First-class daughter

Chapter 526 I don't want to

Chapter 526 I don't want to
Chapter 526 I don't want to
"Father, it's just that the fourth sister has a strong temper. She cries out every day to find her true love. If she can't find her, she would rather die alone than obey her father's arrangement." Pan Ge said with some concern.

When Pan Xilin heard this, a headache appeared on his face.

Speaking of the marriage of his fourth daughter, it was really the most troublesome thing for King Anqing. The prestige of Princess Ruochu has spread far and wide in southern Qing Dynasty, because she has beaten away countless people to come here in the past two years. A suitor—

Those noble sons who came here admiring King Anqing's reputation were either humiliated by Pan Ruochu and couldn't hold their heads up, or they were directly beaten away by her. As time passed, no one dared to marry them.

The counselor Zhen Shixue stroked his beard, showed a meaningful smile, and said, "My lord, the two princes, according to my humble opinion, this nine princes may be the one Princess Ruochu wants, hehehe ..."

"In any case, once this Tweeting Order is promulgated, our relationship with the capital will become closer. An early marriage with the prince is also a strategy. This time, whether Ruochu wants to or not, I want her to meet the Ninth Prince. said Pan Xilin.

"Father is wise." The second son Pan Ge said immediately, but the eldest son Pan Wei looked coldly at him.



On the huge training ground, all the soldiers of the Pan family were practicing in an orderly manner.

And the commander standing on the high platform, dressed in silver armor, set off the heroic appearance of "him", looked at the people practicing in front of him with firm and condensed eyes, but still couldn't conceal the handsome face, with a round nose With a few fine beads of sweat, those white jade-like hands looked a little coquettish in a world full of men.

"The one on the left, didn't you eat this morning? Come here, drag it out, and charge thirty!" After a while, "he" shot the silver gun in his hand with a sound, and hit the armor on the head of the soldier who was soft after exercise. , the soldier fell on his back, and then was dragged down by the soldiers who rushed over, and after a while, he heard the sound of slapping the board.

"I've seen it all, if anyone doesn't use [-]% of his strength to practice, this will be the result!" The commander said loudly with cold eyes.

"Princess, princess..." At this moment, a peach-red figure rushed towards Pan Ruochu and said something in Pan Ruochu's ear.

"What?" Pan Ruochu was furious when he heard this, and said, "Zhen Shixue, that bastard who can only talk nonsense, actually asked my father to betroth me to the Ninth Prince from Kyoto?"

"My servant just came in with tea, and I overheard that the Ninth Prince's demeanor is unmatched, and the princess is absolutely perfect for her." Yinzi, the servant girl, told Pan Ruochu what she had heard.

"No one can match your charm?" Pan Ruochu sneered after hearing this, and said, "Every man in this world likes to brag about himself. No one can match his charm, heh, I'm ashamed to say these six words."

"Princess, what should we do now?" Yin Zi asked.

Pan Ruochu changed the silver spear in his hand to another hand, concentrated for a moment, and said, "Do you know where the Ninth Prince is now?"

"Jinli Inn." Yinzi replied.

"Jinli Inn?" Pan Ruochu pondered slowly, and at last a cold smile appeared on his face, and he said, "So, the princess wants to go and see, this Ninth Prince, who is unrivaled in grace, grows up What did it look like, that my father had the idea of ​​marrying me off again."

"Ah, princess... you, would it be inconvenient for you to go and see the Ninth Prince first?" Yin Zi looked at Pan Ruochu up and down, and said.

There was a hint of sarcasm on the corners of Pan Ruochu's lips, he raised his head slightly, folded his hands around his chest, and said, "This princess will not steal or snatch, and I will go to see my future 'husband' openly, there is nothing inconvenient."

"The Princess will not be..." Yinzi broke into a cold sweat.

"In those capitals, there are many delicate women who can't lift their shoulders or hands. The Ninth Highness knows that the feudal lords will send beauties. It's his fault if he doesn't get married again. In this way, I can easily let her go." Can you pass him?"

As Pan Ruochu said, he carried the silver gun and walked out to the training ground. His movements were chic and neat, with a bit of heroic bearing.

A moment later, a graceful and handsome young man sneaked out from the back door of Prince Anqing's mansion, and beside this young man was a somewhat timid book boy.

"Yinzi, you shrink your head and tail like this, how can you look like me, Pan Ruochu? If you don't straighten up and walk, this young master will break your legs!" Pan Ruochu slammed the palace fan on Yinzi's back, Yinzi straightened up in fright.

Pan Ruochu disguised herself as a man and entered the Jinli Inn, and the waiter warmly greeted her and said, "Oh, handsome young man, do you want to be a top player or stay in the inn, but if you stay in the inn, you won't be accepted , because it is full"

Pan Ruochu gave Xiao Er a cold look. Xiao Er's back felt cold, and after a serious look, he recognized the person in front of him and covered his mouth in fright.

Pan Ruochu looked up to the second floor, and saw that the whole second floor exuded a solemn atmosphere, no one was walking in the corridor, and a shadow passed by the door in the middle.

The corners of her lips raised slightly, and she said, "I don't live in the hotel, bring me two jugs of good wine, two dishes of appetizers, and sit there." She pointed to a place by the window and said.

Apparently, there was only one room on the second floor, and the rooms next to it were all empty. The Ninth Prince lived there, but there were no guards. Does it look like a prince from Kyoto?

"Princess, there isn't even a single guard, so is the prince not favored?" Yin Zi sat down opposite Pan Ruochu and asked.

"What do you know? It's called deterrence. Deterrence deters my father, King Anqing. It's not uncommon if he shouts and embraces. The simpler it is, the more confusing people will be." Pan Ruochu took a sip of wine and threw a peanut Putting his mouth into his mouth, looking at the door with his eyes, he said.

Pan Ruochu drank a pot of wine, but still did not see the Ninth Prince coming down from the room. During the period, she saw people sent by her father go up twice, but came out without the door of the Prince's room.

Her face gradually became a little ugly, and her drinking slowed down.

After she drank the second jug of wine, she still didn't see the Ninth Prince coming out, and Yin Zi was also drowsy from waiting.

At this time, the prince's bodyguard came out of the room. Pan Ruochu couldn't help but hold the palace fan on the table, staring at Ye Feng's too cold figure.

Night Breeze felt an unusual gaze, he secretly clenched the hidden weapon in his sleeve, and slowly turned his head -

Then I saw a young and handsome young man sitting by the window, his eyes looked a bit noble and malicious.

(End of this chapter)

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