First-class daughter

Chapter 478 Grace of the Emperor

Chapter 478 Grace of the Emperor
Chapter 478 Grace of the Emperor
what…… could it be?
Feng Lingyue looked at Feng Tangyao sharply, although when she was in the prison, she had faintly thought about whether the matter of dried snow clams and scallops was originally a prank by the thirteenth sister, but the result of the incident was more serious, and she was afraid of being exposed She didn't dare to admit it until she was punished by her father.

She never imagined that the purpose of the thirteenth sister was to get rid of her, so that she could be with Xiao He.

"Sister Thirteen, is this true?" Feng Lingyue stared at Feng Tangyao with star-like eyes, and asked with a trembling voice.

Feng Tangyao's face was pale, her body trembled slightly, her hands were clenched into fists, she stood up tremblingly, her heart was heaving up and down, and big tears rolled down her cheeks:

"Sister Eleven, why were you provoked by an imperial doctor so easily? Don't you have any trust in your sister? Is my sister such a vicious person in your heart? My sister is such a man who doesn't want to be ashamed people?"

And Xiao He looked at her coldly. Compared with Ling Yue'er, these thirteen princesses were too scheming. On the body, it means that she easily doubts the sisterhood.

Hehe, this number, this bouquet, I am afraid that Yue'er will not be able to keep up in her lifetime.

Sure enough, Ling Yue'er was overwhelmed by the question, she was stunned, "You, I didn't mean that, it's just that Doctor Liang said..."

Feng Tangyao looked at Imperial Physician Liang again, and approached the Imperial Physician Liang who was kneeling on the ground step by step, every step she took seemed so difficult and pitiful, she shed tears while scolding:

"Doctor Liang, you, what are you talking about? When did I let you do such a bad thing, you, you made me almost die, it's fine, you want to protect yourself, you pay, pay..." She was too excited He even started panting hard, looking like he was about to faint, and his face was pale.

"Tuan Yaoer...Tuan Yaoer...Your body has not recovered yet, don't get too excited, you didn't do it, you didn't do it, this is a bright future, is there anyone who can wrong you in the emperor?" Lian Zhaoyi hurried over , hugged her daughter, then turned her head sharply, fixed her sharp eyes on Imperial Physician Liang, and scolded, "Emperor Liang, my mother and daughter trust you in vain, you see Tang Yaoer and me, I will reward you generously, Now, in order to protect yourself, you even slandered us, your conscience has been eaten by dogs."

"Your Majesty, the thirteenth princess, you can't, you can't falsely accuse the humble official like this. How can a small imperial doctor in the inferior position harm the princess's heart? Besides, the princess has no grievances or enmity with the inferior official, the inferior official..." Liang imperial physician was eager to defend.

"Slap!" Lian Zhaoyi raised her hand and slapped Imperial Physician Liang fiercely on the face, "How dare you lie, when the empress was in charge of the harem, she punished you, and you have always held a grudge because of it. Now that the empress has fallen, When you see the opportunity, you start to take revenge, as I said, right?"

"Your Majesty, although the empress has punished the lowly officials, the lowly officials have never had the heart to harm the Eleventh Princess!" Imperial Physician Liang was startled. He had dealt with Lian Zhaoyi for more than ten years, and only then did he discover her innocence. What's so powerful and terrifying is that a little thing that happened a few years ago when the queen punished him, she was able to open it and come, remembering it so clearly!
Feng Lingyue looked at them and suddenly became a little confused. The Thirteenth Sister and Lian Zhaoyi acted like they were deeply wronged. Could it be that Liang Taiyi really pushed the responsibility on Thirteenth Sister for self-protection?

Seeing the hesitant expression on Feng Lingyue's face, Xiao He shook his head helplessly. This silly girl, it is really hard to imagine how she survived in the palace safely and soundly. She must be the princess born of the queen to keep her identity. for all these years.

Now, once she lost the protection from the queen, she started being framed in various ways.

No matter how coldly Xiao He looked at the mother and daughter, he had long thought that they would put all the blame on Imperial Physician Liang, which is the usual practice of the master of the deep palace——

If this matter had been discovered by them earlier, they must have a hundred ways to make Liang Tai-doctor willingly bear these crimes, but they kept it secret during the investigation process. Now that the incident happened suddenly, Liang Tai-doctor was threatened by his words He was so frightened that he lost his mind, so he stabbed the master out in a panic.

He had forgotten that even if Zhaoyi and Feng Tangyao were convicted, he would still be doomed!
But now, whether Feng Tangyao and Lian Zhaoyi will be punished depends on the degree of Zhou Chengdi's trust and preference for them. Conversely, it depends on how indifferent and indifferent he is to Ling Yue'er, right? Will watch her being wronged and ignore it.

Emperor Zhou Cheng didn't expect that the imperial doctor Liang would eventually point the finger at Tang Yao'er, he slowly raised his head and looked at his most distressed and beloved daughter——

At this moment, she looked very fragile and frightened, crying secretly in Lian Zhaoyi's arms, as if she had no strength to argue for herself.

Lian Zhaoyi's heart trembled suddenly. She had been by Emperor Zhou Cheng's side for so many years, and she knew his eyes very well, which meant that he was hesitating and wavering.

No, no!

The biggest capital for them to gain a foothold in the deep palace is the emperor's love for Tang Yao'er. If Tang Yao'er was found out with another face, it is impossible to imagine how angry the emperor would be.

She violently pulled Feng Tangyao to kneel down together, and said, "Your Majesty, when the concubine gave birth to twins, the sons had to die. Tangyao survived with great difficulty. Back then, even Wen Po said she couldn't survive." It's been three days, but the emperor refused to believe it, so he ordered that woman to be punished for forty years. The emperor also said that the child was born with a special affinity with you, so she won't die. You will stay by her side, three Days later, she really came back to life, but her health has not been good.

The concubine has been carefully protecting her all these years, for fear that something might happen to her.

Moreover, the concubine was full of gratitude to God and the emperor for his pity on Tang Yao'er, so she often burned incense and prayed for it.

Tang Yao'er, a child who would cry even if she trampled an ant to death, how could she have such vicious thoughts?


Lian Zhaoyi took a look at Xiao He and said, "Tangyao'er is the emperor's beloved daughter, she is a golden branch and jade leaf, she is noble and proud, my concubine taught her to cherish her reputation since she was a child, she has always been obedient, She's very sensible, how could she think so hard about doing bad things for a man?"

Let's talk, Lian Zhaoyi's face turned red with anger, and she couldn't help crying.

But Emperor Zhou Cheng stared at Feng Tangyao for a long time, and Tangyao'er felt the oppressive gaze, her heart trembled, and she tightly grasped Lian Zhaoyi's clothes, but she didn't show any panic on her face, just Weep silently.

Finally, Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at Imperial Physician Liang, who was ashen-faced. He shook his head and murmured, "Your Majesty, I deserve death for being a humble official, but I really have no grudges against Eleven Princesses. The meaning of the thirteenth princess."

"Shut up!" Finally, Emperor Zhou Cheng yelled sharply and said, "In order to avenge the queen's punishment for you, you actually attacked the eleventh princess by hurting the thirteenth princess, and now you dare to rogue the thirteenth princess. There is no pardon for the crime! Come, drag him out immediately, according to Xiao He's statement, execute him, hang his head on the city wall to show the public, and his family will sit together, it is unforgivable!"

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, I'm wronged..." Imperial Physician Liang felt his eyes darkened, begging for mercy repeatedly, but the Emperor had already opened his mouth, and the death penalty was inevitable. Two guards walked in, tied him up, and blocked him. mouth.

But Feng Tangyao and Lian Zhaoyi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, Feng Tangyao suddenly went limp and passed out.

"Tangyaoer!" Lian Zhaoyi shouted and hugged her.

Zhou Chengdi did not run over in a hurry as usual, but sat down slowly, with a complicated look in his eyes.

"Ling Yue'er, I misunderstood you, it's all right, you can go back to Changchun Palace." He finally let out a breath and said.

"That's great, the last general thanks the emperor for your kindness!" Xiao He was extremely happy, he quickly looked at Ling Yue'er, and ran over to help her loosen the shackles on her body.

But there was no happy expression on Ling Yue'er's face, she knelt down silently, kowtowed to Emperor Zhou Cheng, and said:
"My son, thank the father for his grace."

(End of this chapter)

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