First-class daughter

Chapter 446 Release 4 Sons

Chapter 446 Release the Fourth Son
Chapter 446 Release the Fourth Son
"Queen Dowager..." Xiao Rou looked at the Queen Mother pitifully, with tears in her eyes, "Please take pity on Rou'er, Rou'er does not dare to have any delusions in this life, and only wants to have a husband like His Royal Highness, when her parents grow old in the future Go, my elder brother will start a family and start a business, Rou will also have a good hope for the rest of his life, to have his own home."

"Forget it, there is some truth in what you said. The punishment Qian Yue received is enough. The emperor can't keep him in prison forever. After all, he is a prince, the future son-in-law of your Xiao family, and the grandson-in-law of King Anping. The emperor always wants to treat you Xiao family and Lu family a little bit, get up, you said, the Ai family agrees." The queen mother said.

When Xiao Rou heard it, she was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, Empress Dowager!"

Out of the Shouning Palace, Xiao Rou swept away the previous downturn, with a smile that could not be concealed on her face, she whispered, "Mother, Father's method is really useful, he knows that the Queen Mother doesn't like Lian Siyue, so he doesn't want Lian Siyue To take advantage, the emperor must release the Fourth Highness."

"Keep your voice down, if it is known that Nanny Wen is in contact with the Xiao family, your father will have no good results!" Xiao looked around and reprimanded in a low voice.

"Yes, yes." Xiao Rou shut up and didn't speak, but thinking about seeing Feng Qianyue again, her face was filled with joy.

It turned out that Xiao Zhenhai knew from Nanny Wen who gave Lian Siyue the poisonous soup that day that the queen mother had once wanted to kill Lian Siyue, so he attacked the queen mother, and then used Xiao Rou to trick her in front of the queen mother. And the emperor is a filial son, he can listen to the queen mother's words.

"By the way, mother, who is Cousin Jingyao wanting to marry this time, have you figured it out?" Xiao Rou asked after getting into the carriage and on the way back to Xiao's house.

"You don't need to worry about this matter, your father already has plans." Mrs. Xiao said, a thoughtful look flashed in her eyes. This time, in order to keep the future Lu family, she will definitely use Xiao Zhenhai as her husband once.

Rongyuan Hall.

The sunlight was a little dark, shining in the hall, there was a heavy feeling.

Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at the fourth son Feng Qianyue who was kneeling in front of him for a long time——

After being imprisoned in the dungeon for more than a month, his hair was disheveled, his lips were chapped, and his chin was covered with thick stubble. He was much more emaciated than before.

Went to Shouning Palace early this morning to accompany the Empress Dowager for dinner, the Empress Dowager said something to the effect that the fourth son Qianyue should be released, but the Emperor never forgot his birth, he always felt that Feng Qianyue was too cold in his bones , a child of a few years old, who grew up in such a humble environment, how can he not harbor hatred?

Feng Qianyue lowered her head, and slowly clenched her fists on the ground.

"Go out." After an unknown amount of time, Emperor Zhou Cheng finally opened his mouth and said three words.

Feng Qianyue prostrated herself on the ground, and said, "I thank my father for his kindness, and my father will live forever."

Then, he was led by the eunuch, took a bath, changed his robes, shaved his beard, and then left the palace through Zhengyang Gate, his face was always very calm.

"Your Highness..." Ying Kong, the guard who had been waiting at the door for a long time, saw his figure, stepped forward immediately, knelt down and said, the carriage was behind him.

Feng Qianyue raised her head slowly, squinting her eyes slightly, the sunlight shone on him, he felt a little dazzling, and felt like she was going to cry.

"Go home!" He put down his hands, tossed his robe, and got into the carriage.

"Yes." Yingkong immediately ordered the groom to drive the carriage, all the way back to Yuejun Palace.

"Your Highness!" As soon as he entered the palace, Xiao Zhenhai came forward, bowed, and said, "Welcome Your Highness back to the mansion."

"This time, I'm going to have to deal with Duke Xiao." The fleeting emotion on Feng Qianyue's face faded away, and he had returned to his usual expression.

"This is what a humble job should do." Xiao Zhenhai walked into the study together with Feng Qianyue.

"This king heard that the grandson of King Anping, the king of Jiayu County came to the capital to ask the emperor to marry him. I don't know about this, what is the plan of the Duke?" Feng Qianyue sat behind the desk and asked.

"Your Highness must have thought about this matter, I would like to hear what His Highness thinks." Xiao Zhenhai said.

Feng Qianyue raised his eyes slowly, looked at the door of the study, with a specious smile on his face, and said, "This king looks pretty good, and he matches Lu Jingyao very well."

Xiao Zhenhai showed a smile on his face, and said, "Your Highness thinks exactly the same as the humble official, Lian Siyue is really a thorn in the side, a thorn in the flesh, only driving her to Pingzhou will not destroy our plan, and if she arrives Pingzhou, without the support of the Prime Minister's Mansion and His Highness the Ninth Prince, it is much easier to deal with her, even if she is killed on the way to Pingzhou, no one will notice."

"However, as far as this king knows, Lu Jingyao is not an easy master. If he doesn't like Lian Siyue, then our plan will not be able to take shape. Lu Jingyao called the Duke of the country to be uncle, the Duke of the country should have a way Let Lu Jingyao insist on not marrying like a moon." Feng Qianyue said with a slight smile, looking at the treacherous Xiao Zhenhai in front of him.

"Yes, I obey." Xiao Zhenhai also showed a smile on his face, and then said, "Since your highness has been released from prison, the most important thing is to gain the trust of the emperor, without the trust of the emperor, your highness will always be bound. "

Feng Qianyue nodded, and said, "This is also a question that the king has been thinking about when he was imprisoned in the dungeon." When he was in prison, he closed his eyes and sat in meditation every day, never shouting a grievance, nor crying bitterly , I have been thinking about the reason for his series of failures these days, after all, it is because of his humble birth, so that the emperor never really trusted him.

"So Your Highness already has an idea?" Xiao Zhenhai asked.

Feng Qianyue nodded slowly, and said, "Let me think about it carefully."

"Yes." Xiao Zhenhai thought for a while, and then said, "By the way, Your Highness, I would like to choose a date to beg the Queen Mother and the Emperor to hold a wedding for Your Highness and Rou'er earlier. I wonder what Your Highness would like?"

"This king also happens to have this intention, and the Duke of Lao has come forward for everything." Feng Qianyue said, the fists in his sleeves had already been secretly clenched——

After Xiao Zhenhai left, the expression on Feng Qianyue's face collapsed. He stood up abruptly, brushed all the decorations on the desk to the ground with one hand, his eyes were scarlet, and the anger all over his body was like a volcano ready to explode!
He didn't have any background, and the one who gave birth to her was just a court lady, who was the product of Emperor Zhou Cheng's drunken indulgence. Over the years, he endured humiliation and worked hard, and finally forged his own power in the dark.

However, for more than a year, it has disintegrated step by step, so that now, he has no choice but to passively cling to Xiao Zhenhai's body, and has to marry that Xiao Rou who doesn't even have a complete leg!
And all this...

"Lian Siyue!"

He clenched his teeth fiercely, almost biting the name into pieces and swallowing blood into his stomach!
"All of this was caused by you. I will never let you go. You will never find peace in this life!"

"Your Highness..." At this time, a soft voice sounded in the haze, he raised his head, and saw Lian Siyue walking towards him slowly, with a shy smile on his face.

With a swish, he pulled out the sword hanging behind him, and stabbed——

The person's footsteps stopped abruptly, the smile on his face froze instantly, and he saw that slim figure suddenly fell to the ground, only heard a bang, and the guqin in her hand fell to the ground...

"Your highness, your highness... Concubine, I'm here to play the piano for you..." She looked at the sword pierced into her chest in disbelief, and bright red blood flowed from the corner of her mouth. Looking at her face, staring at her for a long time, sometimes holding her face in the palm of his hand and kissing, she thought, only a man would do this when he loves a woman.

But...why, he killed her, she didn't understand until she died.

Feng Qianyue glanced at the people on the ground indifferently. After deliberately dressing up, her face and charm became more and more like Lian Siyue, but unfortunately, she was not really Lian Siyue——

"Come here, grab it."

Feng Qianyue pulled the white cloth on the back of the chair, wiped off the blood spattered on her face, and said.

(End of this chapter)

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