Chapter 359
Chapter 359
Thoughts flashed in Xiao He's eyes, and he recalled the conversation between the Thirteenth Princess and Imperial Physician Liang just now at the gate of the imperial hospital, and seeing her longing and shy expression, he suppressed the emotion on his face and hid it deeply. In his heart, he smiled slightly, nodded, and said, "What does the princess want me to do?"

Feng Tangyao jumped for joy, with a joyful expression on her face, she said, "You agreed?"

Xiao He nodded, "Please tell me, princess."

"I've always been in poor health, can you teach me how to practice swords? I really want to learn." Feng Tangyao looked at him expectantly and asked.

"Princess wants to learn, I obey." Xiao He said.

"Then it's settled." Feng Tangyao said happily, "Tell me, what weapon should I use? Knife? Sword? Are you going to the weapon room to choose now?"

"Princess, I have important matters to attend to today, let's start tomorrow." Xiao He said.

"Okay, then it's settled!" Feng Tangyao didn't expect Xiao He to agree to her request so easily, before he was still very alienated from her.

"The humble minister will leave first." Xiao He saluted, turned and left, and when he turned around, the smile on his face froze on his face——

After leaving the palace, Xiao He went straight to Xiao Guofu. As soon as he entered the door, he heard Xiao Zhenhai laughing loudly, saying, "Those soldiers searched for two full hours at the bottom of the cliff but failed to find His Highness Ninth Prince and Lian Siyue. There is a fast-moving river at the bottom, and a shoe of Lian Siyue was found by the river, and there were bloodstains on the stone, it seems that these two people were swept away by the river."

"Father, what if they are not dead?" Xiao Hu said.

"Don't worry, how could the Fourth Highness miss such a good opportunity? He will definitely kill these two people. I also secretly sent people to track them down. Once found, no matter what method is used, they will be killed on the spot." Xiao Zhenhai's cunning old man There was the most comfortable smile on his face these days.

"These two people really deserve to die for causing big brother to be like this, and they deserve to die!" Xiao Hu said coldly.

As soon as Xiao Zhenhai raised his head, seeing Xiao He outside the door was about to leave, his expression darkened immediately, and he said, "Stop."

Xiao He turned around, walked in, nodded and said, "Father."

Xiao Zhenhai stared at this son closely, and asked, "Did you go to see Princess Eleven just now?"

"Yes." Xiao He said.

"Bastard!" Xiao Zhenhai slammed the chair, stood up, and said angrily, "The eleventh princess is now a princess who has been relegated to the cold palace. It is too late for others to hide, and she is of no use to our Xiao family. You didn't avoid it far away, and even ran to the palace to meet her, do you want to get into trouble?"

"Father!" Xiao He raised his head abruptly, "I, Xiao He, is a great general of Tianbao. I have killed countless enemies with swords and swords on the battlefield. I never thought of using a woman."

"No matter what you think as a father, in short, Princess Eleven is a bastard right now, you don't want to touch it, the farther away you are, the better!" Xiao Zhenhai sat down and said harshly.

"The emperor has betrothed her to me!" Xiao He said.

"Are you serious? That was when she was the daughter of the lord of the harem. Now that the queen has become useless, she is no longer a golden branch and jade leaf. You don't need to worry about this marriage anymore. As a father, you will find a way to get the emperor to dissolve it." This marriage contract will find a new wife for you. You are General Tianbao and a marquis, your wife must match you." Xiao Zhenhai made a decisive decision.


"Okay, okay, second brother, you just came back from a big event today, go to rest first, don't rush this matter for a while, let's talk about it later." Seeing that Xiao He was about to contradict Xiao Zhenhai, Xiao Hu hurriedly stepped forward to interrupt After listening to his words, he pulled him out.

"Second brother, what's wrong with you? Why are you contradicting your father everywhere?" Xiao Hu asked after leaving the front hall before letting go of his hand.

Xiao He didn't speak, he quickened his pace and walked towards his room.

"Hey, second brother..." Xiao Hu hurriedly followed up, "You, you don't really like the eleventh princess, do you? You used to listen to your father very much and never talked back, but today you have said it several times. Talk back and refuse to listen to your father."

Xiao He turned his head and glanced at Xiao Hu. Xiao Hu was taken aback for a moment, stopped in his tracks, and watched helplessly as the second brother disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Yuejun Palace.

Feng Qianyue stood behind the desk, with his back facing the outside, with his hands on his body, and Ying Kong stood behind him with his head bowed, not knowing what his master was thinking at this moment.

After a long time, he said:
"Your Highness, I haven't found any traces of His Highness Ninth Highness and Miss Lian's family, but I found this by the river, and it should have fallen from Missy's body."

Feng Qianyue turned her head slowly, her eyes fell on Ying Kong's palm, which held a gold hairpin inlaid with nine fine pearls——

On the top of the white pearl, some mottled bloodstains can be vaguely seen. This should be the blood left on her head. It is impossible for her to fall from the cliff without protection. Broken limbs.

He stretched out his hand, took the white pearl and gold hairpin, put it in his palm, looked at it carefully, his eyes slowly narrowed slightly, his eye sockets were a little hot, and his eye circles couldn't help turning red.

"The general guesses that His Highness Ninth Prince and Missy were washed away by the river, and His Highness Eighth Prince is looking for them."

Feng Qianyue clasped his palms, and held the golden hairpin in his palm, with a piercing chill in his eyes, his voice seemed to come from hell, and he said, "Continue to send people to look for them, and we must find them before they do." People, remember, after you find it, kill both of them together."

"Is the eldest lady killed too?" Ying Kong was startled and asked.

Feng Qianyue's eyes became farther away, and his voice became colder, and he said, "This king originally wanted to take her for his own use and marry her as a concubine, but she just wanted to join forces with the Ninth Emperor and beat me repeatedly. If that’s the case, don’t stay, just kill.”

"Yes, the general will obey." Ying Kong took the order, turned and left.

"Wait." Feng Qianyue called out, "Don't let them die together."

"Yes, I will understand in the end." Ying Kong left quickly.

Feng Qianyue took a piece of white silk from the chair, and wiped off the blood on the white pearl hairpin bit by bit with a blank face, the pearls were white and translucent.

He placed the golden hairpin on a corner of the desk, as if it were a treasure of art.

He looked at the golden hairpin like he was looking at Lian Siyue, and said, "I once said that even if I go to hell, I will take you with me, but you refuse. Actually, if you are willing to be with me, I will It will make you the happiest person in the world, and since you refuse, and I don't want to see you with others, I can only kill you."

(End of this chapter)

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