Chapter 330
Chapter 330
His Royal Highness Nine was reborn with her!

It must be God seeing her too wrongly, a kind of compensation for her miserable life, so that he can give her some warmth in the lonely life of rebirth.

God, thank you!
For the first time since she was reborn, Lian Siyue deeply felt that God was not too bad to her!
"Miss, Madam was frightened and moved her fetus. Doctor Lu said that she has not passed the dangerous period yet!" Lian Siyue was still immersed in the joy of Feng Yunzheng's rebirth with her, when she just got off the carriage, she saw Taimao He hurried over and said eagerly.

Lian Siyue's expression froze, she put away the joy in her heart, and hurried to Fu'an courtyard.

When they arrived at Fu'an Yuan, they saw Lian Mu and Lian Yanqing, who had returned to the mansion first, anxiously guarding in the outer room, and the maids came back and forth, bringing hot water and suffering.

Lian's mother was telling Huang Cen nervously, "Hurry up, go get me there, get my thousand-year-old ginseng, no matter how much effort you waste, you must keep my wife and grandson!"

Lian Yanqing paced back and forth, frowning tightly, and the whole yard was filled with a tense atmosphere.

"Sister, mother, she..." Lian Jue, who came back first, saw Lian Siyue, and walked up in two steps. He didn't know about the woman giving birth, but only knew that the fetus in the womb of the eldest lady was in danger, and he was also very nervous.

"Don't panic!" Lian Siyue said, and then quickly walked into the inner room, only to see the eldest lady lying on the couch, her eyes closed tightly, her face pale, big beads of sweat slipped from her cheeks, His expression was terrified and painful.

Mother Zhou was waiting at the side, seeing Lian Siyue, she knelt on the ground and said, "Miss, this old slave is guilty, this old slave didn't protect the eldest madam!"

"Now is not the time to talk about this, get up first." Compared with the nervousness of the others, Lian Siyue looked extraordinarily calm.

In the previous life, the mother only had her and Lian Jue, and the pregnancy in this life was something that had never happened in the previous life. Could it be... In this life, the mother will not have a third child?
"Yue'er..." Upon hearing Lian Siyue's voice, the eldest lady opened her eyes and stretched out her hand.

"Mother." Lian Siyue walked over quickly, tightly holding Da Furen's hand, her fingertips were cold, and her face became paler and paler.

"Mother is useless."

"Mother, don't talk about being discouraged. I heard people say that the fetus in the womb is connected with the mother's heart. The mother must be strong, don't be afraid, don't give up, the little fetus will feel it too." Lian Siyue comforted her mother. Madame, said.

"..." Da Furen nodded vigorously.

Lian Siyue turned her head to ask Doctor Lu, and said, "Doctor Lu, how are you doing now?"

After Dr. Lu gave the lady an injection, he said, "Miss, the lady is overly frightened, and the fetal image is unstable. I have already used anti-fetal drugs, and I am losing the needle again, but what is the result... the old man is not [-]% sure. Be sure, everything depends on the fate of the fetus in the womb."

Look at the creation of the fetus in the womb?

Hearing these words, Lian Siyue felt as if a hundred needles had been stabbed in her heart. She thought of her own child who was cut out to treat Lian Shiya's heartache before it was full-term——

That bloody mass, that beating heart, that trembling little hands and feet, that gesture of begging her for help!

Her child, she was unable to protect him, let him be cruelly murdered.

The fetus in the mother's arms must not be like this.

There was no expression on her face, she looked extremely cold-blooded, she walked out of the inner room quickly, ordered Lian Jue, and said, "Father, please quickly enter the palace and ask Concubine Shu to send the imperial doctor Rong Zhongrong..."

"Doctor Rong is here!" Before she finished speaking, she heard a voice from outside.

Lian Siyue was overjoyed, said Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!
This Imperial Physician Rong has been in the palace for many years, and he even saved the pregnancy of the current Empress Dowager.

He only checks the fetal pulse for the highest-ranking empresses in the harem, and it is difficult for ordinary people to invite her.

"Physician Rong." Lian Yanqing showed joy, and stepped forward with his hands clasped.

"Old madam, the prime minister, the eldest lady, the humble post is ordered by the imperial concubine to protect the pregnancy of the eldest lady, please lead the way." Doctor Rong said.

It turned out that it was sent by Concubine Liang!
"Physician Rong, please go this way." Without time to think too much and talk too much, Lian Siyue led Imperial Physician Rong into the inner room, and Imperial Physician Rong walked to the bed of the eldest lady, began to check her pulse, and asked Imperial Physician Lu about it. matters.

Lian Siyue stood aside, clenched her hands secretly, and watched every step that Doctor Rong made seriously.

At this moment, Qingquanyuan.

In front of many servants, Aunt Xiao was severely whipped with a whip. Her whole body was bruised from the whipping, and she curled up on the ground in pain. She shouted desperately, but no guards were called.

Finally, Leng Mei gave her a cold look and said, "Don't mess with Missy!"

Saying that, he left with a blank expression on his face.

"It's unreasonable, it's reversed! It's reversed!" Aunt Xiao lay on the ground, and when Leng Mei left, she screamed, "Come on, come on, where did you die? Watching my wife be beaten , are you all dead?"

At this time, the servants who were scared by Lengmei and hid in the yard came out tremblingly to help Mrs. Xiao.

"This lowly servant girl dares to beat me, I will never let her go!" Mrs. Xiao lost all face and was beaten like this again. She was so angry that she vomited blood, but when the servant touched her, she screamed in pain .

After finally getting up from the ground, Mrs. Xiao lay on the bed, yelling ouch, a few maidservants rushed over to change her clothes, but her clothes were torn apart by Leng Mei with a whip.

"No need to change it! I'll go to the old lady and the master later, and let them judge. Does this young lady think of me as a lady? After living for so many years, I, Xiao Xianmin, was beaten up by a lowly maid A meal! I want to ask for an explanation."

When she said that, the maids didn't dare to go forward.

Xiao Shi suddenly remembered something, and said, "Where is Miss San, and Nanny Zhen, why haven't you come back yet?"

The maid Bai Wei stepped forward and said, "Miss San and Nanny Zhen never came back after they left."

"Haven't come back yet?" A trace of suspicion flashed in Xiao's eyes, and his body was in pain again, "What's the situation with Da Furen?"

"Tai Nai over there led the servants to catch two thieves, beat them severely, and threw them into the pool, saying that they would wait for the master to come back to punish them. As for the eldest lady, I heard that the fetal pulse was unstable, Doctor Lu is trying to figure out a way."

"The fetal pulse is unstable?" Xiao sneered and said, "It's no wonder that you can keep a child at such an age."

As she spoke, she touched her stomach and thought to herself, she was beaten by that hateful maid just now, why don't she simply pretend to be beaten and lose the child, then there is no need to pretend anymore?
(End of this chapter)

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