First-class daughter

Chapter 548 Lingyue surrendered

Chapter 548 Lingyue surrendered
Chapter 548 Lingyue surrendered
"Get up." The Empress Dowager raised her hand, looked at the person in front of her, and said, "Tang Yaoer, why did you come here?"

After Feng Tangyao looked at Emperor Zhou Cheng timidly, she lowered her head slightly and said, "Grandmother, Tang Yaoer wants to see how the two Jianlan plants I gave you are growing. Pour water."

"You are caring. You have been here to take care of the flowers sent during the Shangyuan Festival last year. The longer the flowers grow, the better they will be, and they cannot do without your painstaking care."

"Because this Jianlan is good for the emperor's grandmother's body, Tang Yaoer thinks it will grow better."

The queen mother asked Nanny Wen to move the two Jianlan plants, and Feng Tangyao got up to take care of the Jianlan plants, looking obedient.

Emperor Zhou Cheng sighed softly, looked at her, and couldn't bear it, so he asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

Feng Tangyao heard this, raised her head slightly, as if she was enduring the soreness in her eyes, and said, "Thank you for your concern, Tangyao'er has eaten it, and it was bird's nest soup, and I ate two bowls in total."

"Well, not bad." Emperor Zhou Cheng nodded.

"It's just that the mother and concubine are upset, and the food is better." Feng Tangyao said softly.

"Lian Zhaoyi's baby seems to be extremely sick. Let's send two more imperial physicians to take turns to feel the pulse." The Queen Mother said from the side.

"Tangyao'er, on behalf of the concubine, I would like to thank the imperial grandmother for her kindness." Feng Tangyao hurriedly knelt down to thank her.

"Empress Dowager, Your Majesty, Princess Eleven is asking to see you." After a while, the eunuch came to report again.

The Queen Mother frowned slightly, and said, "Why is Eleven here? Is it for the Queen's business? Let her in."

The eleventh princess, Feng Lingyue, walked in from outside the palace with her head lowered, her expression seemed somewhat reserved——

"Ling Yue'er met the emperor's grandmother and father."

"Your mother's mother is not in good health. You didn't stay by her side, why did you come here?" Zhou Chengdi asked, his tone was a little cold, and his eyes lost the warmth just now.

Feng Tangyao pretended to lower her head to water the Jianlan, but she stared at Feng Lingyue from the corner of her eyes. Feng Lingyue knelt down on both knees and prostrated herself in the tunnel, "Father, my son is here to apologize."

"Apologize?" Emperor Zhou Cheng raised his eyes, frowned slightly, and said displeasedly, "What's wrong with you again? Are you still so worried when your mother's mother is so ill?"

Feng Lingyue looked at Feng Tangyao again, took a deep breath, and said, "Father, last time the dried snow clams and scallops in the thirteenth sister's medicinal diet... Actually, I put them in on purpose. , The purpose is to trigger her asthma, the thirteenth sister did not wrong me, I did it all, I joined forces with Imperial Physician Liang, and I also gave Imperial Physician Liang a lot of benefits."

"What did you say?" Zhou Chengdi was taken aback for a moment, his sharp eyes looked over and asked sharply.

Over there, Feng Tangyao, who was drooping water with her head down, raised her head suddenly, and the pot in her hand fell to the ground with a thud. Muttered, "You, what are you talking about, Elder Sister Eleven? Is it really you?"

Feng Lingyue collected herself, as if she had made a great determination, and continued, "I asked Mrs. Liang to give me the dried snow clams and scallops in the medicinal diet of the thirteenth sister, and then I took the opportunity to secretly eat them on the day of Cuju. Putting it into the thirteenth sister's medicinal food, Tianbao General Xiao He was also deceived by me, so he went around looking for evidence for me to prove my innocence."

"Why did you do this?" Zhou Chengdi asked tightly, looking at her suddenly cold.

"Because I don't like my father liking younger sister Thirteen so much, in order to make younger sister Thirteen leave a bad impression in Emperor Father's heart, I want Emperor Father not to like Younger Thirteen so much anymore, but to like me a little more." Feng Ling Yue's face was pale, with pain in her eyes, she said in a trembling voice, the above and these are Feng Tangyao's original words, and she asked Feng Lingyue to say them accordingly.

The Queen Mother heard this, but a doubt arose in her heart. She looked at Feng Lingyue, then at Feng Tangyao, and asked:

"Eleventh, this incident has been in the past for a long time, and it is almost forgotten. Your father has already punished Liang Taiyi and returned your innocence, and no one doubts you now. You Why did you suddenly come and talk about it?"

"...Because the thirteenth sister treats me very well regardless of past suspicions. These days, my mother and concubine are sick and I can't take care of myself, so she often secretly comes to Changchun Palace to help, find an imperial doctor for me, and give me money. I Therefore, I suddenly realized that thinking of the wrong things I had committed, I was suffering day by day. I really couldn't bear to continue to deceive my father, and I couldn't bear the thirteenth sister to bear the unknown guilt. Yes, so after learning from the pain, I decided to tell my father the truth, so that my father would not misunderstand my thirteenth sister, she, she is an innocent victim." When Feng Lingyue said these words, the fist in her sleeve couldn't hold back. Shaking all the time.

This is what Feng Tangyao asked her to say. Imperial physician Liang had already been beheaded, and now there is no evidence for her death. After so long, her father would not conduct any more detailed investigations for Feng Lingyue. Re-establish the best image of her in his mind.

Sure enough, Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at Feng Tangyao, Feng Tangyao made a gesture, then walked over quickly, knelt on the ground, shed crystal clear tears, and said, "Father, my son, my son doesn't know anything , Erchen doesn't know what happened, what Elder Sister is talking about? Father Emperor..."

"Sister Thirteen, I'm sorry for you. Not only did I hurt you, but I also caused others to misunderstand you." Feng Lingyue turned to look at Feng Tangyao, and said.

"Xiao He Zhuzi! That day in the main hall, he was aggressive towards me, just to protect such an unfilial girl who harbors evil intentions!" Emperor Zhou Cheng slapped his palm on the seat and said angrily.

Feng Lingyue heard this, and hurriedly said, "Royal father, it's none of Xiao He's business, it's him, he was deceived by me." She absolutely must not implicate Xiao He.

"Hmph!" Zhou Chengdi snorted coldly, looking at Feng Lingyue with a very cold expression.

In this room, Feng Tangyao stood up abruptly, walked up to Feng Lingyue a few steps, raised her hand, and slapped her on the face, her face tilted to the side, and said, "Sister Eleven, I I treat you sincerely, but I never thought that you, you treat me like this, what on earth did I do wrong, my body is sick, are you really not afraid of my death?"

Five red fingerprints appeared on Feng Lingyue's cheeks, she slowly raised her head, her gaze was quietly looking at Feng Tangyao's tears, her eyes were so cold that there were no waves—

Her eyes were like a pure pearl without any impurities, quietly exuding a dark power, she just looked at Feng Tangyao silently.

Feng Tangyao's heart trembled, a trace of uneasiness flashed in her eyes, she raised her hand to wipe her tears, and said, "Father, since Elder Sister can tell the truth, it means that she is not too bad, and General Tianbao doesn't know the truth Only then will you take actions to defend, father, as long as I am innocent, please don't pursue the rest, okay?"

Emperor Zhou Cheng got up, walked in front of Feng Tangyao, took her hand, and said distressedly, "Tangyao'er, you have suffered a lot these days, if you still excuse my sister like this, but after all, Ling Yue'er made such a move. For such an act, the death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped, let Yue'er kneel outside Yixiu Palace for four hours."

"..." Feng Lingyue felt a chill in her heart, and said, "Yes, father, my son obeys the order."

"Go down and kneel down and be punished, and let the mothers of Yixiu Palace watch, not for four hours, not for half an hour." Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at Feng Lingyue without the slightest emotion.

Feng Lingyue felt sad, but heaved a sigh of relief, and finally gradually understood why her father treated her far less than Feng Tangyao since she was a child——

Because, the blood relationship has opened the distance between her and her father in the dark.

She stood up slowly, and walked outside step by step——

(End of this chapter)

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