First-class daughter

Chapter 251 Uneasy

Chapter 251 Uneasy
Chapter 251 Uneasy
And when Xiao He returned to Xiao Guo Mansion from the Ministry of Punishment, and just stepped through the door with one foot, there was another news that the Xiao family army robbed the tea shop and injured the people. After verification, this matter was true.And this was actually arranged silently by Feng Yunzheng. He first arranged for people to watch the wind in some wine shops that Xiao's army often haunted, which then caused verbal conflicts, and then physical conflicts. Just pushed people well, then fought, and then deliberately spread, the version deliberately became Xiao Jiajun looting the people;
Then, another person anonymously read the book of the Xiao Family Army, saying that after the Xiao Family Army had returned victorious, it had a tendency to expand.

And there is another thing mentioned in this booklet, which is that the Xiao family’s distant relatives, the Xiao family, built a meritorious deed in Miyang. On that archway, Xiao Zhenhai was eulogized, and he was described as a hero in troubled times. For the obliterated credit, the villagers go to worship every day.

It is said that the emperor read the last entry of this book, was silent for a long time, and finally threw the book heavily on the ground of Rongyuan Hall. Xiao Guogong knelt outside Rongyuan Hall for three hours, prostrating on the ground to show his loyalty.

In fact, this meritorious workshop was also written by Feng Yunzheng. He estimated the date of Xiao Zhenhai's return from victory, and on the third day of his rebirth, he sent Ye Feng to secretly go to Miryang. Ye Feng did not appear directly, but sent Others, in the name of Xiao Zhenhai, gave silver taels to distant relatives of the Xiao family, saying that General Xiao had said that he wanted to build a meritorious deed here, so the meritorious deed was built.


When Lian Yanqing greeted Lian's mother in Qing'anyuan, Lian Siyue was also there. When he said these things, his eyebrows were beaming, obviously very happy, but Lian Siyue just listened quietly, with a smile on his lips ——

It turned out that this is what His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince said, and asked him to unpack the gift packages prepared for Xiao Zhenhai one by one.

"Hmph." Lian Mu sneered and said two words, "It deserves it."

"However, Xiao Zhenhai, an old fox, really wanted to chop off Xiao He's head in the Golden Luan Hall and present it to the emperor as a favor, but the emperor stopped him after he stopped, and a bloodstain was drawn on Xiao He's neck." Even Yan Qing felt a little pity.

After coming out of Qing'an Courtyard, she wanted to go back to her own yard to sleep, but for some reason, her heart seemed to be pressed by something, and she tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

Later, her eyelids started to jump up again, as if something big was about to happen, she simply rolled over and got out of bed.

Walking outside the yard, the winter snow melted, and some lies.

"Miss, the shopkeeper of Jingxi Garment Store has sent a message. The garment you ordered three months ago has arrived and is ready for you. You can pick it up at any time." At this time, a servant from the outer courtyard came to inform arrive.

Jingxi Garment Shop?
Lian Siyue looked at the sky, and said, "Qingdai, Jiangxiang, prepare the sedan chair, I'm going to Jingxi Tailor Shop."

So, after telling the old lady, she was ready to go out.

After a while, a luxurious sedan chair carried by eight people left Xiangfu and headed towards the west of Beijing. The dazzling red sedan body was surrounded by purple bead curtains, and the bright yellow curtains were shaking slightly. A servant girl and two women accompanied him, showing the grandeur of the Xiangfu.

When the sedan chair left the door of Xiangfu, a light purple figure slowly came out from behind the door. She looked at the sedan chair going away, with a look of doubt on her face——

Jingxi Garment Shop?This is the most famous ready-made clothing store in the capital. The clothes inside are all made of expensive silk, and the owner Mo Liniang is very good at embroidery. Every piece of clothing is like a work of art. Often worth a hundred taels of silver.

But even so, every time there is a new style, it will be snapped up by the noble ladies in the capital. If you go too late, no matter how much you pay, you will not be able to get it, even the empresses in the palace.

It is said that the reason why the Jingxi shop can gain a foothold in the capital is because the proprietress Mo Liniang has an extraordinary relationship with a certain dignitary, but no one knows which dignitary it is, the more mysterious it is, the more people flock to it. many.

Did Lian Siyue order ready-to-wear there three months ago?Or...does she have some ulterior secret?Lian Shiya was overjoyed, and said to Mother Zhen who was behind her, "Prepare the sedan chair. I heard that the Jingxi shop has the latest ready-to-wear. I want to go and have a look."

"But Miss San, Aunt Xiao told you not to mess with Missy recently, and be careful in everything..." Mother Zhen said with some embarrassment.

"What mother said is to be careful in everything, don't mess with her, I just don't mess with her, she's going out now, and I'm going out too, I'm not going to follow her. Go, prepare the sedan chair." Lian Shiya stared at Lian Shiya. Like the direction where the moon sedan chair left, said.

"Then, okay." Mother Zhen had no choice but to arrange the sedan chair.

Soon, another sedan chair also set off from Xiangfu.

Jingxi Shop is located in the most prosperous part of the capital, the streets are bustling with people coming and going, when a luxurious sedan chair stopped at the door, a woman in luxurious clothes came out and stood at the door waiting to be greeted.

The mother-in-law opened the sedan chair curtain, Qing Dai and Jiang Xiang stepped forward and stood on both sides of the sedan chair, Lian Siyue stepped out, and walked out holding the maid's hand.

The woman immediately stepped forward, with a smile on her face, and said, "Miss, you are here, the ready-made clothes you want are ready."

With a dignified smile on Lian Siyue's face, she said, "There is shopkeeper Laomo. Now that I'm here, I want to see other styles."

"Please come in." Mo Liniang led Lian Siyue inside with a smile. When she stepped through the door, Lian Siyue turned her head slightly and paused. An imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of his face.

After entering the shop, Mo Liniang said loudly, "Miss, the ready-made clothes you ordered are here, if you want to choose other ones, please follow me to the second floor."

"Thank you, shopkeeper." Lian Siyue nodded, followed behind Mo Liniang, stepping on the stairs to the second floor.

"Stop here!" After Lian Siyue entered, Lian Shiya also ordered the bearer to park the sedan chair in another inconspicuous place. She saw Lian Siyue's every move through the curtain just now, and she said displeasedly, " Why does Lian Siyue, shopkeeper Mo come out to greet her personally, she can still choose the styles, last time I bought a box of ready-made clothes, I had to wait in line."

"Miss San, shall we go in now?" Mother Zhen asked.

"Of course go in, I want to go in and see what she's doing inside." Lian Shiya got out of the sedan chair, covered half of her face with a kerchief, and walked into the Jingxi tailor shop.

Once inside, Lian Shiya looked around, but did not find Lian Siyue.

"Brother, where did the eldest lady of the Lian family who came in just now go?" Zhen's mother stopped a second brother and asked.

The second brother said, "Miss Lian is a distinguished guest of our Boss Mo, and Boss Mo led her to the second floor to choose the clothes he likes."

"Go upstairs." Upon hearing this, Lian Shiya also walked towards the second floor, but was blocked by the second brother, saying——

"Miss, you can't go up to the second floor without Boss Mo's invitation."

Mother Zhen immediately lowered her face and scolded, "You don't know how to praise a dog, do you know who our lady is?" Even Shiya raised her chin slightly.

Unexpectedly, the second brother refused to let him go, "Aren't you the third lady of the Xiangfu? You have also been named the head of the county by the emperor. I recognize you. You have been here. However, Boss Mo explained that only the distinguished guests invited by her can Go up, you understand the rules of our Jingxi shop."

(End of this chapter)

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