First-class daughter

Chapter 224 Give birth as soon as possible

Chapter 224 Give birth as soon as possible
Chapter 224 Give birth as soon as possible
Xiao Zhenhai glanced at her indifferently, Lian Shiya only felt a cutting cold wind blowing by, she knew that she had slipped her words, she quickly lowered her head in fright.

"Ya'er, uncle is not allowed to interrupt when you are talking, and you should kneel down and admit your mistake." Xiao Shi squeezed Lian Shiya's wrist forcefully and scolded in a low voice.

Lian Shiya quickly knelt down and said, "Uncle, Ya'er was wrong, she shouldn't have interrupted."

Xiao Shi reflected on the side, and said, "My brother taught me a lesson very well. My sister is not calm enough and has been fooled by the little bitch many times. I will definitely learn my lesson in the future and never let my brother down again."

"Now that you have a rank and position, I want you to take the position of Lian Yanqing's main wife in a short time, and truly control the power of the prime minister's house." Those words slowly overflowed from Xiao Zhenhai's mouth, and his eyes sparkled. Breathe out a dangerous breath.

Xiao Shi gave Xiao Zhenhai a timid look, and said, "If it's in the past, my sister can immediately agree, but... Lian Siyue is always an obstacle, she is no longer the person my brother has seen."

"Hmph..." Xiao Zhenhai snorted coldly, and said, "Little Huangkou, you are also trembling, you are not worthy of being a member of my Xiao family!"

"..." Xiao was reprimanded and lowered his head.

"Five days later, I'm going to hold a celebration banquet in the mansion. I'll see how powerful she is at that time, and you'll be frightened!" Seeing that Xiao's fighting spirit is not as good as before, Xiao Zhenhai wants to see her now even more. Lian is like a moon, "A prostitute is nothing to be afraid of. For you, the most important thing is to have a son, so as to completely stabilize your position in the Lian family. Otherwise, it will be in vain."

Xiao Shi was taken aback when she heard this, and she couldn't help but put her hands on her stomach. Ever since she gave birth to Lian Shiya, even though she had received most of Lian Yanqing's favor, this stomach has never been heard from. One of her heart problems, when Xiao Zhenhai mentioned it today, she felt even more heavy in her heart.

"You and Mrs. Dong are studying medicine, how are you doing now? Do you practice medicine and administer medicine on time once a month?" Let Lian Shiya become a medical girl who can help the world, and she is different from her daughter-in-law Lian Siyue. This was also Xiao Zhenhai's instruction, and Madam Dong was also sent to Lian Shiya by him as an ordinary nanny.

A guilty conscience flashed in Lian Shiya's eyes, she lowered her head and said, "Ya'er follows her every day to study, and Mrs. Dong said that my medical skills have improved a lot. But, because Lian Siyue interfered with it, my grandmother won't let me practice medicine anymore." Seeing Xiao Zhenhai frowned, she immediately said, "But don't worry, uncle, I will start again on the fifteenth day of this month."

She thought to herself, since she is now the head of the county anyway, if she wants to continue to practice medicine at the gate of Xiangfu, her grandmother will not refuse.

"Except for medical skills, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, everything must be practiced hard. When the time comes to consider marriage, you must be worthy of the most powerful prince." This is Xiao Zhenhai's most basic requirement for Lian Shiya.

After Lian Shiya heard this, she couldn't help but blush, if she was matched with the most powerful prince, then ten Lian Siyue would be ignored by her.

After coming out of Lian Yanqing's study, Lian Shiya breathed a sigh of relief, and whispered, "Mother, uncle is really scary, much scarier than father, I thought he wouldn't care about the way he got angry just now. I'm gone."

Xiao's lips had an unpredictable smile, and he said, "Don't worry, now, your uncle will never give up on you no matter what."

"Why? Mother was most worried about uncle letting us go." Lian Shiya didn't understand where Xiao's sudden confidence came from.

Xiao Shi didn't go into details, and said, "Go and see Rou'er, we haven't seen her since her accident."

"Okay." Even Shi Ya didn't ask any more questions, and went to Xiao Rou's Yi Cui Courtyard with Xiao Shi.

However, before he got close, he heard a voice crying and begging for mercy from inside——

"Miss, please forgive me, please forgive me..."

"Miss, please, please forgive me..."

What's wrong?Lian Shiya felt strange, and stepped in, only to see two maids kneeling on the ground begging bitterly, their hair was messy, and the ground was cut into strands of broken hair, and both of them had several bruises on their faces. There were deep bloodstains, and blood flowed all over his face, looking terribly terrifying.

And the person who blankly held a knife and slashed their faces one by one was Xiao Rou.

Both mother and daughter were startled by the scene in front of them at the same time, what happened to Xiao Rou?How to do such a bloody and terrible thing.

"Get out." Xiao Rou slowly raised her head and waved her hands, the two servant girls hurriedly stood up and ran out, covered in blood.

Xiao Rou looked at Aunt Xiao and Lian Shiya with cold eyes, and said calmly, "Aunt and cousin are here."

Lian Shiya finally recovered from her horror, a friendly smile deliberately appeared on her face, walked over, and called out, "Cousin..."

And when she saw that there was only one leg left under Xiao Rou's skirt, and nothing on the other side, she involuntarily took a step back, a look of astonishment flashed across her face.

After being bumped lightly from behind by Mrs. Xiao, she hurriedly said, "Cousin, let's come and see you." Her eyes flickered, and she didn't even dare to look at Xiao Rou, because she only had one leg. Terrible, it made her... unable to look directly.

What's the use of a woman who doesn't even have neat legs, even if she is named princess?
Xiao Rou said coldly, "Now that I see it, how does it feel?"

"..." Her words stopped Xiao Shi and Lian Shiya, and they immediately looked at each other.

Leaning on crutches, Xiao Rou struggled to stand up.

Xiao Shi reacted first, walked over a few steps, supported Xiao Rou, and cried bitterly, "Rou'er, Rou'er! I've heard about your injury a long time ago. My aunt misses it every day, and my heart aches when I think of you. I can’t sleep at night, and I don’t know how to eat. It’s just that the people in Xiangfu didn’t let us come to Xiao’s house, so we didn’t come until today! Rou’er, Auntie loves you so much. Tell me, what can Auntie do for you? My Rouer."

"Yes, Cousin Rou'er, I heard that something happened to you, and I was very anxious. I really wanted to come and have a look right away, but we couldn't even get out of the door like Moonlight, so we dragged it until now. Cousin, I am also very worried. I want to help you with something, what should I do?" Even Shiya shed tears, and said every sentence from the bottom of her heart.

"Crack." Xiao Rou threw the bloody dagger at Aunt Xiao's feet and said, "Cut off Lian Siyue's feet and give them to me as a pillow."

When she spoke, her face was indifferent, her voice had no warmth, and she exuded a gloomy and terrifying aura. This is not the delicate and beautiful Xiao Rou, but now it seems that she is a man-eating demon.

"Rou'er, why don't I want to cut off her legs as a gift to you, have to wait, don't worry, my aunt will definitely avenge you, and I will make her life in the Lian family happy Don't worry, don't worry." Xiao Shi was taken aback for a moment, and then said, with a trace of coldness in the corner of his eyes.

"Yes, Cousin Rou'er, even Siyue is our biggest enemy, and now we have made you like this again, we will definitely not let her go, let alone cut off her legs, her eyes, tongue, muscles and bones All will be cut off for you, don't worry, take a good rest."

Even Shiya hurriedly said that she was happier than anyone else when she heard that Xiao Rou hated Lian Siyue so much, and she firmly believed that Xiao Rou would be a very good ally.

(End of this chapter)

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