Chapter 536

Chapter 536

"Clean it up and put the person in a sack." Lian Siyue's voice came over, with a bloodthirsty chill in that voice.

"Yes." The three of them cleaned up the blood stains on the ground as quickly as possible, and then put the body of Nanny Jin into the bag. Nanny Jin's eyes were always wide open, as if she was dying.

"Miss, His Highness Ninth Prince said that if you enter the palace, we will be your people, and you can just send us around."

"You go to the laundry room immediately and find some things." Lian Siyue said a few words in the ear of the hidden lady disguised as a court lady.

"Yes, miss, let's go now." The maid turned around, and took advantage of the darkness to hide, and walked quickly to the direction of the laundry room.

Xiao Rou waited anxiously. When she heard the sound of small footsteps, she immediately raised her vigilance, "Who?"

"Concubine, it's a servant girl, sent by Nanny Jin, this is the personal belongings of the county master Ronghe, the princess can take it, if the time comes, if the county master Ronghe refuses to admit it, just say it was given to the princess by her earlier, please The concubine handed it over to Young Master Xiao." The one who came was a court lady, and she handed a handkerchief to Xiao Rou.

Xiao Rou was overjoyed, she took it, and saw that there was a month written on the handkerchief, she suddenly asked, "Where is Mother Jin, didn't you agree that she will hand over to me?"

"Back to the princess, His Highness the Eighth Highness is at the empress's side. Jinmao couldn't get away, so she ordered the slaves to come. This is the gold bracelet that Jinmao just gave to the servants. Take a look." This palace maid will belong to Jinmao The bracelet is offered with both hands.

Xiao Rou was relieved when she saw Jin Nanny's bracelet, and asked, "Where is Lian Siyue?"

"Don't worry, Wangfei, I have already carried it to Young Master Xiao, and I will wake up in about half an hour. Wangfei can just follow the original plan." The maid said with her head lowered.

"Well, this concubine knows. After a while, this concubine will lead everyone over there to see Lian Siyue showing her breasts in front of my elder brother." Xiao Rou's heart was full of enthusiasm, and she wished she could immediately Seeing Lian Siyue's ugly appearance.

Xiao Shan waited behind a rockery, he waited anxiously, looked around from time to time, he had already made an appointment with his younger sister Xiao Rou, and was waiting here for Lian Siyue.

This slut made him the laughing stock of the capital, and he was imprisoned. He was full of talent and learning, but he couldn't be an official. He hated her the most!
Now, with the opportunity to marry her back to Xiao's family, he will use a hundred ways to torture her severely, so that she will not be able to survive or die.

"Master Xiao, Master Xiao..." At this moment, a rustling voice came from behind the rockery.

"Who?" Xiao Shan narrowed his eyes and said tightly.

"We were sent by Princess Yue, and the county master Ronghe is here." After a while, two eunuchs brought a bag over, threw it on the ground vigorously, rolled a few times and fell to his feet.

Xiao Shan looked at the bag at his feet, raised his foot and kicked it vigorously, and said, "This bastard has today."

"Eldest young master, let's go first, so as not to be seen, the young master can use this dagger to cut the mouth of the bag.

The two eunuchs left a knife and hurried away.

Xiao Shan frowned, and said, "Going so fast, I didn't even let the young master untie the bag, that's all, I'll do it myself."

Xiao Shan squatted down, took the dagger, and untied the rope that tightened the mouth of the bag. At this moment, he faintly smelled a bloody smell, and then felt his palms wet. He was taken aback, raised his hand, and borrowed Looking at the moonlight--

"Ah, blood!" He sat down on the ground in fright, his face turned pale, and there was a shock in his mind.

"Xu, Xu has injured this bitch and bled. Fourth sister hates this woman so much, she must have beaten her first." Xiao Shan said to himself, raised his hand to wipe his forehead, and then opened the mouth of the bag. Open it, and drag the person inside out of the bag with both hands.

Xiao Rou said, the effect of this drug is about an hour, according to the time, even the bitch should wake up now, when she wakes up, he will trap her here, wait for Xiao Rou to lead everyone over, look When she was lying on top of him, the only way for her was to marry him.

Xiao Shan spent a lot of strength, dragged the man out, and threw him on the ground, just lying face down on the ground.

Xiao Shan looked at the blood on his hands, and couldn't help feeling a little numb in his scalp. He thought to himself, Fourth Sister beat her so hard, isn't he afraid that the bitch will bite back and say that he forced her?
Thinking about it, Xiao Shan squatted on the ground, reached out and turned Lian Siyue's face over——

"Ah!" When Xiao Shan saw the face with bulging eyes staring at him firmly, he screamed out of fright.

This person, this person is not Lian Siyue at all, but rather, it seems to be...

It's Jin Nai next to Concubine Xu Xian!

How is this going?

"Jin, Nanny Jin..." Xiao Shan summoned up his courage and kicked Nanny Jin's body, but he didn't see any movement from Nanny Jin, and still looked at him with bulging eyes.

"Dead, dead?" Xiao Shan was so frightened that he withdrew his feet abruptly, took two steps back, and the hairs on his body stood on end.

He yelled in his heart that it was not good, there must have been a change in the plan, he stood up suddenly from the ground, ready to leave this place quickly
"Ah, that little thing seems to be over there." As soon as he stood up, a wild animal flew towards him. He was startled, and he staggered a few steps and leaned against the rockery.

"Little rabbit, don't run away..."

At this time, many princesses and noble ladies ran over, and the one who hit the front was none other than Lian Siyue!
Xiao Shan turned around and ran, but suddenly felt his foot was hit by something, his knees softened, and he fell to the ground.

"Ah! Ah! There are dead people, dead people!" At this time, the third princess who ran over to chase the little rabbit suddenly screamed loudly, and hid in the arms of the fifth princess beside her in fright.

"Dead? Ah, it's really a dead person. Come on, there's a dead person here!" As soon as the other people ran over and saw Jinmao lying on the ground in a pool of blood, they all screamed in fright, and suddenly It's a mess.

Xiao Shan got up abruptly, wanting to take advantage of the confusion and disappear——

"Master Xiao, what are you holding in your hand?" At this moment, he heard a voice, and saw Lian Siyue walking up to him, pointing at his hand, "You, you killed someone! With a look of horror in her eyes, she screamed loudly, and then took two steps back in fright, attracting everyone's attention.

Xiao Shan lowered his head abruptly, seeing that he was still holding the dagger that cut the mouth of the bag in his hand, he was so frightened that he quickly threw the dagger out——

"No, no, I didn't kill anyone, I don't know, don't spout blood..."

"You killed someone! Come on, someone killed someone here!" Lian Siyue ignored him and shouted loudly.

"I didn't kill anyone, I didn't!" Xiao Shan suddenly stood up from the ground, and rushed towards Lian Siyue, "Bitch, you dare to wrong me, I will tear your mouth apart."

(End of this chapter)

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