Chapter 532
Chapter 532
"Second brother, when the time comes, you just need to wait at the side hall. I have a way to lure Lian Siyue to the Eleventh Princess. Lian Siyue and Eleventh Princess want to be good, and I will not be suspicious. What do you think?" ?" At the end, Xiao Rou looked at Feng Lingyue who was still sleeping in the gazebo, and said.

"You want to take advantage of Ling Yue'er?" Xiao He said with displeasure in his eyes, protecting him like he was protecting his most beloved baby.

Seeing that Xiao He was dissatisfied, Xiao Rou immediately said, "Second Brother, no, how dare my sister take advantage of your beloved? I just lured Princess Eleven away first, and then someone told Lian Siyue that Eleven The princess is waiting for her in the side hall, and will not involve the eleventh princess.

Xiao He's performance was indifferent to Xiao Rou's surprise. He said, "There are many ways to teach Lian Siyue a lesson. I didn't intend to draw her to be my concubine. Yue'er's heart is simple, and she and Lian Siyue are so innocent. Siyue has a good relationship, she will believe even Siyue's things, so don't use any tricks on her."

"But, second brother, this is the best way. As long as Lian Siyue marries you as a concubine, it will be very convenient for us to teach Lian Siyue a lesson..." Seeing that Xiao He was about to leave, Xiao Rou hurriedly followed , said.

"I don't want a concubine!" Xiao He said coldly.

"Second brother, you... do you take the eleventh princess too seriously? She has no power and power, and my father will never let you marry her. He will definitely find a way to destroy this engagement. In the future, you If he insists on marrying, my father will find a way to make her his concubine, the second brother is good at everything, why can't he pass the test of love, if you..."

"Okay! Xiao Rou, this is none of your business. You should be your own Princess Yue, don't mind my business, and don't use Ling Yue'er's brains, otherwise I won't let you go!" Xiao He scolded She said, turning around coldly and walking into the gazebo, looking down at Feng Lingyue who was still asleep, the affection on her face was slightly relieved.

"Second Brother..." Xiao Rou didn't expect that someone like Xiao Second Brother who had rolled around in a corpse would have such pure love for a woman. While feeling disappointed because of his rejection, she was also very envious and jealous of Princess Eleven. , how can such a stupid person get such an excellent person as the second brother.

But, now that the second brother refuses, what should we do?Do you want to let go of this rare opportunity today?
Xiao Rou clenched her hands tightly, no, no, Concubine Xu Xian does not have the opportunity to help every time, today must follow the plan, since the second brother is not willing, then——

Xiao Rou looked at Xiao Shan who was walking towards her, and called out, "Brother, you came just in time, I have something to tell you."

So, Xiao Rou repeated what she said to Xiao He, unexpectedly, Xiao Shan also frowned, and said, "No, I absolutely don't want to stick to this poisonous woman like Lian Siyue."

"Brother..." Xiao Rou's heart sank.

"However..." Xiao Shan said with a smile on his face, "I have another way, which is better than yours."

"What method..." Xiao Rou suddenly raised her head, her eyes lit up.

"You give me two personal things from her, and then go to the Empress Dowager, and say that I agree with her, and ask the Empress Dowager to give her to me in marriage. Her weight is naturally higher than that of Li Yuanxin. As the main wife, Li Yuanxin can only be a concubine, but after marriage, I only dote on Li Yuanxin, ignore Lian Siyue, make her the laughing stock of the whole capital, and pick her faults everywhere, and torture her as much as I want. "Xiao Shan hated Lian Siyue very much.

"But... at the beginning, the eldest brother's title was cut off and he couldn't take the imperial examination. It was more or less related to Lian Siyue. Everyone knew it at the time, but now he asked me to ask the Queen Mother to betroth Lian Siyue to you. This... ...If the emperor knows, he might be suspicious." Xiao Rou said with some concerns.

Xiao Shan said coldly, "Fourth sister, thanks to the fact that you are a daughter, how can you not know the importance of festivals? If I have moon-like underwear in my hand, even if the queen mother doesn't give her a marriage, she can marry again." To whom, who would want her, and when the time comes, won't she marry me obediently?"

"In that case, it makes a lot of sense." Xiao Rou nodded, and a smile slowly appeared on her face.

"Concubine Xian is here, His Highness the Eighth Prince is here..." Following a voice, Concubine Xu Xian appeared in everyone's sight, and she was wearing a narrow-sleeved gold-woven four-in-one Ruyi nest wrapped branch peony jacket , a dark red satin dress with phoenix makeup, and a black gauze pointed brown hat with peach hearts and longevity hairpins on the top of the hair, exuding dignified and noble aura.

And the person who appeared together with Concubine Xian was the Eighth Prince Feng Ye who just returned to Beijing yesterday. This time, he also came to Dongxi Palace under the order of Concubine Xian. As soon as he walked in, his eyes fell on Lian Siyue ——

I haven't seen her for a few days, but this girl seems to have grown up a bit, and the charm and tenderness of a woman can be seen in her eyebrows and eyes.

Everyone knelt down in unison, and said, "I pay my respects to the concubine Xian, my Highness the Eighth Highness."

Concubine Xu Xian nodded with a smile on her face, and said, "Get up."

That Wei Ruhao raised his head, looking at Feng Ye in the dark purple brocade robe that time, his face couldn't help getting slightly hot.

"Jian'an, come to my side." Concubine Xu Xian called Wei Ruhao to her side at the right time, and asked her and Feng Ye to stand beside her, secretly revealing to everyone that the Princess of Jian'an future status.

Wei Ruhao raised his eyes and looked at Feng Ye who was beside him, feeling yearning in his heart, Feng Ye nodded towards her, with a wanton smile on his face, and the signature bohemian on the corner of his lips, "Hello, I haven't seen you in a few years." gone."

"Brother Ye, it's been a long time." Wei Ruhao blushed slightly.

Concubine Xu Xian saw that what Feng Ye and Wei Ru had said was good, she nodded in satisfaction, but she didn't notice the coldness hidden in the corner of her son's eyes.

"Everyone is tired of poetry and painting. I think Ling Yue'er has yawned a few times." Concubine Xu Xian smiled slightly and said to Feng Lingyue in a playful manner.

The Eleventh Princess who had just walked over from the gazebo blushed when she heard that she had been named again, and said, "Concubine Xian, don't make fun of Ling Yue'er. Ling Yue'er can fight, but can't write poems and paintings alone."

"Haha..." After Eleventh Princess said, everyone couldn't help laughing, and Xiao He also pursed his lips and smiled lightly.

Wei Ruhao smiled slightly and said, "Auntie, this is a banquet prepared for Jian'an. Everyone should be happy. If the eleventh princess gets bored, Jian'an will really feel uneasy. Why don't we play it differently? When we were in the prosperous capital, we all liked to play with pitching pots when we served wine orders. The neck of the pot was seven inches long, the belly five inches long, the diameter two and a half inches, and the capacity was five liters. Also. The arrow is like a thorn, two feet and eight inches long, and the skin is not removed, but it is firm and heavy. The winner of the throw can drink the one who can't win, and think it is good or bad. Eleven princesses, let's play pot throwing, how about it?"

"Pot throwing?" Princess Eleven said with a gleam of excitement on her face, "Sounds good, I really want to play."

The rest of the people listened and were eager to try.

Therefore, Concubine Xu Xian ordered people to prepare the utensils for throwing the pot, and the maids stood aside with ambulances.

Everyone started to throw them enthusiastically. The two-foot-high jade pot was placed in the middle of the garden and filled with red beans. Those who hit the target must drink alcohol.

The Eleventh Princess was the first to stand up and clamored to play. She held the arrow in her hand, concentrated her strength forward, and threw it out. With a bang, the arrow was inserted into the jade pot impartially. It was neat and quite heroic, so it won applause from everyone.

The thirteenth princess, Feng Tangyao, watched from a distance, but muttered coldly: I am used to some brute force, shame on me.

"Jian'an, why don't you give it a try." Concubine Xu Xian said.

Wei Ruhao took an arrow, walked to a distance of two zhang away from the jade pot under everyone's gaze, aimed at the opening of the jade pot, and raised the arrow.

(End of this chapter)

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