First-class daughter

Chapter 292 Chapter 292

Chapter 292
The second ninety-two to Xia Mawei
The eleventh princess was startled when she heard Feng Yunzheng's words, she slowly raised her head and asked, "Why? Why can't I be tempted by Lian Jue?"

"Because..." Feng Yunzheng looked at Princess Eleven's innocent face, couldn't bear to tell the truth, and finally said, "You are still young."

After hearing what he said, the eleventh princess stopped talking, leaned back, and slept with her eyes closed.

As for Mrs. Xiao, she waited for her new aunt before she could come to Jiangxiang. Originally, the new aunt was Lin Chuxue, the daughter of a county magistrate in Lingzhou, but for some reason, Lin Chuxue got seriously ill on the way to Beijing. Due to the cold weather, the people of the Lin family had no choice but to send her back to Lingzhou.

The current new aunt is also from Lingzhou, but the daughter of a rice shop owner named Ling Shuang'er, who is seventeen years old, is slender and weak, and has the unique gracefulness and beauty of Jiangnan women, so she is now called Aunt Ling.

When Mrs. Xiao saw Aunt Ling, she said coldly, "A merchant's daughter? She smells like copper, she's petty, she can't get on the stage, Rong Xue really has no eyes."

However, Aunt Ling was very fond of Lian Yanqing, and she was not allowed to go to the west courtyard, so she asked the eldest lady to buy a yard when she came. The eldest lady originally arranged for the green bamboo courtyard, but Lian Siyue said that the green bamboo courtyard was far away from her father's study. Farther away, my father thought that my mother was dissatisfied with this Aunt Ling, and it would be better to arrange it in Moling Courtyard. The eldest lady felt that her daughter was right, so Aunt Ling was finally arranged in Moling Courtyard.

And next door to Moling Courtyard is the Qingquan Courtyard owned by the Xiao family and Lian Shiya.

Probably since ancient times, men have always liked fresh ones, and Auntie Ling has a good voice and is very good at singing Jiangnan ditties——

Little Lingzhou County, from Pangu to the present, bubbling water pierces through the city to create a Taiji shape, a Tianyue Mountain is erected in the north, and Fuxi (that) Ge Xuan (what) are (all) welcoming.

Singing this minor tune, it is mellow and pleasing to the ear, coupled with the soft body movements, it is even more charming. For a while, it made Lian Yanqing feel very fresh.

then.In the first month of Aunt Ling's arrival, even Yanqing spent half of her time staying in the Moling Courtyard, and she only went to Xiao's once.

Every time at this time, Xiao Shi in the yard next to him said coldly:
"The tricks of the clown, the tricks, are the tricks of actors. I really don't like it. A thing that can't be put on the stage, the novelty will soon pass."

But this time, even Yanqing didn't know what happened. Not only did the freshness not pass, but the days of going to Molingyuan increased, and Xiao's side simply didn't come.

The Da Furen also sent someone over to reward Aunt Ling with some things.

"Mother, didn't you say that father's novelty will pass away soon? Why is this little bitch getting more and more powerful? Look at her, she came to greet you during the two days she came, and later I just go to my mother's side and don't come to you, anyway, you are also a flat wife, and your status is much higher than hers." Lian Shiya saw that Moling Courtyard was getting more and more lively, she saw it in her eyes, and felt annoyed in her heart.

"Hmph!" Xiao said with a sneer, "I want her to know who is in Qingquanyuan."

After lunch that day, guessing that Lian Yanqing hadn't come down yet, and even his mother and wife wouldn't come over, Mrs. Xiao went to Aunt Ling's courtyard. Rat cloak, red dress, red forehead, rich and noble, aloof.

When Na was practicing the movement of swinging his sleeves in the yard, when he saw Xiao Shi coming in like this, he was startled, and quickly bowed and said:

Xiao's gaze skipped over her, and then looked at a nanny and maidservant standing there. Nanny Zhen walked over in three steps at a time, raised her hand without saying a word, and slapped her hard. On the faces of these two slaves, he rebuked:
"Blind your dog's eyes, madam is here to listen to Aunt Ling singing a ditty, hurry up and move the stool."

"Madam, please forgive me." The two servants hurriedly knelt down.

Aunt Ling's face suddenly turned pale. In the past, she only sang ditty tunes for the prime minister to listen to, but now—

Xiao looked at Aunt Ling and asked, "What's the matter? Aunt Ling sang such a good ditty, I came here to listen to it, don't you want to?"

"No, it's not, the concubine...the concubine will sing now." Aunt Ling said hastily, her eyes blushing.

The two servants hurriedly moved chairs and asked Xiao Shi to sit down. Xiao Si sat upright, like a guest under a stage, and said:
"let's start."

"Yes." Aunt Ling coughed lightly, and said, "Go for an outing in spring, the most beautiful is Taoyuan, the peach blossoms are ten miles away, the morning glow is flying all over the sky, the flowing water (what) is patting the grass on both banks, the wild path (that) long pine (Well) How many times have you come back late?"

"Wait..." Aunt Ling had just finished singing, but Xiao Shi interrupted her and said, "I'm thirsty, go and get me a cup of tea."

"Let the slaves go." Guo Nanny on the side said hurriedly.

"Slap!" Mother Zhen raised her hand and slapped her again, and said, "Old bitch, did Madam let you speak?"

No matter how young Aunt Ling is, she also knows that Mrs. Xiao came to find trouble on purpose today, but she has heard about the power of this lady. Her elder brother is the famous Duke Xiao, and she was also promoted from an aunt to a common His wife's, and her own, her mother's family does not have any backing, if she wants to survive in this prime minister's mansion, she is afraid that the love of the prime minister alone is not enough.

She bowed to Mrs. Xiao and said, "The concubine is going to pour tea for Madam." Then she walked into the room, brought a cup of tea to Mrs. Xiao, and said respectfully:

"Madam, please have some tea."

Xiao Shi didn't reach out to pick it up, but sneered contemptuously, and said, "Sure enough, he came from a small family, and doing things like servants, he looks better than singing."

Aunt Ling blushed hot, but she didn't dare to say anything, she could only hold the tea with lowered eyebrows.

Mrs. Xiao finally took it, but before touching the teacup, he splashed it on Aunt Ling's face and said, "It's too cold, do you want to freeze me to death?"

"I, I..." Aunt Ling was suddenly splashed with water, but she could only bear it, and went back to the room to get a cup. This time, Xiao Shi didn't reach out to take it, but just touched the quilt with the back of her hand Edge, Road--

"Mother Zhen, come and teach Aunt Ling what kind of hot tea should be?"

"Yes!" Nanny Zhen went out, and after a while, she brought a steaming kettle, lifted it up and poured it into the cup in Aunt Ling's hand——

"Ah, it's so hot!" The scalding hot water splashed on the back of Aunt Ling's hand, she let go of her hand in fright, and the cup fell to the ground with a bang and shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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