First-class daughter

Chapter 546 Tang Yao's Threat

Chapter 546 Tang Yao's Threat
Chapter 546 Tang Yao's Threat
Feng Lingyue tightened her heart, staring at the two drops of blood in the bowl——

Then, she was very disappointed, and was very shocked to see the result she didn't want to see——

She was really not born to the queen mother.

"No, no, how could it be like this, how could it be like this?" She shook her head in a panic, her heart was burning like fire, looking at the two incompatible drops of blood, she burst into tears.

The queen continued, "At that time, I didn't believe that the emperor who was born was dead, so I severely punished the nanny and wanted to find my emperor's body, but the nanny said that the child died. Later, in order not to make the emperor suspect, I threw it into the river and washed it away. I don't know where it went. I sent people to look for it in the river, but there was no trace of the body.

In the next two or three years, I have been investigating and searching, but there is still no progress.

For so many years, Ben Gong always felt that my emperor's son is still alive in this world, because I have never seen him die.

I always feel that maybe one day, he will come back.

But, I'm dying, I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for that day.

Eleventh, you have to stay in the palace well, you have to wait for the queen mother, and wait for the child to come back, you, you promise the queen mother, you promise the queen mother..." (Why did this nanny lie to the queen, it will be revealed later .)
"..." Feng Lingyue shook her head in a panic, her eyes were confused, "I, I just found out that I am not a princess, how can I guard him back, mother, mother, is he dead? If he is not dead, who would dare to take him back?" The prince changed..."

"Ling Yue'er, Ling Yue'er, you have to take care, you keep this secret for me, if one day, if one day... Ling Yue'er, Ling Yue'er..."

As the queen was talking, she suddenly covered her chest with her hands, panting heavily, her face was pale, her eyes protruded, and her pupils bulged.

"Mother's Empress, Mother's Empress..." Feng Lingyue shouted nervously before she could recover from the shock of her life experience.

"Princess Thirteen, why are you here?" At this moment, Xueli's voice suddenly came from outside.

Feng Lingyue heard this, turned around suddenly, opened her eyes wide, and then ran out quickly, and she saw Feng Tangyao pushing Xueli away and running out in a hurry, she quickly chased after her——

"Thirteenth sister, thirteenth sister..."

Feng Tangyao turned her head and saw Feng Lingyue running towards her, so she quickened her pace, Feng Lingyue clenched her teeth and finally caught up with Feng Tangyao.

She stopped in front of Feng Tangyao, opened her hands, "Sister Thirteen, why are you running?"

Feng Tangyao was very excited to get such a secret, and wanted to tell the emperor in a hurry, but when Feng Lingyue caught up, she was very nervous, but now seeing Feng Lingyue standing in front of her, she suddenly didn't Terrified, she looked at Feng Lingyue strangely, and said:
"You are a fake princess. You have messed up the royal bloodline. I am going to tell my father and let him decide. As a real princess, I am obliged to maintain the purity of the royal bloodline. Is there any problem with that? Sister Eleven. "

"No problem, there is no problem, but, but Thirteenth Sister, if you tell Father, I, my queen mother, will be beheaded. Please, don't tell Father. From now on, I will serve you as a slave You, I agree to whatever you say, don't say it, okay?" Princess Eleven begged Feng Tangyao bitterly.

Feng Tangyao looked at her pitiful look, frowned slightly, and had an idea in her heart——

Anyway, Feng Lingyue is not a princess, this is a fact, it can't be changed at any time, why don't she torture her first, avenge the last time Xiao He only helped her, not Feng Tangyao.

She rolled her eyes slightly, and said, "Really, you will do whatever I say?"

Her expression made Feng Lingyue's heart tremble, and there was a burst of cold feeling, but, if this secret was revealed, the queen mother would be finished, and she would be beheaded, and there is still the poor blood of the foreign family , will also be punished.

Feng Lingyue bit her lips, and said, "Yes, I will do whatever you say, as long as you don't complain in front of Emperor Father, and don't tell others this secret."

Feng Tangyao smiled between her eyebrows, put her arms around her chest, and said, "Then you kneel down first."

Feng Lingyue was startled slightly, looking at Feng Tangyao.

"What's the matter? You regretted it. Didn't you say that I told you to do what you did? If you regret it, it's okay. I'll tell my father now that you are a fake princess. Your mother and queen have messed up the royal family Bloodline." Feng Tangyao said, turned around and was about to leave.

"No, I'll just kneel." Feng Lingyue knelt down in front of Feng Tangyao, "Please don't tell my secret."

"The first thing you and I want you to do now is to admit in front of the emperor that you secretly put the dried snow clams and scallops in my medicinal diet last time. You sneaked into the Tai Hospital and stole the dried snow clams and scallops Ganbei, and then took the opportunity to rogue me to frame you, because you were jealous that I was favored by my father, but you didn't, so you wanted to harm me." Because of this, the father seemed to have some grudges against her, which made her perfect. Her image was damaged and she was very unhappy.

Feng Lingyue's heart trembled for a moment, she felt cold all over her body, the thirteenth sister was weak, gentle and beautiful, she usually spoke softly and softly, she was kind to everyone, she never spoke harshly, but now she looks like , but what frightened her the most.

"Feng Lingyue, what do you mean by looking at me like that? Let's just do it, if you want it, you don't want it, if you don't want it, then forget it!" Feng Tangyao frowned and said, even when she was so fierce, He also speaks slowly, very softly.

"No, I am willing, I was just thinking, what should I say, so that Emperor Father can only blame me and not those who helped me at that time." Feng Lingyue said hastily.

"That's your business, you can think about it yourself, but within today, you have to do it." Feng Tangyao dictated, seeing Feng Lingyue's dilemma, but she had to do it She felt very refreshed in her heart.

"Yes, I understand."

"Also, you go to Yue Xiaohe to take a cruise with you, but when the time comes, you don't want to go, just let me go, do you understand what I mean?" This is the most important reason for Feng Tangyao not to complain to the emperor immediately Because of the reason, Xiao He is always too indifferent to her.

She had to find a way to let Xiao He spend more time alone with her and let him see more of her beautiful places, so that he would gradually fall in love with her and hate Feng Lingyue.

"No!" Feng Lingyue's heart trembled, and she immediately refused, "He has done a lot for me, I know, I can't lie to him like this, Thirteenth Sister, this is an agreement between me and you, don't involve Xiao He ,OK?"

(End of this chapter)

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