Chapter 464
Chapter 464
"Her legs and feet are inconvenient, let's make an appointment to rest in the tent." Xiao Hu said without taking it seriously.

At this moment, Su Yin, Xiao Rou's servant girl, ran over in a hurry, knelt on the ground, and said, "Second Young Master, Third Young Master, Miss, Miss, she's gone!"

"Disappeared?" Xiao He and Xiao Hu were startled at the same time.

"Young Lord, do you mean that the princess is gone?" At this time, Lian Siyue, who was sitting opposite, asked loudly, causing everyone around to hear him.

Xiao He frowned, forgot to take a look at Si Yue, and nodded.

"Then we have to go find it quickly. Last time we hunted, there was a big injured tiger that bit someone, so don't worry about it!" Lian Siyue said anxiously.

As soon as the tiger was mentioned, everyone felt lingering fear, so they also said:

"Then go find someone, the princess has limited mobility."

"Yes, yes, just in case, go find someone."

Xiao Zhenhai, who was sitting next to the emperor, noticed something strange, and after saying a few words to the emperor, he hurried over and asked his two sons:
"What's the matter? It's noisy here, and I heard Rou'er's name."

"Father, this girl said that the little sister is missing." Xiao He said, and then glanced at Lian Siyue who was opposite.

"Missing?" Xiao Zhenhai frowned, considering Xiao Rou's inconvenient legs, he didn't want to bring her here, but she clamored to come, so he had to bring along.

After a while, the news spread that Princess Xiao Rou had disappeared, and the emperor specially sent Jiang Keji over, saying that he would help to find someone.

So, the bonfire banquet continued, and another pair of mighty people went to find Xiao Rou.

"After all, the princess is a girl's family, so I'm afraid it will be inconvenient. Why don't we follow along and look for it." Lian Siyue suggested to the people around her.

"Okay, let's go and have a look together." Princess Eleven stood up and said.

So these women followed suit.

"Have you searched in the tent?" Xiao He asked Su Yin, who was trembling beside him, his expression was tense, and he had a premonition that something was about to happen, and he thought that his brother would just go and look for it, but now everyone knows that Xiao Rou is missing. up.

"Miss was with Miss Liang before, and then the two left together. Miss asked me not to follow, so I waited at Miss Liang's tent, but after waiting for a long time, she didn't come back, so I went back to Miss Liang's tent I found it, but the servants in other tents couldn't go, so I had to come to find the young master." Su Yin said.

"Miss Liang?" Xiao He frowned.

"Second brother is Liang Runan, the daughter of Duke Liang." Xiao Hu said from the side.

"Father, what do you think?" Xiao He asked Xiao Zhenhai who had been tense.

Xiao Zhenhai looked left and right at the mighty search team and the princesses and ladies who followed behind, and he whispered to Xiao He, saying, "You are fast and skilled, try to find Rou'er before everyone else, if If there is nothing to do, ignore it, and if there is anything, take her away immediately."

"Yes, my child understands." Taking advantage of the confusion of the crowd, Xiao He turned around and walked into the crowd on the other side, but quickly left the search team and went to find it by himself.

"My lord, my lord, this servant girl found a shoe, does it belong to the princess?" After walking for a while, a servant girl hurried over with a shoe in her hand and asked loudly .

When everyone heard the voice, they all looked over.

When Xiao Zhenhai saw it, he naturally didn't know his daughter's shoes, so he asked the servant girl Suyin to identify them.

"Yes, it belongs to our young lady." Su Yin stepped forward and said with certainty after just one glance.

"Where did you find these shoes?" Xiao Zhenhai asked.

"Over there, at the entrance of that tent." The servant girl pointed to a tent and said.

"That seems to be the tent of His Highness the Fourth Highness." Someone said.

The princess's shoes fell at the door of His Royal Highness's tent?But now, the tent of His Highness Fourth Highness is pitch-black, as if there is no one there.

"Then go and have a look, maybe the princess fell down or something happened." Lian Siyue said again at this time.

"My lord, the shoes were dropped in the tent of His Highness Fourth Highness, please lead someone to take a look." At this time, Jiang Keji, who was sent by the emperor, said.

This is the commander next to the emperor, Xiao Zhenhai couldn't say anything more, so a group of people came to the front of the tent.

Jiang Keji bowed, and said, "Is the Fourth Highness in there?"

Everyone held their breath and listened, but there was no sound from inside.

"The Fourth Highness may not be inside. Rou'er probably dropped the shoe accidentally while walking by. Commander Jiang, let's look for it in another place." Xiao Zhenhai said, he faintly felt something unexpected.

"Wait!" Just as everyone was about to turn around and leave, Jiang Keji raised his hand and said, "Fourth Highness, I've offended you."

Then he opened the curtain of the tent and walked in, Xiao Zhenhai had no choice but to follow in, and even Siyue and others squeezed in silently——

It was dark inside, and some utensils in the tent could be vaguely seen, but they couldn't see clearly.

"Light the torch." Jiang Keji ordered.


The guard ran out, and after a while, he came in with a torch, and the tent gradually lit up, and everyone's eyes gradually adapted to the light in the tent, and everything inside was clearly presented in front of them——

"Ah! This... this is His Royal Highness and Princess..."

With a scream, everyone was frightened by the situation in front of them!

Jiang Keji waited for the guards to be taken aback, and immediately turned around!The rest of the women, except Lian Siyue, also suddenly covered their eyes, their faces turned red——

"My God, how could this be?"

"They haven't officially married yet."

I saw Fourth Highness Feng Yunzheng and Princess Heyun Xiaorou hugging each other on the couch, Feng Qianyue hugged Xiao Rou with her upper body naked, while Xiao Rou was disheveled and nestled in the arms of Fourth Highness, A pair of jade arms were exposed in the air.

"This..." Xiao Zhenhai's face suddenly turned green. Although the Fourth Highness is his future son-in-law, the two of them have not married after all. Such behavior is almost tantamount to adultery. If it spreads, it will ruin the reputation of the two of them. Yes, especially his daughter Xiaorou's!
Xiao Hu came back to his senses, and immediately pulled the quilt to cover Xiao Rou. As an elder brother, his handsome face was also flushed.

Lian Siyue stood aside, the candlelight shone on her face, her face had a look of watching the show, whether it was Xiao Zhenhai or Feng Qianyue, she wanted them to feel the feeling of being eaten by flies in this marriage.

"It seems that His Highness the Fourth Highness and Princess Heyun are really in love with each other to the point where you and I are together." Lian Siyue said.

At this time, Feng Qianyue on the bed started to move. He seemed to have a headache, raised his hand and rubbed his temples, then frowned, and slowly opened his eyes——

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a room full of people standing in front of him, and the first thing that caught his eyes was Xiao Zhenhai's complicated face, and - Lian Siyue's face watching the show.

Even like the moon!
Feng Qianyue suddenly came back to her senses, looked down at herself, her upper body was naked, and in his arms——

It's Xiao Rou!
She hugged his waist in disheveled clothes and snuggled into his arms!
this... this is...

He took a step back abruptly, let go of Xiao Rou, pulled the quilt over to cover his upper body, bit his gums tightly, his face was extremely ugly!
Then suddenly raised his head to look at Lian Siyue, the anger in those eyes was enough to burn Lian Siyue to death!
It was her, she knew that she was eager to get rid of Xiao Rou, so she deliberately used her tricks to get Xiao Rou and him together for so many people to see!
This will make people feel that they already have the reality of husband and wife, even if there is no reality of husband and wife, if they lie naked together, he will never be able to get rid of Xiao Rou!

This move hits his famous line, ruthless, accurate!

"Let's go out first." Lian Siyue blinked at Feng Qianyue, she was in a really good mood at the moment.

"Let's go, let's go." Everyone walked out with Lian Siyue with complicated emotions.

As soon as she walked out, Lian Siyue saw Feng Yunzheng standing not far away, with an air of strategizing, she nodded towards him.

Feng Yunzheng also smiled.

Xiao Rou finally woke up. Seeing the situation in front of her, she first screamed, quickly hid in the quilt, wrapped her body tightly, and then laughed again——

She really didn't know that she almost died in the hands of the man beside her just now, and now she was very happy for him.

"Your Highness is so dazed, I am disappointed!" Xiao Guogong left a sentence, turned around, and walked out of the tent with a gloomy expression.

Xiao He hurried in, and was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

Xiao Hu sighed, shook his head, and said helplessly, "It seems that this big wedding will not wait until my younger sister and Ji, Fourth Highness, prepare to win my younger sister at the wedding."

With that said, Xiao Hu also walked out.

Yes, to be seen by others, the only way is to get married quickly!

Feng Qianyue tightly clenched the sheet under her body, her face was tense, her teeth almost crushed her gums, and he said word by word:

"Lian Siyue!"

Xiao He looked at his face, and with his manly intuition, he sensed that Feng Qianyue was not sincere towards Xiao Rou, and he said, "I don't know what your Highness is thinking, but my little sister is my father's favorite, Your Highness, think twice." Bar."

He knew that Feng Qianyue was not Xiao Rou's best destination, but now the Xiao family and His Royal Highness had an inseparable relationship, and Xiao Rou was so madly in love with him, that was the only way to go.

Xiao He opened the curtain of the tent and walked out.

Inside the tent, Xiao Rou poked her head out slowly, blushing, and said, "Your Highness, this, what is going on here, it was originally Liang Runan and His Highness the Ninth Prince, how did it become us?"

Without saying a word, Feng Qianyue threw off the quilt and got up from the bed.

Standing by the bed, he reached out and took the robe from the chair, slowly passed it back to his body, and buttoned the front button of the front with his slender hands.

"Your Highness..." Looking at his alienated and indifferent back, Xiao Rou felt a trace of timidity.

When Feng Qianyue put on his robe and turned around, his face had returned to its usual expression, and there was no trace of abnormality. He smiled and said:

"Then make the mistake and make the mistake. This king is ready to marry you."

"Your Highness..." Xiao Rou's face turned even redder, but her eyes sparkled with excitement and anticipation.

Feng Qianyue turned and left. When he turned around, his face was icy cold, and he was thrown into Hades from hell!
Jiang Keji replied gracefully to the emperor, and the emperor's face also looked a little ugly——

"The four sons are so unrestrained, I am really disappointed. In this case, we can only get married first. It's just that it's not very pleasant to hear. For the sake of the royal family's face, I want to pass on my will. Anyone who meets me today is not allowed to say anything. There is no such thing."

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will obey your orders." Jiang Keji said.

Feng Qianyue got out of the tent, but couldn't find the space to win, so she asked the servants to find Liang Runan, and asked Liang Runan to come out and testify!

(End of this chapter)

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