Chapter 324

Chapter 324

"Your Majesty, this, this is not written by me, I never have such an idea, Your Majesty..." How could Xiao Shan dare to read any more, he knelt on the ground with the article and hastily denied it.

"Your Majesty, my Xiao family has always been loyal to the Emperor, and I have no intention of disobedience. This article is afraid that someone with a heart will frame my Xiao family. Your Majesty's lesson, Your Majesty..." Xiao Zhenhai was already sweating profusely, and kept raising his head. Wiping his forehead with his hand,

"Framed? Do you mean this article is forged? Or has Xiao Shan's seal been changed? Xiao Shan will show you your private seal." The emperor said coldly.

"Yes..." Xiao Shan tremblingly handed in his private seal, and when it was printed, it was exactly the same as the one on the brochure——

"Your Majesty, no, I didn't write it, no..." Xiao Shan was so frightened that he looked at Xiao Zhenhai asking for help.

"Your Majesty, although the elder brother of the last general likes to write articles, he also likes to go to bookstores to discuss state affairs with literati and scholars, but the elder brother must say that the emperor is wise, and it is absolutely impossible to write such a rebellious article. Please be aware of it!" Xiao Xiao He also defended his eldest brother vigorously.

"I heard Xiao Guogong and General Tianbao mean that this king framed Xiao Shan. Father, according to the boss of Yuli Pavilion, Xiao Shan started talking wildly when he drank too much in the book shop the day before yesterday. Persuasion, he not only refused to listen, but also wrote this article scolding the emperor, and fell asleep after finishing writing. The owner of the book store was afraid that this matter would spread and he would be charged with treason, so he sent the article after seeing his son-in-law. Give it to me and express your heartfelt intentions, if you don't believe me, then even if the owner of the book shop has a hundred guts, he would not dare to slander your eldest son Xiao Guogong, this is a crime of bullying the king!" Feng Yunzheng snorted coldly, said , "Father, you might as well send the boss of the book store to come and testify."

"Jiang Keji, go and arrest the boss of Yuli Pavilion immediately! Bring him before me!" the emperor ordered.

"Yes!" Jiang Keji led a group of people out of the palace in a hurry, and went straight to the Yuli Pavilion bookstore——

It seems that tonight must be a sleepless night.

"Shan'er, what's going on? Who were you with at the book shop that day, and who framed you!" Xiao Zhenhai asked Xiao Shan after hearing what Feng Yunzheng said.

"Father, I, I... I don't remember..." Xiao Shan was confused, and he quickly recalled the scene of going to Yuli Pavilion the day before yesterday in his mind——

He remembered that he originally asked the children of ordinary aristocratic families to copy books and papers in the library, and then someone suggested drinking to cheer him up. He drank a lot of wine for a while, and was helped back home by the servants at home. I can't get up.

Feng Qianyue scolded Xiao Shan for his bad deeds!However, he was sure that Xiao Shan was framed, it was——

He suddenly felt a icy coldness, and raised his head suddenly, only to see Lian Siyue standing quietly behind Feng Yunzheng, like an orchid in an empty valley, neither fighting nor grabbing, but he saw a trace of coldness in her eyes !
is her!This matter must have something to do with her, she teamed up with Feng Yunzheng to put Xiao Shan together!Definitely yes.

Lian Siyue looked at Feng Qianyue, and shook her head regrettably—Feng Qianyue, Feng Qianyue, you are not the only one who knows how to make arrangements, and you are not the only one who can peel cocoons, but I can too!

That's right, ever since she was framed by Xiao Zhenhai in the name of a crow as a bad omen, and was imprisoned by the emperor, she has been patiently and silently looking for an opportunity, and she vowed to give the Xiao family a serious blow.

But ever since Xiao Zhenhai was suspected by the emperor, he became more careful, and for a while, he couldn't find any flaws at all.

Until that day, she learned from Sijiu that Lian Jue did not go to the academy but went to Yuli Pavilion, so she ordered the sedan chair to go to the bookshop to look for Lian Jue, but at the gate of Yuli Pavilion, she ran into him. Xiaoshan of the bookstore——

Xiao Shan looked at her coldly, and laughed at her as a woman running here, afraid that she was going to seduce some prince or noble.

Lian Siyue didn't say anything at the time, and looked at Xiao Shan in a high-spirited way with ordinary princes and nobles, literati and refined scholars entered the Yuli Pavilion talking and laughing, talking about state affairs while walking, everyone centered on him, flattering and flattering in all kinds of ways , he was greatly satisfied—

At that time, she smiled slightly and had a plan.

So, just a few days ago, when Xiao Shan went to the book shop again, under the compliments of everyone, he drank three pots of wine. After drinking the wine, he was so drunk that someone took a copy The manuscript was given to him, saying that he admired his writing, and asked him to copy a manuscript so that he could take it back and frame it and hang it on the wall at home.

Xiao Shan drank too much wine, his head was already hard to distinguish the authenticity from the false, and his whole body was flattered by the praise, so he copied it according to this manuscript, and stamped his own seal, and fell asleep after stamping the seal. He couldn't remember what he had done, and he didn't know that the manuscript he copied down in a daze was the one the emperor saw now.

The wine and manuscripts of that day were all secretly arranged by Feng Yunzheng. Lian Siyue thought of the plan, and he was the executor. Of course, he also secretly applauded her plan.

After more than an hour, Li Zhiran, the boss of Yuli Pavilion, was brought in front of the emperor by Jiang Keji, and he knelt tremblingly in the center of the hall.

The emperor ordered someone to put the manuscript in front of him and asked, "Have you seen this article?"

"Answer well, if there is half a sentence of falsehood, it is a crime of deceiving the emperor!" Xiao Zhenhai stared at Li Zhiran with burning eyes, and said harshly.

As soon as Li Zhiran saw the manuscript, he immediately prostrated himself on the ground, kowtowed vigorously, and said, "Please forgive me, this article has nothing to do with the grassroots. Yes, it was written by Mr. Xiao, and it was left in the bookstore." The grass people dare not lie to the emperor, just met His Highness the Ninth Highness, so they handed over to the Ninth Highness, the grass people are loyal to the emperor and have no complaints, the emperor is on the throne, the prosperity of the country is really a blessing for the people..."

What Li Zhiran said was almost the same as His Highness Ninth Prince.

"What, you..." Xiao Shan only felt his eyes go dark.

"Nonsense! How can my son write this kind of article, you must be trying to harm him!" Xiao Zhenhai grabbed Li Zhiran's collar with one hand, his eyes bulged, as if he wanted to eat people.

This Li Zhiran was afraid that he would be charged with the crime of disrespect to the emperor, although Xiao Zhenhai shrank into a ball in fright, he still trembled and said:
"Guo, Lord Mingjian, I, I... I have no grievances or enmities with the eldest son, I will never dare..."

"It's unreasonable for Xiao Guogong to say that." Feng Yunzheng saw Xiao Zhenhai's frantic look, with an unfathomable curve on his lips, and said, "The owner of the book shop opened the book shop with arty style, which made the literati in Kyoto There is a place to go, and the second is to earn the money of these literati, no matter what, he has no reason to risk the crime of deceiving the emperor to frame the eldest son of the Xiao family."

(End of this chapter)

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