First-class daughter

Chapter 534 Killed

Chapter 534 Killed

Chapter 534 Killed

Seeing this, Concubine Xu Xian ordered Jin Nanny beside her, and said, "County Master Ronghe seems to be a little uncomfortable, Jin Nanny, go and order some soup to sober up, and help her go to the hall to rest for a while."

Nanny Jin took the order, walked to Lian Siyue's side, bowed and said, "Master, the empress ordered you to make hangover soup, although you are a servant, go and rest for a while."

Even Siyue didn't have any other servants to serve her, so she nodded and said, "Then thank you Jinmao, I am indeed a little groggy."

"Please." Everyone continued to play, while Jin Nao helped Lian Siyue out of the garden.

Eleventh Princess looked at her receding back, and said, "I'm going to see her." After saying that, she ran to follow.

Concubine Xu Xian winked at the maid at the side, and the maid quietly retreated away from everyone's eyes and ears.

The eleventh princess hurried out of the garden, but Lian Siyue disappeared suddenly. When she was wondering, a maid from the Changchun Palace hurried over and said, "Princess, princess, the empress is not feeling well, and I want you to go back immediately." .”

"The queen mother is not feeling well?" Princess Eleven's heart trembled.

"Yes, go and have a look."

Princess Eleven looked around again, gritted her teeth, and went back to Changchun Palace with the maid.

Xiao He stood there, looking at the direction where Lian Siyue was taken away by Nanny Jin, finally, he withdrew his gaze, and walked in the direction of Changchun Palace,

Besides, in the back garden, everyone continued to throw pots, all of them were in high spirits, drinking, applauding and applauding.

After a while, Nanny Jin returned to the garden and whispered in Concubine Xu Xian's ear, "Mother, Rong and the county master said that she was not feeling well, and this servant arranged for her to sleep."

Concubine Xu Xian nodded, waved to Feng Ye who was standing over there, and said, "Ye'er, I'm tired, please help me go to my bedroom to rest for a while."

"Yes, concubine mother."

Feng Ye supported Concubine Xu Xian, walked into the bedroom together, just sat down, the maid came over with ginseng soup, Concubine Xu Xian said:
"You will come today, so I ordered someone to stew it early in the morning, drink it."

"Thank you, concubine mother." Feng Ye picked up the ginseng soup, lowered his head and drank it, while concubine Xu Xian sat aside and looked at him with a smile, "Don't go out, stay here with concubine mother, and concubine mother Concubine, tell me, where have you been these days? You, the older you get, the less you want to care about your mother and concubine, do you know how sad your mother is?"

Feng Ye paused for a moment holding the spoon, then slowly put down the bowl, and said, "I went to Shanhaiguan, Concubine Mu."


Concubine Xu Xian was taken aback, and immediately sat up from the bed.

"I went to find out that the eldest son of the company minister was almost killed by a soldier, but Lian Yanfu was aware of it in time, and the company was spared. However, the murderer had already been poisoned and was arrested. It didn't take long before he died of poison." Feng Ye slowly raised his head, looked at his mother and concubine, and said.


"This is all done by my concubine, right?" Feng Ye's eyes gradually became stern.

Concubine Xu Xian sat down slowly, and said, "That's right, it's me, Lian Jue's life cannot be kept."

"Why exactly? Concubine Mu, can you tell the baby." Feng Ye asked.

"You don't need to know." Concubine Xu Xian turned her head away and said coldly.

"Then today, the concubine mother tampered with Lian Siyue's arrow and made her drink three cups of wine. Why?" Feng Ye's eyes were a little red, and his voice trembling slightly, asked.

"You, did you see it?" Concubine Xu Xian suddenly raised her head and asked.

Feng Ye didn't say anything more to Concubine Xu Xian, turned around and walked outside the dormitory, grabbed Jin Jin who had hurried in, and asked, "Where is Lian Siyue?"

Nanny Jin trembled, "This... Your Highness, Your Majesty..."

"Say!" Feng Ye let out a low growl, and with a force from his hand, Nanny Jin's throat was locked by him.

"Ye'er, you are bold..." Concubine Xu Xian suddenly stood up suddenly when she saw that he was doing something to her most considerate nanny for the sake of Lian Siyue.

"Mother Concubine, don't do anything to Lian Siyue!" Feng Ye threw away Golden Nanny and walked outside the door, but after only a few steps, a violent dizziness suddenly hit him, and he staggered. Holding the door frame with his hands, he shook his head vigorously, his eyes darkened for a while, and he looked back at the bowl of ginseng soup he just drank——

"Mother, you..."

As he spoke, his eyes darkened and he fell down.

Nanny Jin hurriedly got up from the ground, and Wei Ruhao also walked in from the outside.

Concubine Xu Xian ordered, "All of you, take the Eighth Highness down and rest for a while."

"Yes." Several eunuchs came over, helped Feng Ye up from the ground, and entered a bedroom.

"How is Lian Siyue doing now?" Concubine Xu Xian asked.

"Go back to your mother, she has already fallen asleep after drinking that wine." Jin Nam said.

"Go and inform Xiao Rou, we can proceed according to the plan." Concubine Xu Xian said indifferently.

"Auntie, my grandfather often said that on the battlefield, to give the enemy a way to survive is to give oneself a way of thinking. Raising tigers is bound to cause trouble. Auntie wants to give this Lian Siyue to the Xiao family as a daughter-in-law, and let the Xiao family abuse it. But if the time comes when the Xiao family fails to obtain it, what should we do?" Wei Ruhao stopped Jin Nanny and said.

"Jian'an, what do you mean..." Concubine Xu Xian frowned slightly.

"It's better to take the opportunity to kill everything, and kill Lian Siyue to avoid future troubles." Wei Ruhao said with a trace of coldness in his eyes.

"But, princess, this is the Dongxi Palace. If Narong and the county master die here, the empress will not be able to get rid of it." Jin Nam said worriedly.

"Hehe..." Wei Ruhao chuckled, and said, "But if someone else killed him, at most, my aunt will cooperate with the investigation, and Dongxi Palace won't be responsible anyway."

"Jian'an seems to mean..." Concubine Xu Xian showed a smile on her face.

"Isn't there Xiao Rou? Mother Jin finds a place and kills Lian Siyue, and then follows Xiao Rou's plan and throws Lian Siyue's body in front of Xiao Shan. At that time, she will say that the person is Xiao Shan Kill him. The Xiao family is the backing of His Highness the Fourth Highness. If Xiao Shan commits the crime of murder, Duke Xiao will not be able to escape responsibility. If the Xiao family is injured, His Highness the Fourth Highness will be injured. This will be of great benefit to His Highness the Eighth Highness. "Wei Ruhao calmly analyzed.

"Haha..." Concubine Xu Xian nodded very satisfied, and said, "Jian'an, I am indeed right in seeing you. You are smart and calm, and you are a good helper for me."

"Auntie, since I am Brother Ye's official concubine, I will plan everything for Brother Ye and Auntie, and eliminate those who are not good for Brother Ye one by one." Wei Ruhao said.

"So..." Concubine Xu Xian paused for a moment, and said, "Golden mother, take her to a hidden place and kill her before Lian Siyue wakes up!" Her eyes revealed a hint of ferocity.

"But..." Jin Momo hesitated, and said, "The Eighth Highness knows that Lian Siyue is with the empress, if he wakes up and finds that she is dead, will he be at odds with the empress, mother and son?"

Wei Ruhao frowned, and said, "This has been pestering the Eighth Highness for several times in a row, which has already caused troubles for the Eighth Highness and Auntie, so if you continue to hesitate and hesitate, you will be in a cocoon in the future, it is better to kill and save trouble. "

Concubine Xu Xian nodded and said, "Jian'an is right. Ye'er is the son of the palace. No matter how much you care about this woman, she will always put me as the most important concubine. Jin, there is no need to hesitate any longer. Follow what Jian'an said. I did, I am here, waiting for your news."


Jin Momo returned to the bedroom where Lian Siyue fell asleep, looked at the sleeping person on the bed, and said gloomyly, "Master Ronghe, I can't blame the old slave! Come!"

Two young eunuchs walked in.

"Tie her up with a sack and follow me." Jin Nao ordered, and the two eunuchs lifted up Lian Siyue, put it in a bag, put the bag into a sedan chair, and did a lot of work. It was concealed so that no one could see the clues, so it was quietly carried out, and it went all the way to the back of a remote rockery in the palace, and then the sack was lifted out of the sedan chair.

"You two go over there and watch." Jin Nam ordered, then took out the dagger she had prepared from her sleeve, gritted her teeth, and stabbed Lian Siyue fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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