First-class daughter

Chapter 419 Don't Be Afraid

Chapter 419 Don't Be Afraid

Chapter 419 Don't Be Afraid

Lian Yanqing placed the emperor's pen plaque in the center of the hall early on, with the words "Longevity and Changchun" written on it. At dawn, he led the uncles and grandchildren of the Prime Minister's House to bow down to the plaque three times, shouting The emperor's grace is mighty.

In the morning, officials of all sizes in the capital, regardless of whether they had received the post from the prime minister's mansion or not, rushed to send birthday gifts, and the gift givers lined up on Zhengyang Street.

Because of the birthday banquet supervised by the emperor, there are a lot of distinguished guests today. Princess An, her son-in-law Xue Renyi, the sixth prince, the seventh prince, the eighth prince, etc. all arrived.

Lian Yanqing was at Lianyan Peak, accompanied by Lian Yantao, to greet the guests at the Toudao Gate, and welcomed the distinguished guests in with a smile.

At the banquet, maidservants dressed in peach red gowns, blue satin jackets, and white silk pleated skirts shuttled back and forth in an orderly manner, serving hot tea and refreshments to the guests.

Lian's mother greeted the guests inside, and she always accompanied her to see the princesses of noble families. The wife was not the first lady Rong, nor the second lady Hu, nor the third lady Liu and the fourth lady Yan. Shi, but the young lady Lian Siyue.

It has been more than half a year since the last old lady's birthday banquet. During this period of time, the Prime Minister's Mansion has never held such a big banquet. Everyone was surprised to find that this young lady had unknowingly turned into a refined and refined woman. She is a pure beauty. She is wearing a pink blouse embroidered with pink and white peonies, a pleated skirt with water mist and crescent moon, and a hazy silver rendering of the elegant skirt. Her skin is like jade fat, and her small cherry mouth is bright red and full. With shining eyes and a faint and peaceful smile on his face, he stood beside Lian Mu, and his words and deeds were quite dignified.

It can be seen from this that the position of the first daughter-in-law is already very stable, but the original third young lady who was infinitely beautiful was also given the position of county head, but she is nowhere to be seen.

In the men's table, there was always a pair of tender eyes looking at her from a distance, full of appreciation, and a slight smile could not help but appear on the corners of the slightly raised lips.

"Brother Nine Emperors..." At this moment, Feng Yunzheng's train of thought was interrupted by a voice beside his ear. Feng Ye picked up the wine glass and shook it at him.

Feng Yunzheng withdrew his gaze, raised his wine glass, and clinked with Feng Ye, "Brother Eight Kings."

"In order to catch that unicorn, I spent a lot of effort on behalf of my brother, and was almost crushed to death by the unicorn." Feng Ye said after taking a sip of wine, with a half-smile on his lips.

Feng Yunzheng paused slightly with his hand holding the wine, but his expression remained calm, and he said, "Brother Eighth King leads the army to fight, and a unicorn is even more so. Brother Wang has meritorious service in catching the unicorn. Royal father also expressed his appreciation."

"It's for the girl's freedom, so Brother Wang is the one who lost the right to be the unicorn this time. Brother Nine Emperors should be more careful next time. Speaking of which, Brother Wang can be regarded as an unselfish person." Feng Ye's face Still has that familiar rebellious and arrogant appearance.

Feng Yunzheng read a kind of ambition from Feng Ye's eyes. This ambition is not only for the throne, but also for... He looked at the girl who was talking beside Princess An, turned his head, and looked at Feng Ye. Ye, there was an unfathomable smile on the corner of his lips, but there was a hint of coldness and domineering in this smile, and said:

"Even though Brother Eighth Prince sits on the mountain and watches the tigers fight, it's just - you can't take her away."

Feng Ye's eyes sank, and he tightly squeezed the wine glass in his hand.

The faces of the two were the same, but there was a suffocating air flowing wantonly around them.

Because the eldest lady was pregnant, she didn't get up and move around, so she sat on the ladies' table and chatted with the ladies and ladies. Everyone congratulated her on her pregnancy. Lian Shengru, Lian Wanyin, Lian Xueqiao, etc. Miss is also around her.

Mrs. Liu of the third bedroom was especially beaming, wearing expensive clothes, chatting with the wives of each family.

After walking around, Lian's mother finally said to her, "Yue'er, it's hard for you, a child who has been with me all the time, and is still so calm, you should go and talk to the sisters."

"Yes, grandma." Lian Siyue bowed slightly to Lian's mother.

"Siyue!" Liu Xiren took advantage of the gap to stop her, and with a smile on Lian Siyue's face, he walked over and said——

"I haven't seen you for a while. I heard that you are already engaged. You are the son of Liu Shilang's family."

Liu Xiren showed a bit of shyness on his face, and said, "Yes, if there are no accidents, we will get married after spring."

"It can be seen that you are very satisfied with this marriage." Even Siyue was happy for her when she saw her shyness like a daughter's.

"Fortunately, after listening to your enlightenment, I completely let go of people who are not worth worrying about, so I have the heart to look at other people." Liu Xiren said sincerely, "True friends are like you and me. To be honest, I don’t come here to be false, so I want to thank you for telling me the truth back then.”

After the lobby.

Lian Shiya stood behind the curtain. She looked at the bustling scene outside, and then looked down at her attire. At this moment, she was a little nervous, and her pale fingertips were icy cold.

At the same time, she also felt a little lonely. Usually, her mother's figure was indispensable in the Lian family's banquet, but now, there was no figure of Xiao Shi in the past. She really hated Lian Siyue so much!
"Miss San, don't be afraid. You are the county lord. Go out openly. If anyone laughs at you, you will be suppressed as the county lord. Today's birthday banquet is organized by the emperor. Who dares to despise the emperor's respect for you?" What about Shengen?" Aunt Sun noticed Lian Shiya's nervousness, so she stood aside, and said in a deep voice, "You must fight for your own mother."

Lian Shiya took a deep breath and said, "I'm just worried that my legs will be exposed."

"Miss San has practiced walking in these high and low shoes every day these days, and she has already walked very well. The long skirt covers the upper of the shoes, and she can't see anything. Today is the birthday party of the prime minister. People in the house Don't dare to expose Miss San, Miss San can go out at ease." Nanny Sun encouraged Lian Shiya's timid heart and said.

Lian Shiya took a deep breath, slowly released those tense feelings, and then opened her eyes, the ambitious man was already in her eyes.

"Nurse Sun, I'm going out, have you prepared all the things you need?" She asked in a low voice.

Grandma Sun patted her chest and assured her, "Don't worry, Miss, the old slave, everything is on me, and no one can take it away, and no one can notice it."

"Okay, then let's go out." Lian Shiya put her hands on Nanny Sun, and the maid who opened the curtain opened the curtain. Shoes, all went out.

(End of this chapter)

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