First-class daughter

Chapter 328 Past and Present

Chapter 328 Past and Present
Chapter 328 Past and Present
Sensing the provocation from Lian Jue, Xiao He narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a hint of danger in his eyes. The spear he held in his hand was slowly turning, exuding a strong murderous aura all over his body.

The tense air seemed to freeze, Lian Jue felt the chilling aura in Xiao He's body, he moved his body slightly, completely blocking his sister behind him, secretly clenched the dagger hidden in his sleeve, his eyes were full of vigilance, As long as Xiao He makes a move, he will do his best for his sister!
"Young Master, I don't know why?" After Lian Siyue calmly ate the last "candied haws", she gently pulled the Lian Jue a little away, exposing herself to Xiao He's sight.

With a sound of "shua", the spear in Xiao He's hand passed over the top of Lian Jue's head and stabbed straight at Lian Siyue. of sharp blades.

"Lian Siyue, I remembered. A few days ago, my elder brother came back and said that he had an argument with you at the gate of Yuli Pavilion. Only a few days later, what happened today happened. Framed my elder brother, didn't you?" Xiao He asked Lian Siyue with his fierce eyes.

Lian Siyue snorted softly and said, "I didn't expect that General Tianbao is not only capable of fighting, but also has such amazing imagination. Why didn't he say these words in front of the emperor just now?"

"Smart teeth, beating around the bush, scheming, Lian Siyue, don't be too complacent, I admit that you are very calculating, but your luck will not be so good every time." Xiao He sneered.

In fact, after several fights, he has already seen that Lian Siyue is definitely not an idle person. Few people in this world can be so calm when facing his weapons, but Lian Siyue can--

Xiao He admires this young girl's courage from the bottom of his heart, but unfortunately, her surname is Lian, his surname is Xiao, she is Lian Siyue, he is Xiao He, he and her are destined not to be friends, but enemies for life.

"Young Master is wrong. I live with Lian Siyue. I never rely on luck. I rely on this." Lian Siyue pointed to her head, with a clear demeanor and a kind of indomitable in her bones.

"That's right, I rely on this!" Xiao He's eyes froze, and the spear in his hand quickly moved forward——

"Dang!" There was a sound, and suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his hand, his fingers were followed by slight curls, and the spear in his hand fell down, he clenched it tightly, and then turned back suddenly——

I saw that the Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng was standing behind him, his slender figure was bathed in the twilight, he was wearing a silver robe, and occasionally the breeze blew, the robe fluttered with the black hair, floating like a fairy, uncontaminated by the world .

Behind him was Ye Feng, the guard who just hit the back of his hand with a hidden weapon. The bones of the human hand were about to break, but Xiao He only trembled, and the spear in his hand did not fall.

It's a pity, it would be great if such a talent could be used by His Highness the Ninth Prince.

When Xiao He saw His Highness the Ninth Prince, his heart was slightly startled, he jumped off the steed, thrust his spear into the ground, knelt down on one knee, and said, "Xiao He sees Your Highness, Your Highness is a thousand years old."

With a faint smile on Feng Yunzheng's face, he asked, "Is this the way back to Xiao Guofu? I don't think I remember it." His voice was clear and clear, like a spring breeze, but with a hint of oppressive momentum, which made people People faintly feel a kind of pressure.

Xiao He slowly clenched the hand holding the spear, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Your Highness remembers correctly, it is indeed not this way, and I will retire at the end."

"Let's go, General Tianbao." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Xiao He stood up, bowed his head and retreated, and when he passed by Feng Yunzheng, he looked back at Night Breeze——

Just now, this person hit him on the back of the hand.

Hmph, he turned his head, glanced slightly at the corner of his lips, showing a trace of coldness, he is a good hand!

Seeing that Xiao He was gone, Lian Jue looked at Lian Siyue, then at Feng Yunzheng, and said, "Sister, I'll go after grandma's carriage first, and tell her, otherwise I'll be late and she will be worried of,"

After finishing speaking, Bian nodded to Feng Yunzheng, then turned around and jumped on the white horse beside him, and rode away. No one could see the expression on his face at this moment.

Night Breeze also ran away very responsibly.

Now there are only these two people left, one sitting on the carriage, with his head slightly leaning against the railing, graceful and graceful, with no worries in the years; There is a faint luster in it.

Neither of them spoke, and there was a hint of sweetness in the mist in the air.

"You don't seem surprised at all when you see me?" After a long time, Feng Yunzheng pouted slightly and said.

"I'm used to it." Lian Siyue shrugged and said.

Yes, I don't know when it started, but whenever there is a situation, he will appear in various forms.

"Hehe..." Feng Yunzheng smiled, Yue'er's words put him in a good mood.

He stared at her, then suddenly frowned, tilted his neck, and said, "I'm tired, can you lend me a place to sit?"

Lian Siyue looked up and said, the moon had already set, she said, "It's almost dawn, don't you need to go back to the palace, Your Highness?"

Feng Yunzheng smiled brightly, then stepped into the carriage in two steps, and sat opposite her. The carriage, which was originally empty, seemed to suddenly become narrow, and Lian Siyue felt that the surrounding air suddenly became scorching hot.

Feng Yunzheng reached out and touched her head, his action contained infinite pampering and love, and said softly, "What a little fool, I want to talk to you more, so I am reluctant to go back home, I have been Waiting for your carriage to pass by here, standing here for a long time, my feet are sore, you see."

He lifted his foot, twisted a bit, and said like a child.

Lian Siyue blushed and said, "It's the same when I see you tomorrow."

"No, we'll see you now." Feng Yunzheng approached suddenly, his face was almost pressed against hers, the warm breath lightly brushed Lian Siyue's face, her face became even redder, her heart was pounding unconsciously Jumping up with a bang, he couldn't help but clenched the mat beside him.

Feng Yunzheng stared at her deeply. Her skin was as radiant as snow, her eyebrows were picturesque, her face was delicate and clear, and her eyes twinkled like stars. Against the background of the hazy morning light, at this moment, she exuded a kind of quiet beauty .

His eyes finally stayed on her lips, her lips trembled slightly like two willow leaves, and like plump cherries, waiting for the master to pick them——

His heart moved, and a hot tide rose from the soles of his feet. He closed his eyes, and slowly, slowly approached her lips——

From the previous life to the present life, this is the expectation that has been waiting for a whole life.

(End of this chapter)

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