First-class daughter

Chapter 249 I will never give up

Chapter 249 I will never give up
Chapter 249 I will never give up
When Lian Siyue heard this, the hand that was holding the writing brush paused, and the ink fell on the white rice paper, turning it black.

She put down the brush, walked up to Le Yan, held her hands, and comforted her softly, "Le Yan, don't think too much, maybe Auntie is looking for your father to discuss something, you know?"

"...Well." Le Yan wanted to say something, but seeing her mother like this, she finally nodded and said softly, "Mom, I understand."

Le Yan, Le Yan!
Mother really wanted to kill herself, then you saw what you shouldn't have seen, right?You want to remind your mother to guard against Lian Shiya, but I don't believe you, thinking that you are just a child who doesn't understand the things of adults. [Correction: At this time, Le Yan is five years old. 】

Every time she sees Feng Qianyue, she can't help but think of her daughter and son, and can't help crying heartbreakingly for them, but from now on, Feng Qianyue will never see her tears again.

She slowly raised her head, looked at Feng Qianyue, and said:
"Your Highness, it's not a loss to exchange a marriage for Xiao Guogong's support." Just when Feng Qianyue said it full of affection, she heard Lian Siyue's cold words.

Her words were like a basin of cold water being poured from the top of his head, he trembled all over, looking at her extremely cold-blooded face, a burst of anger slowly rose from the soles of his feet, and his eyes were condensed with a coldness:
"Lian Siyue, I really want to kill you!"

That's right, he is planning to conspire with Xiao Zhenhai.But in fact, this idea did not arise after Xiao Zhenhai won the battle. As early as many years ago, he had been secretly observing and weighing who was the best helper on his way to seize power. Xiao Zhenhai, a rank four general.

For this reason, over the years, he has been secretly collecting all the information about Xiao Zhenhai, and has mastered his big and small things in recent years.Therefore, he was fully prepared for the negotiation and collusion with him this time, and he was fully sure that Xiao Zhenhai would agree.

But now, although he conspired with him, in the eyes of others, he became a person who would not hesitate to marry a crippled woman just to get Xiao Zhenhai.In the eyes of his father, he, the fourth son who has always been low-key and forbearing, who does not fight or grab, turns out to be such an unscrupulous person, and he will definitely take more precautions against him in the future.

The most important and most hateful thing is that he actually married a disgusting person who makes him want to vomit at the first glance, and he will face each other day and night in the future, and he will have a child with her on the same level!
So on the surface, it seems that the most powerful Duke in the court has become his father-in-law, and he got what he wanted, but in fact he lost more.

"Am I wrong? This is the way in this world. If you get some, you will lose some. Since Your Highness has already got what you want, why is it unbalanced to give some more? Some people give everything, but I didn’t get anything, and I lost everything in the end, and I still have to grit my teeth and live, so the Fourth Highness is actually a winner.” Even Siyue’s lips clearly showed a hint of sarcasm, wanting everything, how could it be so good thing.

"Heh..." Feng Qianyue laughed suddenly, and her painful eyes turned cold just now. Looking at Lian Siyue, she said, "Lian Siyue, do you think I will let you go after marrying Xiao Rou? Do you think There are too many! My future road will definitely be a bloody road. I don’t know when the tip of the knife will pierce my toes, but I will definitely pull you along! You can’t be alone! As for Brother Jiuhuang..." His The smile turned cold, "His happy days should come to an end, he lives and lives together, you'd better find me!"

After that, he turned around and strode away, full of anger.

"Shua!" Lian Siyue put down the curtain of the carriage with a cold face, and said, "Hurry up!"

When I returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion, it was already dark, and Lian Siyue went to Qing'an Courtyard and Fu'an Courtyard respectively to greet Lian's mother and the eldest lady, and heard the servants say that the wife and the third lady had returned long ago. The young lady seemed very unhappy, and went to bed without even having dinner.

Lian Siyue smiled softly and said, "Sleep? I'm afraid they will have trouble sleeping every night after they come to their senses."

Qing Dai was a little confused about what she meant, but she didn't ask any further questions. When she returned to the gate of her fairy lotus courtyard, all the lanterns in the house were lit.

Lian Siyue stood at the door, staring at the two lanterns hanging above the door with ecstasy, the warm yellow light shining quietly, shaking occasionally.

She remembered that in the past, when she came back exhausted physically and mentally after dealing with Xiao's mother and daughter, she saw a bright young man leaning against the door with a food box in his arms waiting for her, just because she was concerned that her stomach hadn't eaten. full.

His smile was the purest smile she had ever seen.

"..." At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the yard, and Siyue was overjoyed, and immediately pushed the door in. Suddenly, she saw a shadow flashing past the crabapple tree under the window, and her heart ached. A burst of excitement, shouted joyfully:
"Jue'er, Jue'er, are you back?"

The figure behind the tree came out slowly with his head lowered, even the excited eyes in Siyue's eyes dimmed.

"Miss asked you to guard the door, what are you doing here?" Jiang Xiang stepped forward, with a gloomy face, and asked.

Xiuzhu walked up to Lian Siyue tremblingly, and said cautiously, "Miss, servant girl, servant girl saw that the tree was covered with snow, and the branches and leaves were bent, and servant girl was afraid that it would break, so she wanted to clean up the snow. "

Sure enough, she was holding a small shovel in her hand, and there was still some snow on the shovel. The hands holding the shovel were red from the cold, and there were still cracks on the back of the hand, and the crabapple plant had been cleaned up, piled up Snow piled up on the steps.

Lian Siyue glanced at her, said in a low voice, "Come into the room and give her that ointment."

Xiuzhu gave up again and again, and said, "No, what is the virtue of this servant girl, and this servant girl will leave first." Xiuzhu turned around and was about to leave.

"Miss asked you to go in, so go in." Qing Dai said, looking at Xiuzhu's chapped and bleeding hands.

"...Yes." Xiuzhu lowered her head and followed Qingdai in to get the ointment.

Lian Siyue stood in the yard, looking at the crabapple, she remembered that when Lian Jue left, the flowers were still in bloom, but now that the flowers have fallen, Lian Jue has also left.

"Miss, Xiuzhu has already left after taking the ointment." After a while, Qing Dai came over and said, "It's cold outside, you should go back to the room and rest."

Lian Siyue walked into the room, a stove was lit inside, and she felt a burst of warmth as soon as she entered, Jiang Xiang came forward, took off her cloak for her, and took a bath again.

"Miss, does that Xiuzhu seem suspicious to you?" Qing Dai brought over the boiled ginger soup and said.

"Have you searched it?" Lian Siyue asked while holding ginger soup in her hand.

"Haitang, as well as other places in the yard, have been searched, and nothing has been tampered with." Qing Dai said.

"Keep watching, continue to help her pay for her brother's medical expenses." Lian Siyue took a sip of ginger soup slowly, and the other party was probably planning a big game of chess. People cornered?

Ha ha.


It took Xiao Shiya a long time to knock on Lian Shiya's door. Seeing her lying on the bed, staring blankly at the bed curtain, she walked over and asked, "Ya'er, what's the matter with you, come back on the way and say a few words." I don’t say a word, and I’m still depressed.”

"Xiao Rou is lying!" Lian Shiya tightened the quilt with both hands, angrily said, "Obviously, I conspired with her to let the dung collector destroy Lian Siyue's innocence, and then let everyone come to see her. The Fourth Highness got married, so he lied and said there was no such thing."

(End of this chapter)

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