Chapter 514
Chapter 514
What... Lian Shiya suddenly raised her head to look at Feng Qianyue——

"Your Highness, no, you can't..."

Feng Qianyue's slightly cold eyes fell on her, and said leisurely, "This is the best arrangement this king has given you."

When Lian Yanqing heard this, he wished he could not have Lian Shiya as his daughter, why would he want to take her in for two months, he quickly said, "Your Highness, this unworthy girl should have been severely punished for doing such a wrong thing, but Considering that she is already a member of His Highness's family, just like her mother, she can beat thirty boards and be done."

Feng Qianyue glanced at Lian Yanqing slightly, and Lian Yanqing nodded hurriedly, "Your Highness..."

Feng Qianyue stood up, glanced over Lian Siyue's body vaguely, and said, "Let's fight each other, then the king will bid farewell."

"Send to the Fourth Highness."

"Your Highness, Your Highness, you can't leave me alone, I'm yours, I'm yours..." Seeing Feng Qianyue's cold back walk away, Lian Shiya crawled after her, but, He didn't even look back.

She sat slumped on the ground, then raised her eyes to look at Lian Yanqing, "Father, father, please, daughter, I will never dare again, father is all my fault, it is all my fault, I was beaten last year It happened once, when I got up at that time, the root of the disease fell, daughter, daughter can't stand this beating..."

"Come on, drag it down. Thirty boards, even less than one board. After the beating, quietly send it back to Yue Wang's mansion without making a fuss." Lian Yanqing ordered.

"No, father, father!" Lian Shiya was dragged down, the board fell on her body, and she wailed one after another.

Lian Siyue passed by her side——

Lian Shiya, the taste of being ignored by your husband and ignored by your father, you have tasted it, how do you feel?

After being knocked out, Aunt Xiao fell asleep for an unknown amount of time. In a daze, she saw two figures swaying outside the door, and vaguely heard them discussing in a low voice:

"I didn't see a doctor being sent after fighting like this. Tell me, is the master not going to save her anymore?"

"She did such a bad thing, the master didn't kill her with a sword, so he sent a doctor?"

Aunt Xiao secretly clenched her fists, trembling all over, with fear in her eyes——

Lian Yanqing intends to kill her?

Thinking about it carefully, she was exposed for doing such a thing, according to Lian Yanqing's temper, thinking of the two aunts he had personally executed before, a chill rose in her heart——

No, she can't die, Rong Xue is still alive and well, how can she die?Even if he dies, he must drag Rong Xue to be buried with him!

At that time, she and she were both the daughters-in-law, and Rong Xue was the main wife, but she could only be a concubine!She has been unwilling for decades, now, how can she just die like this.

She wants to save her life!

"Squeak." With a sound, the door opened, and she quickly closed her eyes. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that it was a woman who brought food in. Without saying a word, she closed the door and walked out.

She opened her eyes, and the meal was just two cold steamed buns.

She moved over, touched the steamed bun with trembling hands, and ate it forcefully. After eating the hard-to-swallow steamed bun, her eyes searched the firewood room, and finally, she found a piece of steamed bread in the corner of the wall. A blunt knife.

Enduring the pain in her body, she gritted her teeth and crawled over, hiding the blunt knife behind her sitting back.

For three days in a row, someone delivered food on time, and every time someone came back, her heart hung in her throat, and her hand touched the blunt knife behind her.

Until the middle of the night on the fourth day, when she was enduring the pain from the part where the stick had lashed her, and couldn't sleep because of tossing and turning, the door opened——

When she raised her head suddenly, she saw that the woman was holding a bowl of medicine in her hand, and said, "Aunt Xiao, this is a gift from the master, ask a doctor to prescribe medicine for you, drink it and your wounds will slowly heal. "

Aunt Xiao looked at the bowl of thick black medicine, turned her head away, and said, "My injury will heal, I don't need to drink medicine, you take it back."

"This is the master's idea. I'd better invite Aunt Xiao to drink it. The servant seems to have explained to the master." The woman suddenly pressed Aunt Xiao's shoulder and poured the medicine into her mouth.

"Well, let go, let go, I won't drink..." She struggled hard, pursed her mouth tightly and refused to drink, and her hand touched the blunt knife again in a panic.

"Huh!" The woman sneered, and said, "Aunt Xiao, let me tell you the truth, the prime minister wants you to die, you have to drink if you drink, and you have to drink if you don't drink, if you don't drink today, you will drink tomorrow , let you die quietly, and said to the outside world that you died of illness."

"He really wants my life." Aunt Xiao's heart sank to the bottom, her face showed a look of despair, "He forgot, he forgot my kindness, he forgot my ten years of tender companionship... "

"Aunt Xiao, you can talk about these things with that black and white impermanence on Huangquan Road. If the master wants your life, you will... um..."

Aunt Xiao held the blunt knife in her hand, and looked at the nanny lying on the ground with terrified and ruthless eyes. She just said something deliberately to divert her attention, and when she was distracted, she slammed the knife hard. The ground fell on this nanny's head, she tilted and fell to the ground, bright red blood flowed from her head.

"Kang lang..." Aunt Xiao threw away the knife in her hand, took off the clothes on the nanny, put them on for herself, then hid the blunt knife on her body, and took advantage of the night, dragging her painful body, and left. Chai Fang, based on memory, walked quickly to the Fu'an Courtyard of the Da Furen.

This nanny was right, Lian Yanqing wanted her to die, she couldn't survive.

But, she can't just die in vain, she wants to be buried with Rong Xue!
"Rong Xue, I will never let you go even if I die, you and your son will go to Huangquan Road and be my companion!"

Aunt Xiao gritted her teeth. She knew the terrain of the back house very well, so she walked around places with many eyes and ears. She knew that there was a place that could lead directly to Fu'an Courtyard.

"Bang..." At this time, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, followed by thunder, and the sky began to rain heavily again.

"Ah..." Da Furen suddenly woke up with a start, fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

"Ma'am, what's the matter with you?" Nanny Zhou, who was watching the night outside, hurried in when she heard the movement.

"Where's my Yan'er?" Da Furen asked hastily.

"Master Yan is sleeping, sleeping soundly, and it started to rain again just now." Nanny Zhou hurriedly took a handkerchief to wipe off the sweat from Da Furen's forehead.

"Go and hug me and let me have a look." The eldest lady felt a little flustered in her heart, and an ominous premonition enveloped her.

"Yes, the old slave is going."

Nanny Zhou turned around and went out. After a while, she hugged Lian Yan, who was sleeping soundly, to the bedside. The eldest lady carried the child over from her arms. Seeing that he was safe and sound, she let go of the stone in her heart a little.

(End of this chapter)

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