First-class daughter

Chapter 314 Anomaly in the Eastern Palace

Chapter 314 Anomaly in the Eastern Palace
Chapter 314 Anomaly in the Eastern Palace
"My servant, I don't know what the eldest lady is talking about. I don't know the fourth highness. I'm just a maid." Fang You quickly thought about the escape strategy in her mind, and said hesitantly.

"Really?" A meaningful smile appeared on Lian Siyue's face, she suddenly squeezed Fangyou's left hand, and said, "The scar on your hand was cut by a knife to save His Royal Highness, I didn't say Wrong."

Fangyou was shocked, how did this young lady know such a secret thing?
"Humph." Lian Siyue snorted coldly, glanced at her with eyes like deep ice, threw away her hand, and said, "If you don't say it, I will naturally have a way to make you speak. If you want to die, I will help you."

With that said, Lian Siyue walked up to Concubine Liang, and asked for instructions, "Your Majesty, please search for Fangyou's residence."

Concubine Liang nodded, and immediately sent trusted people to search. After a while, all Fangyou's belongings were thrown on the ground.

At first glance, the ground was covered with ordinary daily necessities, and there was nothing suspicious about it.

"Your Majesty, Missy really wronged your servant. The servant is loyal to your mother and Your Highness. How could the servant..." Fangyou cried and spoke for herself.

And Lian Siyue squatted down, picked out a small plain bag, and asked, "What is this?"

Fangyou glanced at it, and said, "This is, this is an ordinary small bag, which slaves usually use to hold things."

"Where did you come from?" Lian Siyue asked again, aggressive and unrelenting.

"That's right, it's just that I usually pick up the empress without any material and sew it at will." Fangyou said.

"You're lying!" Lian Siyue threw the bag on Fang You's body, and said, "This rough material is obviously not made in the empress's palace, and the stitches are random, and it's not the arm of a court lady who has been with the empress for many years."

"Fangyou, I have always treated you kindly, why did you lie, what did you do behind my back?" Concubine Liang also saw that Fangyou was lying.

"Slave..." Fangyou hated, hated so much that even Siyue, she was in Linhua Palace and pretended to be fine for four years, how could the eldest lady who just met see through her!
"There's no need to waste time! Come and torture." Feng Yunzheng lost his patience, and said to Concubine Liang and Lian Siyue:

"Mother Concubine, Yue'er, Lian Jue, I'm afraid you will be suspicious if you leave the table for too long. Go back to the Emperor Palace first, and leave it to me here."

"Your Highness is right. Madam, Jue'er, let's go first, and leave this place to His Highness Jiu." Lian Siyue nodded and said.

The three of them walked out of the side hall, went in different directions, and returned to the Huangji Hall one by one.

"Siyue, where did you and Lian Jue go? Come quickly." Liu Xiren looked around and finally saw Lian Jue and Lian Siyue walking in together, and said hastily.

Lian Siyue felt the scrutiny from the back of her head, an imperceptible coldness flashed in the corner of her eyes, but a painful expression appeared on her face, and said:

"Drinking tea with you just now, I drank the wine by mistake, and now I feel dizzy." There was indeed a smell of alcohol on her body.

"Ah, let's have another cup of tea and wake up." Liu Xiren hurriedly helped her up. She looked a little drunk, staggered on her feet, leaned on Liu Xiren's body, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

Feng Qian looked at her from a distance, she looked so drunk, her face was flushed, her eyes were blurred, and there was a bit of delicacy on her usual cold face. She seemed to be getting more and more beautiful, but unfortunately, such a mood could not All for him!
He picked up the wine in front of him and drank it down in one gulp.

Lian Mu at the side noticed that Lian Siyue seemed to be feeling unwell, so she sent the maid who served behind her to inquire. Lian Siyue asked the maid to tell her that she was just slightly unwell, so please rest assured.

At this time, the birthday banquet had gradually come to an end, and the emperor was a little bit drunk. Several empresses had already bid farewell to the emperor and went back to their respective palaces to rest.

"Father! You are wronged! My son is loyal to Father and has no intention of rebelling!"

"Father! Save my son! Save my son!"

"Father! Someone wants to harm my son, father!"

Suddenly, voices calling for help came from nowhere, breaking the tranquility in the palace!And the voice was more miserable than the last, it sounded eerie and frightening, and it made people panic.

Immediately, everyone in the hall stopped what they were doing, and listened carefully to where the sound came from——

In the inner garden of the palace, who dares to make such a noise?Do you really want to die?

"Wow..." Suddenly, a gust of wind blew in, and the candles in the hall were suddenly extinguished, and the inside of the hall was suddenly dark.

"Yes, could it be haunted?" Liu Xiren asked with a trembling voice, holding Lian Siyue's hand tightly.

"No, don't be afraid!" Lian Siyue looked in Feng Qianyue's direction with keen eyes, but found that there was no one in his place.

Where did he go in the blink of an eye?
"Father! Father! Save Ming'er, Father!" The voice was clearer this time.

I don't know who it is, but I yelled——

"East Palace! The voice is coming from the East Palace! It's the voice of the deposed prince, Your Majesty!"

What?The queen slid down from the phoenix chair in fright, with a frightened expression on her face——

Minger, her Minger, what happened all of a sudden?
"Father! The sky and the earth are witnesses, and the sun and the moon can learn from each other! My children are loyal to my father, my father!"

The emperor stood up abruptly, and pushed away the wine glass in front of him forcefully, with a look of anger on his face!On the queen mother's birthday, the deposed prince actually dared to play tricks!
The candles were relit, and the hall was lit up again, reflecting the emperor's uncertain face.

I saw Xiao Zhenhai knelt on the ground, and said, "The emperor calm down, since the abolished prince was imprisoned in the East Palace, he has been adhering to his duty. Tonight, the East Palace is suddenly abnormal. I'm afraid there is a reason for it!"

Here, the empress who didn't understand what she meant also knelt on the ground, pulled the emperor's dragon robe, and said, "Your Majesty, General Xiao is right, it's really strange that Ming'er is suddenly abnormal, please don't get angry!"

Lian Yanqing stared at Xiao Zhenhai closely with keen eyes, trying to see some flaws on his face, but there was no flaws on this old face.

"All loves follow me to the East Palace to find out!" The emperor walked towards the East Palace with a tense face, the Queen hurriedly followed, and the rest of the people followed behind.

"Je'er, don't run around, follow Weifu." Lian Yanqing took the opportunity to catch Lian Jue, and told him, as a prime minister, he has already keenly smelled an unusual smell. Tonight, see I can't go back to the house on time to rest!
The closer you get to the East Palace, the clearer the voice of yelling for grievances, one after another, like the crowing of a hoarse crow, the hearts of those who listened trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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