Chapter 350
Chapter 350
She looked around and listened to the sound. The young master had gone out. She walked quickly to his desk, and first glanced at the words Lian Jue had just written. The ink stain, she was startled, and quickly put the thing back in place.

Then, she bowed her waist and looked out cautiously, but no one had come in yet, so she continued to rummage quickly.

Finally, after opening the drawer and flipping through it several times, Hongyu found a stack of folded papers at the bottom of the drawer. This stack of papers seemed to be a secret, hidden in the most private place by the owner. Pick it up, unfold it and look over quickly.

She can't read much, but she can see that there is a "month" on each paper in this stack of papers, and she is suddenly overjoyed——

They all have a word of one month, so it has something to do with the eldest lady?

The wife asked her to spy on the young master secretly, and report immediately if she found anything, but she has been monitoring for more than a month, and everything about the young master seems normal, and she has not found any inappropriate behavior towards the young lady.

Today, she finally discovered something strange, and now, it's time for a job.

She hurriedly took out one and put it inside her sleeve, then restored everything on the desk, and walked out with a beating heart, pretending to be nothing had happened.


"Ma'am, this is what the servant girl of the Wenhua Academy secretly handed to the maid while she was washing the room, and she said that it must be handed over to Madam." Bai Wei handed the folded paper to Gone, and said.

Xiao hurriedly took it over, opened it, her frowning brows slowly relaxed, and when she saw the private seal on the paper, an extremely pleasant smile appeared on her face ——

"Has anyone found out that you have been in contact?"

"No, that girl is very cautious." Bai Wei said.

"Hehe, there is a hundred secrets but one sparseness. The last thing people can control is their own feelings, especially the feeling that can't be expressed, the more they can't express it, the more serious their inner emotions are! When a person has an idea in his heart, no matter how well he hides it, he will sometimes relax. This is a love poem, hehe, Lianjue, Lianjue, it’s not in vain. I spent more than a month, and finally found the clues!"

"The other side said that it's not just this one, there are about 40 more, but I only took one of them because I was afraid of being discovered, and the rest will be arranged by my wife." Bai Wei continued.

"Tell her, don't act rashly for the time being, continue to monitor Lian Jue, and keep it in mind if you find anything, and don't be found out, wait for my wife's order." The smile on Xiao's face deepened, and she stared at the love poem in her hand , said coldly——

"Traveling outside the sword and learning far away, without a home and clothes. Passing through the night sky and moon, returning to the dream of mandarin ducks, hehe, what a night sky, mandarin ducks. Lianjue, Lianjue, I never imagined that your heart is so dark Dirty, I can even write a love letter to my own sister, but thanks to you, I have this excellent opportunity to let everyone, including the emperor, know the true colors of your siblings. Knowing that Rong Xue gave birth to two such vile beasts!"

Because he has some evidence that Lian Jue likes Lian Siyue, Xiao is in a good mood.

However, after a while, she couldn't laugh anymore!

Because, after Lian Shiya's foot recovered, she really suffered from lameness. The ankle bone of her left foot was broken, and the hamstring was broken. When she walked, she seemed to be short. Became a cripple!
When Lian Shiya got off the bed and walked two steps, she realized that something was wrong, and Xiao Shi also looked terrified.

"Mother, mother, what's going on? I...I walk crookedly, why don't I look like before!" Lian Shiya stood where she was, her face was pale, her expression was terrified, and sweat was dripping from her forehead. She didn't take a step. If he dared to move, his eyes turned red and he was about to cry.

"Ya, Ya'er... it may be that you have been lying on the bed for so many days, and then... you are a little rusty in walking, don't worry, just take a few more steps." Xiao hurriedly stepped forward and supported Lian Shi Ya, encourage her to take a few more steps.

"..." Lian Shiya clenched her lower lip, trembling all over, raised her foot tremblingly, and took two steps forward——

Still like this!

Still one high and one low, one bump and one limp.

Xiao Shi supported Lian Shiya's hand, her fingertips were pale and her breathing was heavy.

"..." The expression on Lian Shiya's face became even more terrified. She stood still and did not dare to move, "Mother, mother... Take a look at my feet, what should I do? I will walk in the future What should I do? Huh, huh..." She said, her body went limp, and she collapsed on the ground, crying loudly, looking very embarrassed.

"Ya'er, your feet are really lame!" Xiao Shi had to admit this fact. When she said these words, she only felt that a knife had been cut across her throat, and she couldn't express the pain. Come on.

"No! No! I don't want it! I am the most beautiful daughter of the Lian family. Everyone says that Lian Shiya is one of the most beauties in Kyoto. When people see me, they are always amazed by me and look at me intently. I... How can I become a cripple, how will I go out in the future, how will I dance in the future, who else will want me?" Lian Shiya cried bitterly, hysterical, crying heartbroken!

What she is most proud of is her beauty, but now, she has become a bad person, what is the difference between this and a useless person.

"Ya'er, Ya'er..." Xiao felt that her heart had been pricked countless times. She used to think that what she was most proud of in her life was to give birth to a daughter as beautiful as Lian Shiya, who attracted everyone in the capital to flock to her. , but now, he has become a lame man!
"Lian Siyue! You bitch! It's you who hurt me! You're the one who hurt me!" Suddenly, Lian Shiya got up from the ground, dragged a broken leg, and staggered to the side of the dressing table , grabbed the sharp pair of scissors, she looked like she was crazy, and her eyes revealed a terrifying emotion!

She held the scissors in her hand, hid behind her back, limped, and ran outside——

"Ya'er, Ya'er..." Xiao Shi panicked and quickly followed.

"Bang!" Lian Shiya forgot that she was a cripple, and wanted to walk faster, but she couldn't keep up, so she fell to the ground suddenly with a plop, and the scissors in her hand fell out.

However, she was not discouraged, she crawled over, picked up the scissors again, then stumbled, leaning on the wall and walked out——

She couldn't swallow this breath, she couldn't control so much!

Today, she must kill Lian Siyue!

Even if you can't kill her, you have to cut her face with the sharp scissors in your hand!

(End of this chapter)

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