First-class daughter

Chapter 341 Let go

Chapter 341 Let go
Chapter 341 Let go
"Did Yuejun Wang enter the palace to find his father?" Feng Yunzheng asked after noticing that his moon-like eyes were full of plunder.

"Yes." He wrote a ten-thousand-word confession letter to be presented to Emperor Zhou Cheng. He nodded and said, "Prince Heng, take your leave."

As he said that, he walked away quickly. When passing by Lian Siyue, he paused for a moment, raised his eyes, and looked at this cold-faced person, then turned around decisively and left quickly.

As soon as he left, the tender yellow petals of the Taipinghua in Lian Siyue's hands fell to the ground one by one.

The flowers on this branch were cut off by her.

Feng Yunzheng walked over quickly, took the bouquet with only branches left in her hand, put it aside, looked at her, and said, "It's okay, he's gone."

"I'm fine, I just happened to think of something, and I happened to see this person, he can't affect me now, I still want to watch him go to hell slowly, suffering the most miserable torture in the world!" Lian Siyue As he spoke, there was a trace of coldness in his eyes.

Knowing the secret of Feng Yunzheng's rebirth, she has nothing to hide anymore.

"You've suffered." Although he didn't see how she spent the last difficult days with his own eyes, before he died, Feng Qianyue said everything in order to anger him——

Knowing that she had gone through the excruciating pain of caesarean section, he felt even more distressed. He couldn't help holding her cold hand, wrapping his fingertips in his big palm to give her some warmth.

"Your Highness, do you know where my Le Yan went in the end?" Lian Siyue asked in a haunting voice, she found that her hatred for Feng Qianyue came not only from herself, but also from that pair of children, she Feel unfair for my own two children!
"Where did you go?"

"Lian Shiya said that they married her to the King of the Huns. She was only eight years old. I was the one who was sorry for her..." Lian Siyue felt that the air was cold as she spoke, but because she was in the palace, she Be restrained, don't cry, don't get excited.

"..." Feng Yunzheng's heart was hit hard, Le Yan, that child who looks almost the same as Yue'er, every time he sees him, he sweetly calls him Nine Emperor Uncle, Nine Emperor Uncle, " Yue'er, don't worry, I will avenge you."

His voice sounded extraordinarily calm, yet creepy.

Lian Jue was sitting on a rockery, wrapped in brocade robes, under the sunlight, there was an orange streamer all over his body, the long and narrow eyelashes formed a curve under the eyelids, his eyes blinked slightly, and the obsidian-like pupils glowed slightly. A trace of hesitation.

He leaned on the rockery, as if admiring the beautiful scenery in front of him, but what really caught his eyes were the two people not far away——

In fact, he had already seen His Royal Highness Jiu's feelings for his sister. He didn't remember when he saw it, but he felt it unconsciously.

His heart throbbed slightly, and he slowly closed his eyes, letting the sunlight fall on his body.

"Kang Lang..." At this time, a voice suddenly came from somewhere behind him, accompanied by a soft calling. This voice...was a little familiar.

With two long legs, he jumped down from the rockery, turned around, and was stunned when he saw the situation in front of him——

I saw that a girl in front of me probably bumped into something accidentally, the dishes in the basket fell to the ground, and the vegetables and docks were smashed all over the floor.

She squatted on the ground crying angrily, and even slapped herself, saying, "Feng Lingyue, you are such a waste, useless at all, and you can't even serve a dish well, you might as well die."

Wiping her tears, she looked distressedly at the plate of chicken and some steamed buns that she finally got from the imperial dining room.

Crying, wiped away tears again, reached out to pick up the steamed buns.

When her hand was about to touch the steamed bun, she saw a hand reaching out, silently picked up the steamed bun, and broke off the leaves stuck to it with her hand.

Princess Eleven was taken aback for a moment, and raised her head. When she saw this face that caught her eyes, she was taken aback for a moment, and her heart trembled——


Lian Jue didn't speak, picked up the steamed buns one by one, blew them clean with his mouth, put them back on a plate, and handed the plate to Princess Eleven, saying:

"Chicken is no longer available, but steamed buns are still available."

Lian Jue looked at the Eleventh Princess, she was no longer wearing the luxurious princess dress, she had changed into a plain one, the original gorgeous jewelry on her head was only a simple nobile, and The backs of those hands, which were as soft as white jade, were somewhat dark.

Sensing Lian Jue's gaze, Eleventh Princess hastily withdrew her hands behind her back, looked away, and said, "Why did you enter the palace?"

"The imperial concubine saved my mother, my sister and I went into the palace to thank the imperial concubine." Lian Jue pretended not to see her panic, and put the plate into the basket lightly.

"Oh, so that's the case. What's wrong with your mother? Are you okay now?" Princess Eleven dared not look at Lian Jue, her voice was a little trembling, her eyes were full of tears, but she struggled to hold back the tears Falling.

"She was frightened in the mansion, and she became pregnant. She is fine now and is recuperating. Thank you for your concern." There was no disturbance in Lian Jue's tone, and he just narrated the real situation calmly.

However, he stretched out his hand and took her hand that was hidden behind her. The Eleventh Princess retreated instinctively, but Lian Jue did not let go, and pulled her hand out with a little effort, put it in his palm, and then With his sleeves, he wiped off the dirty black things on the back of her hands bit by bit.

Princess Eleven moved her fingertips, but in the end they didn't move any more. Lian Jue lowered her head and wiped them carefully without blinking her eyes. One, finally revealing that pair of clean jade hands.

"Your clothes are dirty." She looked at her clean hands, pointed to Lian Jue's sleeves, and said.

"It's okay, just wash it." He put down his sleeves, "Where's your maid?" He found that what she was doing now should have been done by a court lady.

The Eleventh Princess bowed her head after hearing this, and said, "I don't know, maybe I was sent to another place. Oh, yes, Lian Jue, I can't tell you anymore, I should go."

Saying that, she covered the basket and carried it in her wrist and was about to leave, but she couldn't move it. When she lowered her head, only Lian Jue held down her basket with her hands. She was taken aback, and looked up at Lian Jue, I saw that Lian Jue was looking at him, reddened in his resolute eyes.

"Lian Jue..." She tugged, but she couldn't move her basket. There was a strong determination in Lian Jue's movements.

The tears that Princess Eleven had endured for a long time finally welled up in her eyes. She cried and said, "Lian Jue, I know what you are thinking, but please let go, you can't change anything."

(End of this chapter)

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