Chapter 530

Chapter 530

Lian Siyue looked at the woman, and saw that Wei Ru had good skin Sai Xue, pointed chin, almond eyes with affection, Yun Ling's black eyebrows were tightly knit, she was wearing a rose red flowing color dark bamboo cloud dress, her head was There is a phoenix hairpin with tendrils, wings, three tails, green title, single drop and tassel, and a silver pendant inlaid with seven-colored gemstones. It is as bright and bright as summer. For the girls present, Wei Ruhao was really refreshed and free and easy.

Wei Ruhao also happened to raise her head and looked towards Lian Siyue, she nodded slightly towards Lian Siyue, and even Siyue returned her courtesy.

This Wei Ruhao was the Princess of the Eighth Highness Feng Ye in her previous life, and she came to the capital this time, probably because of her marriage with Feng Ye. Based on the time of her previous life, Feng Ye will get married on the Mid-Autumn Festival this year .

I just don't know, will it be the same in this life?
"These poems and pictures of Princess Jian'an, there are paintings in the poems, and poems in the paintings. Xiao Shan has read it, and I really admire, admire..." At this time, a man's voice sounded, interrupting Lian Siyue's thoughts.

Everyone saw that the person appreciating the poems and paintings of Princess Jian'an was Xiao Shan, the eldest son of Xiao Guogong, a well-known talent in the capital.

He's here too?Lian Siyue frowned slightly. It is said that he is going to get married next month, and the object of marriage is Li Yuanxin, the second daughter of Mr. Li, the secretary of the Ministry of War. Today, the banquet that Wei Ruhao is pushing out, Concubine Xu Xian handed him a post to make it what.

Wei Ruhao showed a decent smile, and said, "Master Xiao won the award, Jian'an made a random song, it can't compare to the talents of all the sisters and sisters in the capital."

"The princess is too humble. The talent of the princess is much better than some people who are harsh and introverted. Some people show their sharpness, but they are extremely disgusting. But Princess Jian'an, you are just right no matter what. She is the model that a woman should have." Xiao Shan's gaze flicked over Lian Siyue's body, making people feel that he was talking about Lian Siyue.

Lian Siyue didn't become angry from embarrassment, her face was calmer than usual, as if she didn't hear Xiao Shan's words.

Eleventh Princess frowned, lowered her voice and said to Lian Siyue, "This Xiao Shan has a broken mouth, he looks like a woman. I really doubt that Xiao Zhenhai bought him the reputation of being a genius back then."

Lian Siyue smiled slightly and said, "The princess still hasn't learned to be cautious in her words and deeds."

"If you want me to hold back my words, I'd rather die." Princess Eleven pouted and said.

"Concubine Yue is here!" At this time, everyone turned their heads and saw that the Fourth Highness Wangfei also walked in. She had a prosthetic leg installed by her second brother Xiao He, so she walked much slower than ordinary people.

As soon as Xiao Rou walked in, her eyes fell on Lian Siyue's face for a moment, she gave a slight cold snort, then walked in front of Wei Ruhao, and greeted the general.

After a while, the thirteenth princess, the fifth princess, the third princess, and other invited ladies all came one by one.

People may be in groups of three or four, reciting poems, drawing pictures and playing the qin, enjoying themselves in harmony and elegance. Today, Wei Ruhao is the protagonist of this banquet, and everyone is centered on her.

She wrote poems and paintings, which always attracted a lot of exclamation.

Wei Ruhao invited Lian Siyue to come up to the poem, but Lian Siyue's kindness was hard to refuse, so he also wrote two poems——

"I have long heard that the county magistrate Ronghe is full of talents, and seeing him today, he really deserves his reputation." Wei Ruhao praised.

"The Princess has won the award. She is not as good as she is, but not as quick-witted as the Princess." Even General Siyue spoke impeccably, without revealing any flaws. Wei Ruhao pursed her cherry lips slightly, and the corners of her eyes flickered A hint of indifference.

But the eleventh princess, Feng Lingyue, has been following Lian Siyue, pulling her clothes and yawning frequently, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Seeing her like that, Feng Tangyao snorted coldly, "What an idiot, I can't understand a single sentence, why are you here?"

At the same time, Xiao He, who was sitting in the gazebo with a few noblemen and playing chess, saw Feng Lingyue's frequent yawns in his eyes——

"Hehe..." He couldn't help laughing out loud. Seeing her bored and forced herself to nod in praise with others, she was really cute.

The person who was playing chess with him on the opposite side was still smirking when he saw that he had made a wrong important move, and the people watching the chess with him were stunned for a moment:
"Young Master, you made a wrong move, but are you mad?"

Xiao He came back to his senses, looked down, and realized that one of his chess pieces was in the wrong place, and the whole game was lost due to the difference of one chess piece.

"Little Hou Ye is so casual, as if he doesn't care about that rare night pearl." Everyone laughed.

"I lost, I would like to bet and admit defeat. Take the Ye Mingzhu." Xiao He took out a precious Ye Mingzhu from his waist, put it in the opponent's hand, stood up and said, "You have already got the Ye Mingzhu, maybe let me go."

After everyone heard it, they understood, and someone laughed and said, "Young Master wants to go to meet the beautiful woman earlier, so he can't wait to lose this Ye Mingzhu. This is a priceless item."

Xiao He smiled but said nothing, got up and left the gazebo.

"I didn't expect this banquet to be so boring, Lian Siyue, I went there to rest." Eleventh Princess couldn't bear it any longer, so she whispered in Lian Siyue's ear.

"Go, don't go too far, I still have something to say to the princess." Lian Siyue patted Princess Eleven's hand and said.

"Yeah!" The Eleventh Princess ran away hurriedly. She walked out of a secluded gazebo, put her chin on her hand, yawned, and said, "I'm really afraid of such an elegant person like Wei Ruhao. I have to make a sentence out of my mouth, which makes me doubt whether I am still a human being, and whether I can understand people's words."

"Your Majesty's move is really clever, and you have attracted all the enemies who are like the moon." Behind the curtain, Concubine Xu Xian stood behind and looked at the situation in the yard, and Jin Nai said sinisterly from the side.

Concubine Xu Xian looked at the people in the yard indifferently and proudly, and said slowly, "I have observed Lian Siyue, who has meticulous thoughts and strange methods. Even in front of the emperor, he was able to get away several times, and he was able to catch him without any effort." A first-rank county lord, she is by no means easy to deal with, if I do it myself, if I am bitten back, the gain outweighs the loss, so why not use Xiao Rou's hand to eradicate Lian Siyue."

"Speaking of which, Princess Yue is also a ruthless one," Nanny Jin said.

"Her father is that poisonous scorpion Xiao Zhenhai, can she not be ruthless?" Concubine Xu Xian smiled slowly, "However, he is also stupid."

"Your Majesty, she's here." Jin Momo hurriedly said as she saw Xiao Rou slowly moving into the hall.

Concubine Xu Xian suppressed the coldness on her face, and showed a benevolent smile. Seeing Xiao Rou walking in and about to kneel down, she said:
"Princess Yue doesn't need to salute, just sit down."

"Concubine Xie Xian." Xiao Rou stood up slowly, with a bloodthirsty smile on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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