Chapter 289
Chapter 289
She suddenly found that her voice was trembling, and the hand holding Taozi couldn't help but exert force.

Lian Jue was taken aback, looking back, he never thought that someone would see through his mind so easily, he had already tried his best to hide it, so as not to let anyone discover the secret in his heart.

And Princess Eleven understood everything when she saw the expression on his face——

"So I feel right. The person you miss in your heart, the person you like is Lian Siyue." Her voice trembled, tears slowly filled her eyes, her eye circles gradually turned red, and her nose felt sour.

Lian Jue was silent, what should he say?Deny it?But, he can't lie to Princess Eleven, admit it?He felt so mean.

The Eleventh Princess suddenly threw the young peach in her hand towards Lian Jue forcefully, the hard peach hit his forehead, and it hurt so badly, but he just stood there and didn't move.

Princess Eleven ran over and beat Lian Jue's chest with both fists. She cried and said, "Lian Jue, how could you do this? That person is your sister? How could you... how could you?" Like her! It's not okay, don't you know? Do you even know?"

Princess Eleven beat him desperately until she lost all strength in her hands. Lian Jue took a deep breath, raised her head slowly, and closed her eyes slowly, with an expression of incomparable pain on her face.

Suddenly, Princess Eleven took a few steps back and looked at Lian Jue like a monster, "You are too scary, you are so disgusting! I won't condone you, I'm going to report you, let you... let you do it!" I can't do this horrible and disgusting thing..."

The eleventh princess became more and more incoherent, she turned around abruptly, and ran out of the peach grove, "Lian Jue, I'm going to expose you, expose your ugly heart, expose you!"

"Princess!" Seeing this, Lian Jue came to his senses, hurriedly chased after her, and stopped in front of her, the pained expression on his face was heartbreaking, and his eyes were full of pleading, "No, please don't let my sister know about this. thing, please."

Princess Eleven's eyes were red, her face was full of tears, and said, "Why don't you let her know, you dare to like her, why don't you let her know! Lian Jue, are you a coward?"

"I..." Lian Jue couldn't say a word, what he could say, he couldn't say anything!
"Tell me, why? Why?" Seeing that he couldn't say anything, Princess Eleven cried and laughed, and said, "Because you also know that your liking for her is a feeling that cannot be tolerated in the world, and it is indecent." Love is shameless, isn't it?"

"..." Lian Jue staggered two steps back and was leaned against a tree beside him, fists clenched tightly, trembling all over.

"Lian Jue, since you know, why do you still do this? Can't you stop? Treat her as your sister, not... the person you like." Princess Eleven looked at him sadly, and at the same time, a part of her heart also quietly left.

"I don't know, I don't know, I don't know anything! Or, I'm a beast, I'm a person who doesn't know what to do, I'm a person who should be struck by lightning! I deserve to die, I shouldn't live in her By my side, I should go, I should never come back! I should disappear in this world!" Lian Jue raised his hand and slammed his fist on the tree, punch after punch, smashing the tree Trembling for a while, the hand that was smashed was broken, and a lot of blood came out.

"Ah! You're crazy! Don't do this! Don't torture yourself like this." Seeing him like this, the eleventh princess hurried over, hugged the tree suddenly, and quickly withdrew the fist that was thrown out .

Lian Jue's hand stopped in mid-air, trembling involuntarily, blood fell drop by drop, and landed on the azure blue robe——

At this moment, he is really in pain!

For a long time, he has buried this unspeakable feeling deeply in his heart, and intends to take it to the grave, drifting with the wind and soil, and rotting.

When the eleventh princess pierced through this hazy veil, all the contradictions and pains gushed out, which was almost unbearable for him.

Eleventh Princess hurriedly took his fist, put it in her mouth and blew, and as she blew, tears fell down and landed on the back of his hand, "Does it hurt?"

Then, she hastily tore off a piece of cloth from her skirt, wrapped it round and round for her, and said with a sob, "No matter how uncomfortable you feel, don't treat yourself like this, it's all flesh and blood." , it will hurt."

"I'm sorry." Lian Jue looked at her tears and felt very uncomfortable, "Princess, I'm sorry, I scared you."

After hearing this, the Eleventh Princess slowly put down his hand and said, "Lian Jue, I know your secret, and I'm afraid that when I see you, I won't be able to help but tell it out and hurt you. So, From now on, I won't come to play with you again, and if you have anything to do in the future, don't come to me again, okay?"

Tears trickled down her cheeks,

"..." Lian Jue closed his eyes and nodded slowly.

Princess Eleven turned around slowly, and walked forward step by step. After walking a few steps, she turned around suddenly, ran to Lian Jue quickly, stood on tiptoe, and kissed him on the cheek. Said, "My name is Feng Lingyue."

After finishing speaking, he turned around decisively and ran away, running faster and faster until he disappeared from Lian Jue's sight.

The wetness on Lian Jue's face was the tears of Princess Eleven.

He staggered two steps back, leaning his back against the tree, the sun was shining on his body, but he couldn't feel the temperature of the light, it was so cold, so cold!
Qingquanyuan side.

The more Lian Shiya thought about it, the more upset she became, so she threw all the jewelry on the dressing table on the ground.

"What's the matter, my ancestor?" Seeing this, Xiao came over and asked, and motioned the servant girl to pick up all the jewelry on the ground.

"Mother, didn't you notice? Lian Siyue and Lianjue are getting closer and closer to the people in the palace. Today, His Highness Ninth Prince and Eleventh Princess came to see their siblings together. The person who is the county head is Me, not her!"

"Now, who cares about your position as the county lord? The last time Princess Anguo's mansion was a month old, the position of the county lord is clearly a joke, so let's not mention it." Xiao felt that the two of them were also unlucky, and their status was obvious. The level has improved, but the life is not as good as before.

"...Then what should we do? Do we just let it go like this? Now Lian Siyue is more arrogant than before!" Lian Shiya said angrily.

"Ma'am, it's time to drink the medicine." At this moment, Nanny Zhen came in with a bowl of dark medicine.

Lian Shiya took a look and frowned, "Smelly medicine, mother, can drinking this really make you have a son?"

"Of course." Mrs. Xiao said confidently, "The Shangshu Mrs. Liu took this prescription when she became pregnant at the age of forty. After taking a total of ten prescriptions, she became pregnant. I can also conceive."

(End of this chapter)

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