First-class daughter

Chapter 541 Soft 1 Strike

Chapter 541

Chapter 541

…"Xiao Qing's family, you have two such children, which shows that you have really failed in raising children. In this regard, you are far inferior to Lianxiang. Lianxiang's sons and daughters are all observant of etiquette and have never done anything wrong. I am very disappointed in you when you left the court.

And the fourth son, you, Princess Yue, are full of nonsense, without a word of truth in your mouth, how do you become a husband-in-law?Legs and scripts are bad, and you still don't want to stay in Yue Wang's mansion, and come to the palace to make trouble, Yue Wangfei is at fault, and you can hardly absolve yourself of the blame. "

Feng Qianyue hurriedly knelt down on both knees, and said, "Father, my son deserves to die!" He clenched his fists tightly, wishing to smash Xiao Rou to death with one punch.

Xiao Zhenhai hurriedly kowtowed, and said, "What the emperor said is absolutely true, it is the humble minister who is incapable of teaching the son! But although Xiao Shan has done wrong things, this murder was not done by him, the humble minister dares to guarantee it with his head."

"Use the head of the item as a guarantee? Xiao Qing's family, your head still has some weight for the time being. If you continue to do so, I'm afraid the head will indeed be used as a guarantee." The emperor's voice was a little cold, obviously displeased. resistance.

Xiao Zhenhai's heart trembled, he hurriedly prostrated himself on the ground, and said: "Your Majesty, this humble minister is guilty, my humble minister is talking nonsense."

Emperor Zhou Cheng glanced at him indifferently, and said, "Xiao Shan has misbehavior and has a criminal record. Now the person who killed Jin Nanny has all the evidence. Come and send Xiao Shan to the sky prison for trial by the Ministry of Criminal Justice. If the murder is justified , then divided by the death penalty. From today onwards, Concubine Yue will be confined to the Palace of Yue Wang. Without my permission, she will not be allowed to enter the palace again..."

Emperor Zhou Cheng gave the order, raised his hand and screened the crowd away.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty is very careful! I beg you, Xiao Shan will not kill Nanny Jin." Xiao Zhenhai hurriedly knelt on the ground, and walked towards the emperor in fear.

"Your Majesty, I didn't kill anyone, I really didn't kill someone, Your Majesty, it was Lian Siyue who killed him, and Lian Siyue who framed him..." Xiao Shan was escorted out of Rongyuan Palace by Jiang Keji and others, his eyes flustered , hastily shouted.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, my elder brother really didn't kill anyone." Xiao Rou regretted it.

Lian Siyue looked at these members of the Xiao family coldly, with a cruel smile in his eyes, now, Xiao Xianmin and Lian Shiya have come to an end, it's the Xiao family's turn!

She is determined to disintegrate Xiao Zhenhai and the people around him step by step, and make the Xiao family collapse!
"No need to say much, I've made up my mind, let's all go down..." Zhou Chengdi stood up, but suddenly felt his eyes darken, his figure flickered, and he fell to the ground——

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

"Father, father!"

"Quick, pass on the imperial doctor."

Immediately, there was a panic in Rongyuan Hall, Feng Degui hurriedly ordered someone to lift the emperor up, the imperial physician hurried over, and Emperor Zhou Cheng was moved into the sleeping hall for diagnosis and treatment by the imperial physician.

Now everyone was kneeling outside the hall, Xiao Zhenhai didn't dare to plead for Xiao Shan anymore, he silently looked at Feng Qianyue, Feng Qianyue's eyes narrowed slowly——

The emperor had been unwell for some time, and this time it seemed to be a little worse.

About half an hour later, Imperial Physician Rong came out of the emperor's bedroom, and everyone hurried forward.

Doctor Rong said to everyone:

"Your majesty is fine, but you just need to recuperate. The emperor has an order. Everyone waits, let's go away..."

So, after saying "Long live the emperor, long live the emperor", everyone left one by one. Feng Degui ordered the palace gates to be closed slowly, and no one knew what was going on with the emperor in the palace.

Xiao Zhenhai clenched his fists tightly, and as soon as he left the Rongyuan Hall, he called someone to investigate the matter related to Xiao Shan's murder.

I asked Xiao Rou again about what happened, and Xiao Rou honestly told what happened with a guilty conscience!
"It's Lian Siyue's fault, we must investigate from her side to save Xiao Shan." Xiao Zhenhai frowned and sighed.

"Father, it's all my daughter's fault."

"Forget it, the matter has come to this point, it's useless to talk, you go back to the palace first, obey the emperor's order, and don't leave the palace." Xiao Zhenhai urged.

"Yes, father."

As soon as Xiao Rou got into Feng Qianyue's carriage, she felt guilty and dared not raise her head, for fear that Feng Qianyue would get angry——

"Your Highness, originally, I just, just wanted to deal with Lian Siyue."

"By you?" Feng Qianyue gave her a cold look, and said, "What are you going to do with Lian Siyue? Face? Feet? Brain? Which one of you is better than Lian Siyue? If you dare to say against him she?"

After hearing this, Xiao Rou suddenly raised her head, with a hurt look on her face, "Your Highness, you... are you saying that I am not as good as Lian Siyue?"

"Are you better than her?" Feng Qianyue said coldly, without even looking at Xiao Rou. In the past, she would hide her disgust, but this time, Feng Qianyue did not hide anything. Siyue's strange smile in Rongyuan Hall inexplicably occupied his heart, swaying in front of his eyes all the time, lingering.

"Your Highness..." Xiao Rou said with tears in her eyes, with a trembling voice, "What do you mean?"

"Stop!" Feng Qianyue was disturbed by Lian Siyue's smile. He didn't want to spend any more time with Xiao Rou, so he got out of the carriage, ordered Ying Kong, and said, "Escort the princess back to the mansion." Then he jumped off carriage.

"Your Highness, where are you going?" Xiao Rou hurriedly opened the curtain of the carriage and asked loudly.

"Princess, what happened today, His Highness must be feeling unwell, walk around freely, you don't have to worry." Ying Kong said.

Xiao Rou clenched her lower lip and didn't speak any more, but she kept thinking in her heart:
What does His Highness mean by speaking for that bitch Lian Siyue all of a sudden?
After Lian Siyue walked out of Rongyuan Hall, she went directly to Menghua Palace.

Concubine Liang was waiting anxiously, when she saw Lian Siyue's figure, she hurried over, Lian Siyue bent her knees, and said:

"Good boy, get up quickly, and sit here." Concubine Liang took her hand and sat down on the chair, and said, "It's fine if you're fine. Since you entered the Winter Palace, my heart has always been on my back." Eight hits, finally came out safely."

"Yue'er is not good, it's Yue'er who made the empress worry." Seeing Concubine Liang's concerned look, even Siyue's heart suddenly felt warm.

"Before Zheng'er left, I told Bengong to pay attention to you if you entered the palace, and sent some people to Menghua Palace, saying that they were prepared for you and could be called at any time. Bengong laughed at him too I'm nervous about you.

Now it seems that his arrangement is really not wrong. If you rely on your own strength, I believe that although you will survive safely, you will be injured. "

What's the matter today?She had just thought of this, but she didn't expect that Concubine Liang would say the same thing now, and she also said that she was worried that she would get hurt. Her usually cold heart became soft at this moment, and she felt a throbbing.

Her eye circles were instantly red, her nose was sore, she felt the heat from Concubine Liang's palm with her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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