First-class daughter

Chapter 388 Leaving the Xiao Family

Chapter 388 Leaving the Xiao Family
Chapter 388 Leaving the Xiao Family
"Third sister, I can't be the master of this... elder sister." Lian Siyue showed a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Lian Siyue, don't you want to play any tricks, let my aunt in quickly." Xiao Shan was filled with hatred when he saw Lian Siyue, wishing to kill her with a sword. Although there was no evidence, he must have tricked him into writing a letter to the emperor She was the one who disrespected the article.

"Being rude to my sister, don't blame me for being rude." Lian Jue immediately defended Lian Siyue and confronted Xiao Shan.

Xiao He saw that there were more and more people onlookers, all pointing and discussing, and thought, if this entanglement continued, it would not help the matter, and it would be a great harm to the reputation of the aunt in the sedan chair and the weeping cousin .

I thought that the Lian family would at least let them enter the door before talking, but they didn't expect to block people at the door to prevent them from entering.

"Let my aunt go in first, if this continues, it will hurt both sides, and it will be of no benefit to anyone." He said to Lian Siyue.

"My grandmother has been feeling unwell recently, so I invited the master to come here to do the practice. The master said that those people with unknown horoscopes must not approach. Before, Mrs. Mo An had done a fortune-telling for Mrs. Xiao. The whole body is possessed by ghosts, for the safety of my grandmother, Young Master, I can only apologize, I can't let her in." Lian Siyue showed a trace of regret on his face.

"Lian Siyue, don't deceive others too much, I'm coming today, I'm afraid you didn't tell the old lady and the prime minister about it at all, if they knew, would you let your siblings come at the gate of the prime minister's mansion? "Xiao Xianmin who was in the sedan chair couldn't bear it any longer, lifted the curtain of the sedan chair, got out of the sedan chair, walked to the front, and said angrily.

However, as soon as she came out, all the onlookers were pointing at her, and Xi Xishui didn't say a single nice word, her face immediately turned pale, and she couldn't help covering her face with a handkerchief.

Lian Siyue raised her brows slightly, raised a smile from the corner of her eyes, and said, "Since you said so, why don't you just wait at this door and tell your father when he gets down, Jue'er and I can't make this decision." , Jue’er, let’s go in and close the door!”

"Yes, sister!" Lian Jue raised his head and smiled, and said loudly, "Close the door!"

"Eldest sister, Lian Jue, you..." Lian Shiya saw that Lian Siyue and Lian Jue had already crossed the threshold, she was in a hurry, and quickly chased after her loudly, shouting.

Lian Jue stopped, turned around, put his hands on his chest, and asked, "Do you want to wait here together, or go in the door, if you want to go in, you have to hurry up, it's about to close."

Seeing the two servants pushing the two doors and closing them slowly, Lian Shiya was taken aback, took a step forward, and looked back at Xiao Shi——

"Mom!" After shouting, she gritted her teeth and walked in before the door closed.

Only a heavy voice was heard, and the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion was finally closed. Four guards with knives were guarding the gate, with piercing eyes!
"Lian Siyue is already difficult enough, and now Lian Jue is like this, second brother, what do you think we should do now." Xiao Shan asked with teeth itching with hatred.

"Go home!" Xiao He turned his head and got on his horse with a cold face.

"He'er..." Seeing that Xiao He was about to go back home, Xiao Xianmin became anxious.

"Aunt, Lian Siyue and Lian Jue have made it clear that they won't let you in. Come back with each other, I'm afraid the result will be earlier, so get on the sedan chair." Xiao He said, without stopping, he jumped on the horse with long legs back.

Xiao Xianmin knew that this was the end of the matter, so she had no choice but to return to the sedan chair, and when she entered the sedan chair, she was trembling with anger——


She heard Lian Siyue say that the old man was unwell twice just now, it seems that the "big gift" she gave the old man has worked.

She finally felt a little better.

All the way back to Xiao's house, Xiao Zhenhai sat in the main hall, seeing the sedan chair being carried back, his face was gloomy, Xiao He stepped forward, nodded, and said, "Father, I failed to send my aunt back."

"It's all because of Lian Siyue and Lian Jue, who blocked the door and refused to let in, and humiliated my aunt in every possible way, attracting people to watch and talk about it." Xiao Shan who came in afterward said indignantly.

At this time, Xiao Xianmin got off the sedan chair, walked in the door tremblingly with her head down, and said, "Brother, I... am back."

Xiao Zhenhai's face became even colder and gloomy, without saying a word.

"Father, in my opinion..." Xiao Hu glanced at Xiao Xianmin, and said, "The Lian family will not plan to take my aunt home, otherwise, they would not let those two siblings mess around in public."

Xiao Xianmin listened, and wiped away tears with a handkerchief, "Even Siyue deceived people too much, and said in public that I am the lone star of Tiansha, possessed by ghosts all over my body, now, the whole capital will spread the word."

Xiao Zhenhai raised his hand and said, "The three of you go down first."

"Yes, Father." The three brothers of the Xiao family clasped their fists and retreated one by one, leaving Xiao Xianmin alone. She tightened the veil tightly, and suddenly an ominous premonition arose in her heart——

"Brother..." She raised her eyes, tears flushed, "Sister would never have imagined that she would be reduced to what she is today, and let my brother, who is the Duke of the country, worry about me. Lian Siyue is too vicious, step by step Hurt my sister like this."

"It wasn't Lian Siyue who harmed you, it was you who were so stupid." Xiao Zhenhai said.

"..." Xiao Xianmin was at a loss for words.

Xiao Zhenhai said, "Now, I can't keep you in Xiao's house anymore."

"What..." Xiao Xianmin suddenly raised her head when she heard this, and looked at Xiao Zhenhai in disbelief, "Brother, you... what do you mean, are you going to drive me away?"

Xiao Zhenhai pursed his lips and didn't speak, which was regarded as tacit consent.

Xiao Xianmin's face was full of tears, and said, "Brother, you and I have depended on each other since we were young. We have suffered so much, but we have always relied on each other. At the beginning, my brother asked me to enter the Lian family as a concubine. My sister, I was arrogant and refused As a concubine, you asked me to say that as long as you seize the real power in the Houzhai, and then squeeze out the daughter of the Rong family step by step, I will replace her, and you will no longer be a concubine. My sister believed my brother's words and became Lian Yanqing's concubine. plan is going on.

I tried my best to please the old lady. In order to keep the master's heart, I tried my best. I even drugged Rong Xue to make her die unseen. I still... I still...

Seeing that I was about to succeed, however, Lian Siyue, who was played by me in the applause, came back after staying in Yaocheng for two months, but he seemed to be a different person. I lost consecutively, until today .

Brother, now that the Xiao family is well, I'm embarrassed, can it be that my brother can only share hardships with my sister, but can't share joys and sorrows?elder brother……"

Xiao Xianmin said tearfully, her body limp on the ground.

Xiao Zhenhai sighed, and said, "Xian Min, brother won't ignore you, but now Xiaoshan, Xiaohe and Xiaohu have reached the age of marriage, especially Xiaoshan, who was too old to get married in order to take the number one prize.

(End of this chapter)

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