hurt Lianjue!And looking at her resolute face and gaze, at that moment, Lian Jue's heart felt as if a knife had been stabbed, and he couldn't help covering his chest.

"Does it hurt again?" Seeing Lian Siyue, she thought his wound had recurred again, so she hurriedly stood up and shouted, "Qing..."

"No, sister..." Lian Jue suddenly held Lian Siyue's hand, and shook his head in a low voice, "Don't call anyone."

Lian Siyue lowered her head and found that the hand Lian Jue was holding her was trembling slightly, and her whole body was trying to restrain the trembling. She was taken aback: "Jue'er, what's wrong?"

"I..." Lian Jue's face was pale, his teeth were clenched on his lower lip, he slowly raised his head, looked at Lian Siyue with sad eyes, finally opened his mouth and said, "I, not your brother, I Not the son of the Lian family."

"What..." Lian Siyue blinked, feeling a chill rising slowly from the soles of her feet, and said in a trembling voice, "Jue'er, you, what are you talking about?"

The expression on Lian Jue's face became so painful, the sadness in his eyes seemed to melt him away, he muttered recalling the situation that day, with a sad voice——

"That day, it was raining very hard. I don't know why, but I couldn't fall asleep that night, so I wanted to go to my mother's place, but I accidentally heard the words of my mother and Madam Zhou. the words said."

"What did they say?" Lian Siyue felt chills all over her body, her blood was congealed, and even her tongue was a little stiff when she spoke.

"Twelve years ago, my mother actually gave birth to a baby girl. At that time, Aunt Xiao was being favored, and the concubines came in one by one. The mother really had no choice, so..." When Lian Jue said the truth, I just feel that my heart is heavy and it is difficult to breathe.

Hearing this, even Siyue understood everything, she staggered back, and sat softly on the chair, her body almost fell into the ice cellar, it was so cold to the bone.

"Sister, so I am not born to my mother. I am the baby boy who was secretly carried back. The blood in my body is not from the Lian family. My surname is not Lian. I... am not your relative." Lian Jue's eyes were flushed , the pain in his heart was infinitely magnified, he had never tasted this kind of suffering, he and Lian Siyue became people who had nothing to do with each other, this was the most unbearable pain for him!

And Lian Siyue never imagined that there is such a big shocking secret hidden in Xiangfu!
Jue'er, Jue'er is not a descendant of the Lian family, and her mother did such a rebellious thing back then, if this matter is exposed...

(End of this chapter)

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