Chapter 297
Chapter 297
"Do you know what it is?" Xiao Shi asked.

"I don't know, but the old lady said it was a happy event." The woman who came came stood at the door and replied.

"Big happy event?" Lian Shiya said with a puzzled look on her face, "Mother, what big happy event do you think our Xiangfu will have now?"

Mrs. Xiao clutched her stomach, feeling that she had finally conceived successfully, and said, "No other happy event can compare to this happy event of mine. After going to Qing'an Courtyard and returning, I will let Madam Dong take a good look at it, and then I will announce the matter to the public." public."

"Father hasn't had any heirs for several years. By that time, Mother's worth will rise, and Father's love for Mother will be the same as before." Lian Shiya was overjoyed.

"Come on, let's go over there first."

Mrs. Xiao deliberately changed into festive clothes, a rouge red woven gold sleeveless shirt, a goose yellow embroidered lotus leaf long skirt, a red gold Jingfu long cotton phoenix hairpin, and ruby ​​earrings.

Lian Shiya was ordered by Princess An not to wear red, but now she can only wear plain colors, the most colorful is purple, but she thinks purple looks old-fashioned, so she reluctantly wears a sapphire blue sweetheart collar embroidered with plum flowers, pink A blue and white button-down jacket with a stand-up collar, and a goose-yellow long skirt underneath.

Along the way to the gate of Qing'an Courtyard, Xiao's mood felt very comfortable, with an uncontrollable smile on his face, and those ordinary scenery in the past, he felt very pleasant in his eyes.

When we arrived at Qing'an Courtyard, we saw the maids and wives of each house standing outside the house, two or three maids were feeding the two precious birds under the eaves, while Nanny Zhou and Nanny Song were whispering something .

Seeing Mrs. Xiao coming, everyone stood up, bowed and said respectfully, "Ma'am."

"Yeah." Even these servants, who are usually invisible, don't feel so annoying when they look at them today.

Mrs. Xiao walked over, and the two maidservants opened the curtain, and she walked in with Lian Shiya. As soon as she entered, she saw Lian's mother sitting on a large rosewood chair, with a forehead inlaid with emeralds on her head. , wearing a red gold tunic gown with auspicious patterns of blessings and longevity, and a collar full of joy. The eldest lady, the second lady, and the third lady are all there, and even Siyue is standing beside the old lady as usual. What happened to the eldest lady , her face was a little red, she sneered softly in her heart, bowed slightly, and said:

"Old lady, eldest lady."

Even Shiya stepped forward Shi Shiran, "Grandmother, mother, aunt, eldest sister..."

After the two sat down, Lian's mother spoke, "They're all here, and I'm going to announce a happy event here. Speaking of which, this is really the biggest happy event in our Prime Minister's Mansion over the years."

"Mother, don't be a fool. I've kept my heart in my throat for a long time, so just say it, and don't make my daughter-in-law nervous." Mrs. Liu is used to making innocuous jokes, even Mother will not be really angry.

"Okay, okay, I've said it." Mother Lian stretched out her hand, and Lian Xi silently took the teacup from her hand and put it aside.

"Tell me." The wives all looked at Mother Lian, with expectations or doubts in their eyes.

"Hahahahaha..." Lianmu laughed out loud before she could speak, and everyone was discouraged again.

"Mother!" Liu pretended to be angry.

"Okay, okay, let me tell you the truth, the eldest son is pregnant and has been checked by Dr. Lu, and it has been two full months!" Lian's mother said happily, and the smile lines at the corners of her eyes almost flew away. .

"What? There is such a good thing! Oh, no wonder mother is so happy. This is really a great joy. Congratulations to sister-in-law, congratulations to sister-in-law, she is going to add another child to our Xiangfu!" Liu Shi seemed to feel the joy, and immediately stood up. Get up, walk to the front of the eldest lady, reason again and again.

The eldest lady blushed slightly, and said, "The third younger siblings are used to talking, but they're just pregnant, so we can't tell if they're male or female."

"I like girls too. I don't worry about the children you teach. They are like our Yue'er. They understand righteousness and are clever." Lian Mu held Lian Siyue's hand and said happily.

"Grandma always likes to entertain Yue'er." Lian Siyue smiled slightly, her face flushed, but her eyes seemed to inadvertently pass over the slightly pale faces of Xiao's mother and daughter, and an imperceptible sarcasm rose from the corner of her lips.

The second wife, Mrs. Hu, was slightly taken aback. She didn't expect Lian Jue to be so big, and this sister-in-law could still be pregnant. Thinking of herself, Lian Yunlang is gone, and even Nian Xin is half dead now, and she feels very uncomfortable——

"Sister-in-law's life is really much better than mine!" As she spoke, she wiped her tears with a handkerchief.

Lian's mother said, "It's such a good day, why are you crying, because of your sister-in-law's joy, you will have another one this year."

"Yes, what mother said is true." Hu hurriedly raised her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes. She knew that if she was really crying, even her mother would be really angry.

Sitting opposite, Xiao's face was a little pale, his fists were secretly clenched, and all kinds of dissatisfaction came to his heart——

Not reconciled!

She is too unwilling!
She worked hard, and finally her stomach started to move, but Rong Xue was pregnant at this time!Rong Xue is the main wife, and the old lady attaches so much importance to her, her child must be the focus of everyone's attention before it is born!

And she herself!Not only can she not enjoy the glory of being pregnant to herself, but she is also afraid that she will be ignored.

Why does God make such a joke with her, not reconciled, not reconciled!
Even Shiya was stunned, she was overjoyed just now, but who would have thought that even Siyue's mother was pregnant, seeing how her grandmother favored their mother and daughter so much, several aunts also surrounded them and praised them as stars moon.

She felt extremely uncomfortable, so without Xiao Shi's consent, she stood up and said loudly:
"Grandmother, mother, in fact, my mother and I also have a big happy event to tell you."

"Ya'er..." Xiao Shi was shocked, but it was too late to stop her. Lian Shiya said loudly, "My mother is also pregnant, and it has been two months."

As soon as Shiya's words came out, the people in the room immediately became quiet, and they all turned their heads to look at Xiao Shi's stomach. Xiao Shi's face was slightly hot, and his hands were pressed against his stomach.

Lian's mother was taken aback, and asked, "Are you really pregnant?" Her attitude and tone were not as happy as when she found out that the eldest lady was pregnant, and she was even a little puzzled.

"Grandmother, of course it's true! How can such a thing be false?" Lian Shiya frowned slightly and said.

When Lian's mother saw Lian Shiya's attitude, displeasure flashed across her eyes, and she said, "If you are pregnant, you should have told me earlier, otherwise you don't need to make this trip, and take care of your body. These two people are pregnant at the same time. It’s a great joy.”

"Oh, you are really a double happiness. You have just been promoted to a flat wife, and you got pregnant again soon, and the child you gave birth to is also a second-born child. It's really a good time." Liu said carelessly, obviously Congratulations, but listening to it made Xiao's smile cold.

(End of this chapter)

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