Chapter 473
Chapter 473
.However, Lian Zhaoyi is her aunt, and the Thirteenth Princess is her first cousin. These two are closely related to the Lian family, so why did she come to help Ling Yue'er instead?

What does she want to do?Doubt flashed across Xiao He's eyes.

"Xiao He, what clue do you have?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

Xiao He paused for a moment, came back to his senses, and said, "Yes, I have some clues."

In any case, he never thought that one day, he would stand on the same front as Lian Siyue. If his father knew about this, he might have the intention of killing him.

"What clues do you have?" Feng Yunzheng asked,
"I just investigated and found that after returning to the palace this time, it was Imperial Physician Liang who treated the Thirteenth Princess. Moreover, in the past two months, Yixiu Palace has been treated by Imperial Physician Liang. There is something wrong with this Imperial Physician Liang. The dried snow clams and scallops in the thirteenth princess’s medicinal meal this time are related to him.” Then, Xiao He recounted how Feng Tangyao accidentally saw Feng Tangyao ordering the imperial physician to frame Feng Lingyue that day.

"So, there is indeed a big problem with the Imperial Physician Liang, otherwise, it would be too coincidental." Concubine Liang said thoughtfully.

"There are very few unprovoked coincidences in the world, and more deliberate conspiracies." Lian Siyue said.

After waiting for a while, Imperial Physician Rong brought over a list of herbal medicines that had been in and out of the Imperial Hospital in the past two months, and packed them in a thick stack.

"Physician Rong, I need your cooperation this time, and this matter must be kept secret for the time being." Concubine Liang Gui ordered.

"Madam, this is the duty of the humble official. If there are any criminals in the imperial hospital, the humble official must investigate thoroughly to find out the black sheep." Rong imperial doctor said with a straight face.

"Let's go through the list in the past two months first, and see the clear situation of dried snow clams and scallops." Lian Siyue stood up, divided all the lists into several parts, and each of them read a copy.

When she was about to reach out for one of the stacks, Xiao He just reached out to take this stack. The two raised their hands at the same time, and finally Xiao He retracted his hand and picked up the other stack, while Lian Siyue's face was pale He calmly took the fold and began to flip through it.

In the records of these lists, the frequency of use of dried snow clams and scallops is relatively high, and most of them are used to nourish yin and tonify deficiency.

They targeted Dr. Liang's record of using medicinal materials, and they found that he had used dried snow clams and scallops four days ago, but the label showed that these he took were used for Li Meiren's prescriptions, and Yixiu As far as the palace is concerned, there is no record of using these two medicinal materials within this month.

"I found something suspicious on this list. Before this month, even Zhaoyi used scallops to make nourishing soup every month, about five times a month, but this month, she didn't have it once. It's something she's been eating all the time. But suddenly stopped eating, why?" Lian Siyue put down the thick list in her hand and said.

Feng Yunzheng nodded, and said, "Your discovery is very reasonable. There is no record showing that Lian Zhaoyi can no longer use scallops, but now he hasn't eaten them for a month. This is obviously deliberately avoiding suspicion."

"However, this is all just speculation, and it cannot directly prove that the dried snow clams and scallops are related to the Thirteenth Princess herself." The crux of Xiao He's question.

Suddenly, everyone was silent.

After a while, Feng Yunzheng asked, "Physician Rong, can you still find the prescription that Imperial Physician Liang wrote for Meiren Li? This king wants to see how much scallops is prescribed by Imperial Physician Liang in her prescription."

Even Siyue understood immediately when she heard Feng Yunzheng's words——

"I understand. Your Highness means, just look at the amount of dried scallops written on Li Meiren's prescription, and whether the amount of dried scallops that Imperial Physician Liang paid from the imperial hospital that day is the same! If the prescription says 5 grams , and if the actual expenditure is more than 5 grams, then it can explain the problem!"

"Your Highness the Ninth Prince is wise!" Imperial Physician Rong's eyes lit up immediately, and he immediately went to look for Li Meiren's medicine list, but unfortunately, the medicine list could not be found. The imperial hospital has a record that Liang Taiji lost the medicine list. Lost together with Li Meiren's prescription, there were several other slips that were lost by Imperial Physician Liang that day.

"He must have lost it on purpose!" Xiao He slammed it on the table in a circle.

Because the medicine list could not be found, the clues were suddenly cut off, and everyone frowned and remained silent.

"Skynet is full of recovery, sparse but not missing. It's just that he is a human being, so he will have weaknesses and make mistakes. If you think about it carefully, you will definitely find a breakthrough." Lian Siyue said while clenching the list in her hand.

"Let's attack directly from Imperial Physician Liang. It is better to take the initiative to wait instead of passively waiting." Feng Yunzheng made up his mind and said.

"I'll go find him!" Xiao He clenched his fists and said immediately, he couldn't wait to find Feng Lingyue's innocence,
Tai Hospital.

When he was about to leave duty (leaving get off work), Imperial Physician Liang touched his heavy sleeves, and a smile appeared on his face. Even Zhaoyi and the Thirteenth Princess were really rich, and they rewarded him with a lot of money. He did things for them. In the past half a year, I have gained a lot of benefits, so I bought a house in the suburbs.

"Mr. Liang, why are you so beaming?" At this time, Dr. He and Dr. Li walked in from the outside, just in time to catch Mr. Liang's overjoyed appearance.

Imperial Physician Liang hurriedly stuffed the money into his cuff, and said, "It's all right, all right."

The two imperial physicians, He and Li, did not let him go, walked to his desk, approached him, and said, "Look at your heavy sleeves, you must have won a lot of rewards. It just so happens that you bought a new house, how about today?" Let's have a drink to celebrate."

Physician Liang quickly covered his cuffs, and said, "Of course you can drink, but don't worry about my sleeves, hahaha." He was in a good mood.

"After leaving the palace, walk to Juxian Tower." Li Taiyi said loudly.

"Okay, but, two brothers, don't greet other people anymore, I'm afraid I don't have enough money." Imperial Physician Liang repeatedly begged for mercy.

Kyoto, Juxian Building.

The three of He, Li and Liang asked for a private room, and ordered the food and drinks. He and Li kept flattering the doctor Liang and toasted him non-stop.

At the beginning, Imperial Physician Liang was afraid that he would miss something if he drank too much wine, so he repeatedly shied away, but he couldn't stop after drinking two glasses of wine. Moreover, the alcohol seemed to have a particularly high alcohol content. , the wine is hot.

At this moment, in the opposite private room, a man in a black brocade robe with his arms around his chest was staring at Imperial Physician Liang with his extremely cold eyes, and there was a stern look on his lips.

At this time, the waiter came in with a bow and trembling, stood in front of him with a bowed body, and said, "Young Lord, I have already done as you ordered."

With a cold face, Xiao He took out an ingot of gold from his bosom and threw it into Xiao Er's hand, saying, "Go out and pretend you don't know anything."

(End of this chapter)

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