First-class daughter

Chapter 428 Screaming Late at Night

Chapter 428 Screaming Late at Night
Chapter 428 Screaming Late at Night
"Then let's see if you have the ability to guard her." Lian Jue clamped his sword blade with his fingers, moved his body away, and said.

Xiao He narrowed his eyes slightly, he felt in a trance that Lian Jue was no longer the boy who would only follow Lian Siyue, he exuded a faint dangerous aura, which made him have to regard this person as an opponent .

With a push of his hand, the sword was pressed against Lian Jue's throat, and the sharp point of the sword touched his skin, showing a slight blush, and he said contemptuously, "Lian Jue, remember, no one can do it from me." Snatch Ling Yue'er from my hand, when I liked her, you were still in the nanny's arms!"

"Second brother!" At this time, Xiao Hu walked over quickly, grabbed Xiao He's wrist with one hand, and secretly exerted force.

"Hmph." Remembering that there were important things to do today, Xiao He snorted coldly, retracted the long sword in his hand into the scabbard, slowly withdrew his cold eyes from Lian Jue, and then hurriedly left with Xiao Hu.

Lian Jue narrowed his eyes slightly, and stroked his neck with his hand, leaving a trace of blood, and a trace of coldness reflected in his eyes.

As night fell, the banquet gradually came to an end.

Emperor Zhou Cheng said to the left and right, "It's getting late, it's time for me to drive back to the palace."

Lian Yanqing immediately led all the members of the Lian family to kneel down, and said, "I respectfully send you off to the emperor, thank you for your kindness."

The rest of the people also knelt down one after another, saying, "Respectfully send off the emperor."

Emperor Zhou Cheng, Lian Zhaoyi, Feng Tangyao left first, and the rest of them also left one by one. Lian's mother, Lian Yanqing, Lian Yanfeng, etc. stood at the door of the banquet hall to bid farewell to the princes, princesses and dignitaries. It was a banquet with mixed joys and sorrows. , is finally over.

Lian Yanqing secretly heaved a sigh of relief.



When Emperor Zhou Cheng and his party passed through the garden, two women's screams suddenly came from nowhere in succession. This sound almost pierced the dark night, causing people's hearts to feel numb, and everyone stopped suddenly. pace.

"Protect the emperor!" Jiang Keji immediately drew out his sword, and surrounded Emperor Zhou Cheng with all the guards, looking around vigilantly.

Lian Yanqing came over in a hurry, his legs were weak, and he almost fell to the ground, he said in panic, "I disturbed the emperor, my servant was panicked, maybe it was some short-sighted servant, I just asked someone to check. "

He frowned and looked around. Where did the sound come from?I wondered if Lian Shiya was playing tricks again.

However, there was a sound, and after that, they listened attentively, but there was no sound at all. Everyone held their breath, not daring to take a breath.


Just as Jiang Keji was about to withdraw his sword, there was another scream, which sounded too scary in the gray night.

"The voice is coming from here, Your Majesty!" At this moment, someone in the crowd pointed to a rockery in front of him and said in a trembling voice.

"Lian Tian, ​​hurry up and take a look." Lian Yanqing frowned, and immediately ordered the nursing home in the mansion, said.

"Your Majesty, it's better to let Chief Jiang go together." At this time, Xiao Zhenhai came over and whispered in Emperor Zhou Cheng's ear.

Emperor Zhou Cheng felt that Xiao Zhenhai's words were reasonable, so he nodded and said, "Jiang Keji, you should also lead people over there to see who is playing tricks."


Jiang Keji and Lian Tian led their men to approach the rockery together, while the others stood not far from the rockery, staring closely, without blinking their eyes, for fear of missing any details.

Lianxiang's birthday today is also exciting enough!

"..." Suddenly, a figure flashed past the rockery, as if a ghost suddenly flashed by.

Everyone's hearts constricted in fright, and they all took a step back. Feng Tangyao quickly shrank into Lian Zhaoyi's arms, closing her eyes tightly and not daring to open them.

Liu Xiren subconsciously grasped Lian Siyue's sleeve tightly, and whispered:
"What's going on, why is it so scary, is there a ghost?"

Lian Siyue was not afraid, she narrowed her eyes slightly, staring at the rockery——

"Why did the ghost let you see it?" At this time, a voice came from behind them, and Liu Xiren suddenly turned his head, and there was a faint smile on the corner of the man's lips——

"His Royal Highness?"

"Yeah, ghosts won't be discovered, only humans can be discovered." Lian Siyue looked back, looked at Feng Yunzheng, and said indifferently.

"You, what are you two talking about? What the hell are you talking about? Why can't I understand it? Could it be that there is a ghost?" Liu Xiren looked back and forth between Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue's faces, unable to understand them What means.

Feng Ye at the side also looked at the two of them, with deep thoughts in his eyes.

"...Ah..." Immediately afterwards, another shadow flickered past, and everyone exclaimed in shock again.

"Stop!" I saw that Jiang Keji and Lian Tian quickly surrounded him, shouted sharply, and found a trembling person after a while.

This man was dressed in black, his head was so low that it almost fell to his chest, his black hair covered most of his face, and Lian Tian was holding a swinging snake in his hand. Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but gasp Take a breath.

It seems that the person screamed just now because he was frightened by the snake.

"It's really not a ghost, it's a human." Liu Xiren whispered.

"Kneel down!" Jiang Keji kicked the man's knees, and she bent her knees and knelt on the ground.

"Look up! The truth is, we want to see who is playing tricks in my residence to disturb the holy driver!" Lian Yanqing held his breath in his heart, and gave Lian Angel a wink.

Lian Tiantian, bent down and grabbed the person's hair, forcing her to raise her head to face the crowd.

When Lian Zhaoyi saw this face, she immediately took a step back in fright, her eyes widened, as if she saw a ghost.

Feng Tangyao poked her head out, looked at it, her face turned pale with fright, she hugged Emperor Zhou Cheng's hand tightly, and said, "Yes, it's Huizhi, ghost, ghost, father."

It turned out that the captured person was Huizhi who was given to death by the queen mother and thrown into the bottom of the well to be burned that day when she was swimming in the lake. Now she suddenly appeared here, what is it not a ghost?
Emperor Zhou Cheng took a closer look, and this was indeed Huizhi, the court lady who had testified against his fourth son Feng Qianyue for deliberately framing Lian Siyue that day. His expression darkened immediately, and he had obviously been bestowed to death by the Queen Mother, so how could he appear here?

Xiao He also came forward immediately, and when he saw the trembling person on the ground, he gasped and said, "Your Majesty, it really is that maid of honor, so she is not dead."

"I have testified against the Fourth Highness, a person who is dead but is still alive here. From the perspective of the emperor, this minister, this matter is of great importance, and there must be something wrong. It needs to be investigated carefully."

"Say, why are you here? Haven't you already been granted death?" Emperor Zhou Cheng stared at the court lady on the ground with his eyes like flames, and asked himself.

"Slave, slave... slave..." Hui Zhi knelt, trembling for a long time, but couldn't say a word, her eyes were flickering and flickering.

(End of this chapter)

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