First-class daughter

Chapter 362 No Mistake

Chapter 362 No Mistake
Chapter 362 No Mistake
"Girl, are you sure? Patrinia can not be used indiscriminately, if used wrongly, it will damage the body, and the consequences will be disastrous." The uncle hesitated.

"I'm very sure that someone I knew before was also poisoned by this kind of poison. I decocted the medicine for him at the time, so I remember it very clearly." Lian Siyue said with certainty. The more you work hard, the better it is, you know a lot of secrets, and now this secret has saved His Highness the Ninth Prince.

"Okay, I'll let the old lady cook the medicine again, you can drink this bowl of porridge." Lian Siyue's firm tone convinced the uncle.

"Okay, thank you." Lian Siyue nodded and said.

Half an hour later, the aunt came in with the medicine, and Lian Siyue sat aside, watching the aunt feed the medicine into Feng Yunzheng's mouth little by little, and then secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Her eyes fell on Feng Yunzheng's face, and she prayed secretly in her heart——

Ninth Highness, wake up quickly.

In the previous life, each suffered from suffering and was powerless to help each other. In this life, it is a gift from God to overcome difficulties together.

"Hmm..." At this moment, the person on the bed moaned unconsciously.

Lian Siyue raised her hand and touched his forehead, her heart trembled suddenly, oh, it's so hot!Then I touched the position of the chest, it was hot too!
"Master, master..." She tried to calm herself down and opened her mouth to shout.

"Girl, what's the matter?" The uncle hurriedly opened the door curtain and walked in.

"He's very hot, please help me prepare the antipyretic prescription." Lian Siyue said hastily.

The uncle raised his hand and touched his forehead, and said, "Oops, did you use the wrong medicine? I took the prescription three times before, and there was no fever in my body. Why did I burn immediately after taking a bowl of medicine? And you Look, he's shaking."

"...No, the prescription can't be wrong." Lian Siyue believed in her memory very much, "Unless..." She bit her lower lip, "It's not the poison of the person I know."

Could it be that she guessed wrong, Feng Qianyue didn't do it?At that time, Feng Qianyue was poisoned, and there was no fever after taking medicine.

However, she had a strong premonition that this method was too similar to Feng Qianyue!

"The consequences of using the wrong medicine are unimaginable. Now I can only use ordinary antipyretic prescriptions to see if it can relieve the fever." The uncle looked serious, and hurriedly walked out to prepare the medicine.

"Auntie, please give me warm water and a handkerchief." Lian Siyue said as she regained her composure and confidence after getting rid of her initial panic.

"Okay, girl." Soon the aunt brought warm water in a hurry, and Lian Siyue threw the handkerchief into the warm water, wrung it dry with one hand, then lifted the quilt off Feng Yunzheng's body, and used the warm water towel She wiped his hot body over and over again, tirelessly. Her eyes were always calm and her face was calm.

Then, antipyretic medicine was also brought in and fed.

"Girl, why don't you go and rest first, and let me come here." Seeing that Siyue didn't even stop for a moment, the aunt said.

"It's okay, ma'am, I'm not tired, it's already late, you go and rest first." Lian Siyue wiped his face gently with a veil and said.

However, after drinking this medicine, the heat on his body did not subside, but became hotter and hotter, and the skin on his face and body began to flush a little, and he kept muttering to himself, except for occasionally hearing Apart from one or two clear "Yue'er", I couldn't hear what he was talking about.

"Girl, what should we do now? He seems to be getting more and more unconscious?" The uncle said from the side, his voice sounded a bit heavy.

Lian Siyue looked at Feng Yunzheng, who was frowning tightly, secretly squeezed the hand holding the handkerchief, and said, "He will be fine." There was a bit of firmness in her voice, and she believed in her own judgment.

She continued to wipe his face and arms without saying a word. After working for a long time, she finally fell into a drowsy sleep in front of the bed. Until dawn, the eyelashes of the person on the bed finally moved——

"Yue'er!" Feng Yunzheng shouted Lian Siyue's name, opened his eyes suddenly and woke up, suddenly he felt a splitting headache, raised his hand to touch his head, and took a deep breath air conditioner.

He turned his head and saw someone lying down next to him and fell asleep——

At this moment, she closed her eyes, her eyelashes were like a thick fan, covering the lower eyelids, he looked so quiet, there were still a few wet bloodstains on his white and flawless face, he was wearing a blue coarse cloth shirt, a The bare hands with white skin like jade grasped his sheets tightly, even in the dream, the subordinates were still exerting force, and the fingertips turned white.

It's Yue'er!
Feng Yunzheng looked at the person he saw when he opened his eyes, a gratified smile appeared on his face, and he breathed a sigh of relief——

Great, they're all still alive!

He looked around, only to realize that he was in a simple room, the furnishings in the room, and the sheets on his body were very simple.

He propped up his body and wanted to sit up, only to find a pain in his waist, and he couldn't move for a while.He simply stopped moving and rolled down the cliff, his body must have been injured and it will take a while to recover.

He looked at Lian Siyue's sleeping face. On her delicate and beautiful face, her eyebrows were slender and picturesque. Under her tall and pretty nose, her small mouth was as full as a cherry. Melancholy, the whole person exudes a cold and lonely temperament.

She didn't know what she dreamed about in the dream, her eyelashes moved, and her cherry mouth was pursed, as if waiting for the master to pick it.

Feng Yunzheng's heart twitched slightly, as if a butterfly flapped its wings and skipped over the tip of his heart, causing a strong throbbing, and a hot fire spread all over his body.

He raised his hand involuntarily, caressed her lips, and traced her lips.

Lian Siyue in her sleep felt a breeze blowing on her cheeks, she couldn't help frowning, opened her eyes, and suddenly a face with picturesque eyebrows was in front of her eyes, she seemed to see a flash of panic in those eyes. , as if caught doing something bad.

Her heart trembled, she didn't think too much, she sat up suddenly, and said in surprise, "Your Highness, are you awake? Are you awake?"

"Yes, I'm awake." Feng Yunzheng said, his obsidian-like eyes flickered, revealing a layer of mist.

"Great! I'm not mistaken, the poison you have been poisoned by Feng Qianyue." Lian Siyue's voice trembled, the heart that had been hanging in the air was finally let go, and her face Showed a happy smile.

She quickly reached out to touch his forehead——

"It's not hot anymore, it's back down. It seems that everyone's body is different. The fever you experienced yesterday is a side effect between your body and the prescription."

At this moment, she is happy like a child.

She looked up, stared blankly, looked at Feng Yunzheng puzzled, and said, "Your Highness, the fever has subsided, why is your face still so red?"

(End of this chapter)

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