First-class daughter

Chapter 369 Binding Ruby

Chapter 369 Binding Ruby
Chapter 369 Binding Ruby
"No need, just leave this kind of thing to the servants, you can chat with me here, I am a little bored when I am pregnant." Xiao raised her hand and stopped Aunt Ling, with a smile on her face ,road.


Fu'an Hospital.

Lian Siyue and Lian Jue stayed here for dinner.

Now that the three-month pregnancy period has passed, the eldest lady's body is much stronger, and the doctor Rong comes to check her pulse every once in a while to protect her pregnancy. More nursing homes were established to protect the eldest lady's comprehensiveness.

"Yue'er, your hands are all healed, are they still hurting?" Da Furen scooped up a bowl of bone soup for Lian Siyue and asked with concern.

"Mother, I'm all healed, don't worry, it's just a scratch." Lian Siyue raised her hand, lifted it up, and said.

The eldest lady frowned, and said, "It's so dangerous. I fell off a cliff, and when I came back, there were injuries everywhere. You said it was just a scratch. You child, I really don't know what to say about you. There is such a girl family who is not afraid of pain or death."

The eldest lady lived in seclusion and didn't know that Lian Siyue was being hunted down, and always thought she fell down accidentally.

"Mother, who said I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of death, I don't want to die at all, I want to live to be a hundred years old." Lian Siyue said with a smile.

"You child, if I tell you this, you just say that, I'm really worried to death, I will grow up next year, I really don't know which young master would dare to marry you home." The eldest lady was pitiful and loving typical.

After hearing this, Lian Siyue's hand holding the chopsticks trembled slightly, Ganqing's mother didn't know the emperor's idea yet, how dare Lian Yanqing accept anyone's marriage proposal.

"Mother, don't blame my sister. It's all Jue'er's fault. She called her out to ride a horse, but failed to protect her and caused her to suffer so much." After that day, he studied hard and practiced hard every day, and he refused to slack off even a single day.

"Hey, my heart is beating thumpingly, thinking about whether it will be better when you get married." The eldest lady caressed her heart and said.

"Okay, okay, am I okay now? Mother, Jue'er, don't worry anymore, eat quickly, I want to eat up all the delicious food." Lian Siyue bowed her head and drank soup.

After coming out of Fu'an Courtyard, Lian Jue sent Lian Siyue all the way back to Xianhe Courtyard, and then went back to Wenhua Courtyard, and Lian Siyue told him to rest earlier.

After Lian Jue left, Jiang Xiang brought a water glass as before, handed it to Lian Siyue, and said, "Miss, drink some water."

"Ahem..." At this moment, Qing Dai who came in with the washbasin coughed twice.

"Are you sick?" Lian Siyue asked.

"Miss, my throat has been a little uncomfortable for the past two days, I don't know why." Qing Dai coughed twice as she said.

"Then don't stay here to wait, go back and rest first." Lian Siyue said.

"Yes, the servant will leave." Qing Dai said, and couldn't help but glance at Jiang Xiang, with a complex look in her eyes.

And Jiang Xiang stood behind Lian Siyue, took off the golden hairpin on her head, didn't notice Qing Dai's glance at all, and there was a slight smile on her lips.

Qingdai coughs because she is allergic to peanuts, and she coughs after eating peanuts, but Jiangxiang secretly added peanut water to her meals a few days ago, just to distract her.

It now appears that it was successful.

"Jiangxiang, wait for me to rest tonight." Lian Siyue ordered while looking at the book in her hand, never taking her eyes off the scroll.

"Yes, slaves obey."

After letting Lian Siyue loosen her hair, Jiang Xiang asked her to wash her face and wipe her hands, then helped her into the inner room and lay down on the bed.

After covering Lian Siyue with a quilt, she lit a small stick of incense in the room. Because Lian Siyue was often awakened by nightmares, Leng Mei reported to His Highness Nine, and His Highness asked Leng Mei to bring back a piece of incense. An incense that soothes the nerves, she often goes to bed after lighting the incense.

just today-

Jiang Xiang secretly glanced back at the person on the bed, she looked very tired, she had closed her eyes and fell asleep.

She turned her head and continued to light the incense—

Miss, today's incense has some ingredients added to it, which will make you sleep more deeply, so you should have a good rest.

After lighting the incense, Xiangxiang stood outside the door dutifully like a normal vigil, until Lian Siyue fell into a deep sleep, then she closed the door and stood outside, waiting for Xiao's signal.

Back at the Wenhua Academy, Lian Jue did not rest immediately, but continued to read military books.

After a while, Hongyu opened the door and came in, walked to the desk, and asked, "Master, you are going to study late again tonight."

"Hmm." He said without even raising his head.

"Young master studies late into the night every day. It's really hard work. This is the tonic that the eldest lady asked the servant to bring over two days ago, and let the servant stew it for you." Hongyu said, placing a bowl of soup in front of Lianjue.

"Put it down, drink it later." Lian Jue continued to flip through the military book.

"This is what the eldest lady ordered, the young master must drink it." Hongyu walked a few steps, looked a little worried, then turned around and said.

She pretended to go out, but then sneaked around and returned to the door, lying furtively outside the door, closely watching Lian Jue's every move, thinking in her mind, if the young master doesn't drink this soup what to do
I saw that Lian Jue first flipped through the military book, and after reading it, he closed the book again, and then began to write.

Seeing the heat of the soup slowly disappearing, Hongyu felt anxious, and couldn't help whispering, "Master, you should drink it quickly."

After Lian Jue finished writing a page, he finally picked up the bowl of soup, lowered his head, scooped up the soup one mouthful, and drank it. The spoon touched the bowl and made a slight sound.

"Finally drank..." Hongyu heaved a sigh of relief, and now she is going to report to Mrs. Xiao.

With a smile on her face, she turned around, but unexpectedly bumped into a wall of flesh. She was startled, and suddenly looked up——

Yes, it was Luzhi, the enigmatic maid beside the eldest lady.

"Green, girl Luzhi, why are you here now? The young master is practicing calligraphy."

Leng Mei gave her a cold look, moved away, Hongyu saw the person behind her, and was so frightened that her soul was about to come out.

I saw that the eldest lady stood there like a ghost as cold as the moon, looking at her with a cold face, as if she wanted to kill her.

"Miss, Miss..." Her voice was trembling, she quickly lowered her head, not daring to take another look.

But at this time, the door creaked, and Lian Jue's figure appeared at the door, examining her with cold eyes, Hongyu was shocked, didn't he just see the young master drinking the soup?how……

"Tie her up!" Lian Siyue ordered.

"Yes!" The mother-in-law headed by Nanny Tai tied up the red jade with a few strokes.

(End of this chapter)

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