Chapter 393
Chapter 393
Lian Siyue looked out of the boat with thoughtful eyes, and her gaze fell on the pink peach blossom forest, and the corner of her eye was actually observing the deck of the boat.

Slowly, a smile appeared on her face, because she saw that the water had flowed from the aft compartment and began to overflow the boat, and the hull had shaken slightly.

Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at her. Against the backdrop of the warm sun, her peach petals in the spring of March are dazzling, her skin is like white snow, and her eyebrows are like distant daisy. It seems that the orchid once raised in the empty valley finally bloomed the most beautiful Flowers make people unable to move their eyes away.

Emperor Zhou Cheng couldn't help lifting his foot, walked in front of her, stretched out his hand, intending to land on her cheek.

"Ah, Your Majesty, look, look at the ground!" However, just as he stretched out his hand, suddenly, Lian Siyue screamed in panic, stepped back in fright, and leaned back against the board of the boat, Looking at the ground in horror.

Emperor Zhou Cheng was stunned, and looked down, the water had already covered the sole of his shoe, and soon, it covered the upper of the shoe!
The cabin is flooded!
Emperor Zhou Cheng's heart trembled suddenly. This was built by the Ministry of Industry under his special order. How could water leak in suddenly, and the water level was rising faster and faster.

Something wrong with the boat?
"Your Majesty, is the ship broken?" Lian Siyue turned pale for a while, and ran to the window quickly, opened the curtain of the cabin, and saw that the water had already covered the deck, "What to do, what to do, Your Majesty, Will we sink, will the boat capsize?" She suddenly lowered the curtain, and looked at Zhou Chengdi with a cold face incoherently in fright.

"Don't panic! Come here!" Emperor Zhou Cheng frowned and ordered loudly, his voice seemed a little tense, and even Si Yue was so nervous that he could hardly breathe.

"Your Majesty, my servant is here..." However, the boat had already swam to the center of the lake, and there was only the boatman dressed as an eunuch on board. He was rowing on the bridge, and he hadn't noticed that the boat had already entered a lot of water. He was shocked when he entered the cabin With a big jump, "This, why, how did it get in the water?"

"Go to the shore immediately, the water is getting more and more, I'm afraid the boat will capsize." Emperor Zhou Cheng ordered immediately.

"Yes." The slave walked quickly to the bow with an uneasy heart.

Seeing that there was more and more water in the cabin, which had already reached the ankles, and there were still some items floating on the water surface, the hull began to become unbalanced and wobbled.

Lian Siyue swayed, screamed in fright, and ran towards the bow, but her movements were very large, and it seemed that she ran out all the way because of unsteady walking on her feet, hitting the hull several times, and the boat shook even more sharp.

Zhou Chengdi swayed a few times and almost fell down. He slammed onto the window.At this moment, his face was tense, and the water was about to cover his calves.

"Hurry! The cabin is flooded, hurry, help, help!" The boatman yelled loudly while paddling the oars vigorously.

"Boatman, I'll help you row the boat together, so you can dock quickly." Lian Siyue stumbled all the way from the cabin to the boatman at the bow, but still fell all the way and hit the hull again, and the boat shook violently In a few strokes, more water poured directly from the lake into the cabin.

She ran to the bow of the boat and rushed over quickly, intending to paddle together with the boatman, but her body swayed with the shaking of the boat, and she fell over, "accidentally" hitting the boatman. The oar in the boatman's hand fell into the water, and the boatman reached out to pick it up, but the oar sank slowly.

"Ah, the oars fell off! I can't row the boat anymore." Lian Siyue was shocked. She lay on the side of the boat and reached out to the water to fish vigorously. The boat shook again, and Emperor Zhou Cheng in the cabin couldn't stand still. , fell to the ground with a snap.

By the lake, the leader of the imperial guards found that the boat was shaking and something was wrong, and when he heard the boatman calling for help, he immediately ordered all the guards on the shore and said loudly:
"Hurry up, there is a problem with the boat, everyone jumps into the lake immediately, swims over, and saves the emperor!"

"Yes!" Only the sound of plop plop sounded, and dozens of well-trained guards had already jumped off the lake.

After jumping down together, there was a silver figure. He swam like a boat with all his strength, but his eyes did not blink, staring closely at the person lying on the side of the boat. It seemed that she About to fall into the lake!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, it's too bad, God bless, God bless!" Seeing the sudden situation, the servants on the shore were all frightened and panicked. They all knelt on the ground and shouted loudly.

Concubine Lian Shu and Feng Tangyao who were sitting in the gazebo saw what happened in the middle of the lake, they stood up abruptly, and they ran to the lake together, Concubine Shu's feet were so frightened that she almost fell down it's -

"Mother Concubine, what's the matter, what's wrong with the boat?" Feng Tangyao suddenly felt her heartbeat speeding up.

"I, I don't know either, hurry up and have a look." Concubine Shu felt her heart was suddenly suspended in mid-air, and an ominous premonition surged in her heart.

On the boat, Lian Siyue watched the guards who swam over to save him get closer and closer to the boat.

Her eyes were fixed, a coldness flashed in her eyes, she screamed in panic, she suddenly rolled over from the boat, turned to the other side, and the guards who swam over were blocked from their sight.

She can swim!However, she flung herself about in the water on purpose, shouting for help, but took advantage of the cover of the hull of the boat when no one was paying attention, grabbed onto the hull with her hands, and shook it a few times with all her strength.

Zhou Chengdi fell down as soon as he stood up in the cabin, stood up again, fell down again, hit his head on the door, and was soaked in water, he suddenly became furious——

"Help me! Help me!"

More water poured into the cabin, and the boat sank tightly. A smile flashed across her face, and then she clasped her whole body onto the hull, pressing hard, and the boat gradually tilted towards her, but, After all, her strength was limited, and although the boat was rickety, it never capsized. .

"Quick, save the emperor!" At this time, the guards had already swam over, ready to rescue him.

"Yue'er!" At the same time, a deep voice sounded behind Lian Siyue, holding her hand with one hand, making her weak hand relax.

The other arm clung to the hull again, while everyone was going to rescue the emperor, and under the cover of the lake, he pulled hard!
The boat fell slowly, Lian Siyue turned her head happily, and exchanged a glance with Feng Yunzheng——

"fall down!"




Concubine Shu on the boat saw the boat capsized suddenly, and the emperor jumped out of the cabin and fell straight into the lake. She immediately screamed loudly, and everyone by the lake screamed in fright.

Emperor Zhou Cheng couldn't swim!
Jiang Keji quickly swam to the emperor's side, and with the assistance of the guards, he carried the emperor on his back and swam to the shore, while the rest of the guards stood aside.

Everyone's attention was on Zhou Chengdi who capsized and fell into the water, no one cared what Lian Siyue was doing.

(End of this chapter)

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