First-class daughter

Chapter 332 1 High and 1 Low

Chapter 332 One High and One Low

Chapter 332 One High and One Low

Fu'an Hospital.

Xiao took a lot of supplements and came to visit the eldest lady. As soon as she walked into the yard, she saw the cold eyebrow guarding the door with her hands crossed, she was startled. He is more prosperous than a master, where did Lian Siyue find this kind of person.

"Ma'am, Da Furen invites you to go in." At this moment, Jiang Xiang came out, raised the curtain, and said.

Mrs. Xiao glanced at her silently, with an unpredictable smile on her face, and said, "Miss Jiangxiang has worked hard, and she even opened the curtain for Mrs. Ben."

Jiang Xiang hurriedly lowered her head and said, "Madam, please come in."

Xiao snorted softly, crossed the threshold and walked in. When Jiang Xiang turned her head, she saw Leng Mei and her cold eyes looking at her without any expression. She was startled, nodded and walked in. Tripped on the threshold and almost fell.

As soon as Xiao Shi walked in, she saw Lian Siyue sitting in front of the eldest lady's bed, feeding her medicine. Seeing this, the fetus had really stabilized. Displeasure welled up in her heart, but her face remained calm. Smiling, walked over and said:
"Sister, I've heard all about it. Fortunately, you're fine. My sister heard that you had gas in your tympanum. I didn't fall asleep all night. I wanted to come here last night. Who would have thought that I slipped out of bed just as soon as I went out?" Feet, no, wait until now, you won't blame my sister."

The eldest lady nodded, and said, "You are also pregnant, just take good care of your body, you don't need to come here on purpose."

Lian Siyue handed the bowl to Qingdai, looked at Xiao Shi's stomach, and stared at the welt marks on her arm under her sleeve, and asked, "Mrs. slipped? I don't know if the fetus is okay, Doctor Lu still If you haven't left, why don't you ask him to come over and show you..."

"No no no, no need, it's just a slight slip, it's not a problem." Xiao's heart jumped suddenly, thinking that she must be very careful when speaking, otherwise her flaws will be exposed if she is not careful, she immediately Changing the subject, he said, "I was in Qingquanyuan yesterday, and I heard that I was attacked by thieves, and that's why my sister got pregnant. If she is caught, she must be severely punished."

"Yes, it must be punished properly and severely." Lian Siyue said, the voice was as cold as ice, which made Xiao's heart tremble when he heard it.

"Miss, madam, sir please go to the front hall." At this time, a voice came from outside.

"Mother, take a break, I'll come as soon as I go." Lian Siyue settled the eldest lady, and let Leng Mei and Tai Nai stay guard in the yard, and then went to the front yard with Xiao Shi.

It was only after arriving at the front hall that Lian Yanqing began to interrogate what happened in the mansion last night as soon as the matter of the eldest lady was over.

With a serious face, he asked, "What happened last night, why is Da Furen so frightened? Please tell me in detail."

Nanny Zhou knelt down, "Yes, master, there was a thief in the mansion last night, and the thief went to the master's study to steal something, the eldest lady was worried that the important official affairs of the master would be stolen, so she ran out in a hurry, as a result, the servants in the mansion were in chaos , caught thieves everywhere, and rushed forward without looking at Da Furen, Da Furen was the only one who was frightened."

"A thief? My Prime Minister's Mansion has always been heavily guarded. Where did the thief come from?"

"This, I don't know about this. Just as the lady was about to fall asleep last night, she heard shouts from outside to catch the thief, saying that the thief sneaked into the master's study and stole something. As soon as we walked out of the Fu'an courtyard, we saw that the slaves were all going to the master's Running over to the study room, fortunately the Liantian General Nursing Hospital arrived in time and drove away the crowd." Nanny Zhou replied.

"Did you catch the thief, where is he now?" Lian Siyue asked standing beside Lian's mother.

"Master, miss, the thief was caught last night, tied up in a sack, and waits for the master to come back." Nanny Tai said.

"Catch it in!" Lian Yanqing ordered in a cold voice, and said.

Several guards came in carrying two sacks, and threw the sacks on the ground, while the people inside were still struggling feebly.

Xiao sneered coldly, and he didn't know which two unlucky ghosts were arrested as scapegoats, because there was no thief last night.

"Open the sack." Lian Yanqing's face was tense. If the news of the robbery in the Prime Minister's Mansion got out, he would really laugh out loud!

"Yes!" A few servant girls stepped forward, opened the sack, and lifted it vigorously, and the people inside rolled out——

When they saw the person who rolled out of the sack, everyone was shocked and shouted:
"Here, isn't this Miss San and Nanny Zhen? How did they become thieves?"

What?The smile on Xiao's face hadn't faded in time, after hearing this, she suddenly pushed aside the crowd and ran over to see, who were the two people lying on the ground, Lian Shiya and Nanny Zhen?

Nanny Zhen was drenched all over, her old face was dark purple, she moved occasionally like a fish on the verge of death.

And even Shiya was drenched all over, her hair was messily sticking to her bruised and swollen face, one of her two eyes was swollen, and there was blood under her cheekbones.After soaking in the water overnight, the makeup on her face was smeared, and she looked like a ferocious female ghost.

"Ah, how could it be the third sister? Aren't you catching thieves? Why did you arrest the third sister?" Lian Siyue asked with a look of surprise, blinking her eyes, but there was an imperceptible smile in the corner of her eyes.

"Ya'er!" Xiao Shi screamed, squatting on the ground quickly, "You, what's wrong with you? Who made you like this? Who?"

Lian Shiya tightly clenched Xiao Shi's hand, her lips were trembling constantly, she wanted to stand up, but her whole body hurt, and she didn't know whether it was numb after soaking in the water overnight, or her foot was injured, she just Stand up a little and slide down again.

"What's going on here? Is this why you caught the thief?" Seeing Lian Shiya's appearance, Lian Yanqing restrained his inner anger and asked in a cold voice. .

"I, I..." Lian Shiya wanted to speak, but because she was soaked in water overnight, her lips were dark and purple, trembling, and she couldn't speak a word from the cold.

"Come on, hurry up, bring the cloak over here!" Xiao Shi ordered, and quickly took the cloak and hugged her trembling body tightly.

Seeing this, Mother Lian frowned and ordered, "Go and make her a cup of hot tea!"

"Yes!" Soon, hot tea was brought over, and Xiao Shi hurriedly took it and fed it into Lian Shiya's stomach. I cried out in one cry!

"Woooo..." She was beaten by someone who put them in a sack last night, rained fists on her body, and then soaked in the cold pool water for a night, and almost died. She really Shocked and frightened, when did she experience such humiliation, "Mother, it hurts, my feet hurt, I can't stand up."

"Doctor Lu, where is Doctor Lu, come quickly and show Ya'er where the injury is. She said her foot hurts and she can't stand up." Xiao's face was pale, and she saw that Lian Shiya's ankle was bleeding and swollen. It is as tall as a steamed bun, and it makes you cry when you touch it.

Soon, Dr. Lu came over with a medicine box. He squatted beside Lian Shiya, and said, "Miss San has offended you." His maid took off Lian Shiya's shoes and put his hand on her ankle lightly. .

"Ah!" Lian Shiya immediately screamed in pain, tears streaming down her face, "Don't move, don't move, it hurts, it really hurts."

"Doctor Lu, how is it? Why is it in such pain?" Xiao's heart reached his throat.

Dr. Lu put Lian Shiya's feet down, with a heavy expression on his face, and said——

"Miss San's ankle bone is broken, and she didn't receive timely treatment after it was broken. Looking at the location of the broken bone, the injury has even moved. I'm afraid she will not be able to walk in the future..."

"What will happen?" Lian Shiya tightly grasped Dr. Lu's sleeve, and asked in a tight voice, her frightened and wide-eyed eyes made her look like a city.

"It will... It's inconvenient to walk." Doctor Lu replied as tactfully as possible.

"It's inconvenient to walk? This...what does it mean..." Xiao Shi asked with a paler face.

"This ankle bone is broken, it can't be connected, and it can't be completely closed, so you can't use all your strength when walking, and there will be one high and one low when you walk." Facing the lady and the third lady, Dr. Lu really said " Lame" can't be said.

"One high and one low? Doctor Lu means, will my third sister walk with a limp in the future?" Lian Siyue asked with a worried expression.

"Yes, it's possible." Dr. Lu looked up at Lian Shiya and said.

(End of this chapter)

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