First-class daughter

Chapter 270 Asthma Relapse

Chapter 270 Asthma Relapse
Chapter 270 Asthma Relapse
The thirteenth princess who was in high spirits frowned slightly when she heard Lian Shiya's words, and said, "Cousin Ya'er, I'm fine, you've been staring at me since just now, why do you seem to hope that something will happen to me?" Like."

Although Feng Tangyao is a princess, she has always been gentle and gentle when talking to all the sisters in the Xiangfu, but now she is a little unhappy.

"Yeah, why does the third sister care so much about the princess's body? The princess is healthy and looks good. How can she feel uncomfortable when she is well?" Lian Shengru on the side also asked a little puzzled.

When Lian Shiya heard this, she realized that she was too impatient and was almost exposed, so she hurriedly explained, "No, princess, don't get me wrong, I...I..."

At this time, Lian Siyue on the side took the words and comforted her softly, "Princess, don't be angry, I think the third sister is worried that you will not adapt to the Prime Minister's house for the first time, so she is more concerned, third sister, Are you saying that's what you meant?"

Lian Shiya's face became hot, and she didn't expect Lian Siyue to help her, but she didn't care about it so much at the moment. Now the most important thing is to eliminate the bad impression in the heart of the thirteenth princess, so she hurriedly said, "Yes. That's right, my eldest sister is right, that's what I mean, I'm worried about the princess's body, after all, the weather hasn't warmed up yet, I'm afraid you will freeze."

Seeing that Lian Siyue had spoken, Feng Tangyao stopped saying anything, turned around, took down another lantern riddle, showed it to Lian Siyue, and said:
"Cousin Yue'er, look at this."

"The beauty at the bridgehead said goodbye, type one word? One word..." Lian Siyue frowned slightly, "What kind of word is this?"

"Is it the word sakura?" Lian Wanyin at the side asked softly.

"Sakura?" The thirteenth princess bit her lips lightly, and after a while she revealed the answer, with a smile on her face, she said, "Yes, it's the word for sakura."

A burst of laughter broke out in the crowd, and everyone told Lian Wanyin to go to Concubine Shu to receive the reward.

Lian Shiya stood aside, feeling very embarrassed.

Everyone guessed a lot of lantern riddles, and went to Concubine Shu to receive a lot of rewards. There was a joyous atmosphere, only Lian Shiya tried her best to show a happy look, but she seemed restless.

On the way, she finally couldn't bear it any longer, lied that she had a stomachache, and went back to Qingquanyuan.

Lian Siyue looked at her back as she walked away, and thought, it's really strange today, such a showy person can't sit still, she looked at the cold eyebrow not far away.

As soon as she entered the Qingquanyuan, Lian Shiya ran to Xiao Shi and said, "Mother, did you make a mistake? Why is the princess still fine, nothing happened, did Lian Siyue notice something?"

Xiao Shi was not as calm as last night, she clenched her hands tightly, a flash of thought flashed in her eyes, then she shook her head firmly and said, "It's absolutely impossible!"

"Did that lowly servant girl Xiuzhu rebel and helped Lian Siyue play tricks on us?" Lian Shiya thought about it and said.

"She doesn't dare! She has something in my hands. If I tell her something about her, she will have her hands and feet broken, given dumb drugs and thrown out. Her brother who is like a dead ghost still relies on her for relief. She doesn't dare to lose the job of Xiangfu." Xiao said quite confidently, she pinched Xiuzhu's lifeblood, and she could only let her rub round and flat like a dying ant.

"Then what went wrong?" Lian Shiya was puzzled.

Xiao suppressed the burning flame in his heart, and said, "Don't worry, Ya'er, one of the big reasons for our failures in the past is our eagerness to win, just wait a little longer, it doesn't matter if we don't succeed, we will give back to Lian Siyue Prepared another trap, didn't you?"

After fighting again and again, Xiao Shi has really calmed down now. She knows the strength of the enemy, and she must calm down to defeat the enemy.

"Hurry up, something happened to the princess, hurry up!" At this moment, there was only a rush of footsteps outside.

Xiao Shi stood up abruptly!

"Mother, mother, did you hear that? Did something happen to the princess?" Lian Shiya's voice almost screamed, her lips were trembling.

"Go out and have a look!" Mrs. Xiao hurriedly walked out the door, even Shi Ya couldn't wait to follow, and saw a few servants rushing past the gate of Qingquanyuan.

"Stop!" Xiao Shi stopped one of them and asked in a tight voice, "What happened, please explain clearly!"

"Slave, slave..." The boy was nervous and speechless.

"Say it!" Lian Shiya shouted angrily.

"Princess, the princess was guessing the lantern riddles and suddenly fell down. Fortunately, the eldest lady hugged her." The boy gasped.

"... Hurry up and help!" Xiao Shi said after letting him go.

The man hurried to the garden with several others.

Lian Shiya was very excited, and urged, "Mother, the cloak is working, hurry up, tell uncle secretly!"

"No! Wait a minute, Lian Siyue is full of tricks, it's deceitful, Ya'er, go and confirm it, hurry up!" Xiao Shi raised his hand to stop him, and he fell into Lian Shiya's trap too many times. More cautious than ever.

"Then, good! I'll go right away." Lian Shiya felt that what Xiao said was very reasonable, Lian Siyue was like a nine-tailed fox with several lives, and was very cunning. This time, their mother and daughter would not use fake hands For anyone, you must do it yourself.

Lian Shiya didn't care about the demeanor she maintained in the past, and ran out quickly, with an expression of excitement and anxiety on her face. From a distance, she saw Feng Tangyao being held in the arms of her mother, and hurried inside. Leaving the hall, even the mother, the eldest lady and the others looked very anxious.


It seems that it must be a recurrence of asthma!Otherwise, everyone wouldn't be so anxious.

Lian Shiya hurriedly turned around, ran back to Qingquanyuan, grabbed Xiao Shi's hand and said, "Mother, that's right, hurry up and notify uncle."

Royal Palace.

When Xiao Zhenhai received Xiao Shi's notice, he stepped into the door of Rongyuan Hall, and after a while, the emperor came out in a hurry, and said in a deep voice:

"Go to Xiangfu!"

So, under the protection of Xiao Zhenhai, Emperor Zhou Cheng dressed in ordinary clothes, took his imperial physician Qin, and hurried to the prime minister's mansion in a low-key manner.

The thirteenth princess, Feng Tangyao, is the most beloved daughter of Emperor Zhou Cheng. When she was eight years old, he once saw her with asthma caused by eating an egg by mistake, and he was really distressed!
That time, he beheaded all the servants serving Feng Tangyao's meals, leaving no one behind!Later, the servants in the palace became more cautious and did not dare to neglect at all. Although Feng Tangyao had asthma relapses during this period, they were all minor problems.

Now that she heard that she had a relapse of asthma in Xiangfu and was unconscious, she must be very anxious.

Although this Emperor Zhou Cheng was suspicious of all those sons, he really loved the princess, especially this Feng Tangyao, because he had a lot to do with Concubine Lian Shu's heavy bleeding when she gave birth.

(End of this chapter)

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