Chapter 262
Chapter 262
"I'm fine, Ninth Brother." Eleventh Princess shook her head quickly, and twirled in front of him with open arms, saying, "Look, I'm fine. However, there are two villains in the ruined temple on the mountain, You arrest them, I will give them a good lesson, they don't believe that I am a princess, and dare to bully me! I will smear my whip with pepper water, beat them hard, and chop them head of."

"Don't worry, Night Breeze has already taken her away from the ruined temple, and it's up to you to deal with it." Feng Yunzheng was relieved to see that she was fine, and said, "Get on the horse and go."

"En!" Feng Yunzheng took off the cloak on her body, wrapped her tightly from head to toe, and then supported her legs to help her get on the horse. She couldn't help but lifted a corner of the cloak and looked back. over the past -

That person really disappeared.

"Eleven, what are you looking at?" Feng Yunzheng asked when she noticed that she had turned her head to look behind her.

"It's okay, I didn't see anything, let's go." She calmed down, turned around, and followed Feng Yunzheng all the way down the mountain.

She is dirty now, and it is not appropriate to go back to the palace directly. Feng Yunzheng took her to the Jingxi Tailor Store, from head to toe. tarnish the reputation of the princess.

It wasn't until the second floor that she was asked to untie the tightly packed cloak. Princess Eleven finally breathed a sigh of relief and opened the door to enter——

"Princess, princess, you are finally back." She just stepped in, and Zhili hurried over, saw her dirty, and shed tears of self-reproach, "It's all slaves' fault, The servant is guilty of failing to take good care of the princess, and let the princess be taken away by the gangsters, princess, are you alright?"

"Okay, Zhili, this princess is fine, look, it's complete, don't worry." The Eleventh Princess hurriedly said when she saw that her maid's hands and feet were cold and her face turned pale from fright.

Feng Yunzheng came in from behind, Zhili hurriedly knelt down to pay his respects, "His Highness Nine, well."

He glanced at Feng Lingyue and said seriously, "Eleventh, don't act recklessly like this in the future. How could you sneak out of the palace without even bringing the guards with you. The outside world is by no means as simple as you think. People with evil intentions are everywhere, without the blessing of father, queen and queen, you will become weak and powerless like today, and you will not be so lucky to be rescued in time every time, understand?"

Seeing Feng Yunzheng scolding others with a straight face, Princess Eleven was a little scared, but she was a little unconvinced, and said, "It's true that it's dangerous, I've already learned it today, but it's not like what Brother Nine said They are all bad people, but there are still good people.”

"Good guy?" Feng Yunzheng frowned, this girl doesn't even know how powerful she is.

"Yeah, I just met a good man, and he saved me, just before Night Breeze arrived, but he left again when you came."

Feng Yunzheng shook his head helplessly, he took it as his sister who casually named a savior in order not to be scolded by him.

Princess Eleven walked into the room, and as soon as she walked in, she saw the person sitting at the table holding a ledger or something, her eyes suddenly widened, and she walked over quickly, surprised asks:
"Lian Siyue? Why are you here?"

Lian Siyue raised her head slowly, and glanced at her lightly.

"You don't know etiquette. Why don't you greet me when you see this princess?" Princess Eleven saw that she didn't seem to take herself seriously, so she walked up to her, crossed her arms, and looked down at her.

"Princess, Miss Lian is here because of you." Zhili hurriedly said in a low voice, "After the princess was kidnapped, the slaves had nothing to do. Fortunately, they met Miss on the way, and Miss sent someone to find her." Your Highness Nine, she also said that the princess must freshen up before returning to the palace before bringing the servants here, and she also prepared a change of clothes for the princess."

"What?" Princess Eleven paused, "Yes, you helped me? Besides, you are so thoughtful." Indeed, she can't go back to the palace in such a tattered and dirty way, otherwise it will make people The queen father and mother were worried that they would be gossiped about, and even Siyue helped her think of these.

Lian Siyue put down the account book in her hand, bowed slightly to Princess Eleven, and said, "It's good that the princess is back, the clothes are ready, let your maid clean up for you."

"..." Princess Eleven blushed, she never expected that Lian Siyue would be there to help, what should I do?Just said that to her.

"Okay, hurry up and wash up. It's time to go back to the palace after washing up. Father doesn't know that you sneaked out of the palace. If you want to avoid scolding, you should move faster." Feng Yunzheng walked over and said.

"Oh." The eleventh princess lowered her head, led by Zhili to take a bath, wash up, and change her clothes.

Feng Yunzheng came over, sat down opposite Lian Siyue, and said, "Eleven is such a person, but his heart is pure."

"I know, I won't blame her." If she didn't know that the Eleventh Princess is really a person with no thoughts, she would never interfere with these matters. To her who has lived two lives, the Eleventh Princess is just a She doesn't care about a child who doesn't know much about the world.

"How is the account book?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

"It's better than I imagined. It turns out that this tailor shop is so profitable." Lian Siyue didn't expect that, in just half a month, she had a lot of money in the account.

"However, compared to Brother Four, our ready-made clothing store is not as good as a drop in the bucket." Feng Yunzheng said, thinking now, the reason why Feng Qianyue finally ascended to the throne in the previous life was due to his hidden huge financial resources. Inseparable, recruiting soldiers and horses, buying people's hearts, money is inseparable everywhere.

"..." Lian Siyue was taken aback when she heard this, and looked back from the account book——

"I've been secretly investigating these days. Brother Siwang has a wealth beyond our imagination. He has dabbled in silk, ceramics, tea, salt, iron, and agricultural products, and many fields have been established five or six years ago. I started to invest, and accumulated little by little, and now a huge wealth network has been formed, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is rich." Feng Yunzheng couldn't help but sigh, Feng Qianyue is really not simple, the reason why he was in the previous life It was the one who ended up on the throne for a reason.

Five or six years ago, they were just a group of ignorant teenagers who would quarrel over a certain reward from their father, but Feng Qianyue was already quietly amassing wealth for himself and preparing for the fight for the throne in the future.

In terms of strategy, means, and scheming, he is first-class. Unfortunately, he is too greedy and cruel. He has no feelings for his lover or siblings.

Even Siyue's heart at this moment was more shocked than Feng Yunzheng, because she followed Feng Qianyue for several years in her previous life, and she didn't know that he was so rich when she died.

Feng Qianyue, Feng Qianyue, I gave my heart to you, but in the end you never really trusted me!

It's really - so ironic!
Her hand holding the account book tightened slightly, and Feng Yunzheng noticed the change in her expression, and was startled——

She doesn't even know that Feng Qianyue is rich?

He felt sorry for her again. He silently saw how she treated Feng Qianyue in the previous life. As a result, if she hadn't been reborn, she would not have known his financial resources.

"Hehe..." After a long while, Lian Siyue smiled, with a trace of coldness in his eyes, and said, "The fourth highness is really a good money maker."

(End of this chapter)

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