Chapter 558
Chapter 558
Emperor Zhou Cheng felt a tearing headache, rubbed his head with his hands, and finally ordered, "This matter should not be publicized, Feng Degui, you quietly imprisoned Eleven, and said to the outside world that the Queen's funeral, Princess Eleven was very sad and sick." I fell down and was bedridden, so I can’t mourn for the queen, as for the queen’s mother’s house, let’s forget it for now.”

"Father, this is the last time Ling Yue'er calls you that. Ling Yue'er thank you for your kindness in nurturing me, thank you for your kindness to my ancestral family, long live my father! Long live! Long live!" Princess Eleven Kneeling solemnly on the ground, he kowtowed deeply to Emperor Zhou Cheng
Then, he stood up, with a cold face, and followed Feng Degui out from the back door of Changchun Palace, avoiding many eyes and ears.

Not long after, the people in the palace heard the news from Changchun Palace——

On the day of the queen's funeral, the eleventh princess was so sad that she couldn't even afford to mourn for the queen. She stayed in bed and recuperated without seeing anyone.

As soon as the news came out, everyone felt curious, and they didn't know what the Empress Dowager and the Emperor said to Princess Eleven when they came to Changchun Palace. Anyway, after that, no one saw Princess Eleven appear again.

Winter Palace.

Concubine Xu Xian finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "The empress has finally gone, and there is one less opponent, so I will sleep more peacefully."

Sitting aside, Wei Ruhao said, "When will Auntie plan to ask the emperor to marry me and Brother Ye?"

"I originally planned to take the opportunity to ask the emperor to marry you after you made a big splash at the poetry event, but because of Lian Siyue's interference, we not only failed to teach her a lesson, but also brought out Jin Nanny and Xiao Shan." As a matter of fact, I finally missed the opportunity to ask for a marriage, and you were also involved in this matter, more or less, it will also make the emperor have some opinions on you, so I have no choice but to put the plan on hold for the time being.

Now, the empress has just died, so it is not suitable to mention it immediately, and it will take some time to talk about it. "

Wei Ruhao was a little disappointed, but things had come to this point, and he could only wait. In fact, what made Wei Ruhao even more disappointed was not the marriage offer, but Feng Ye's attitude. It was obviously much colder. During the time she was in Dongxi Palace, Feng Ye had hardly been here, and she missed her every day, but it didn't help.

"Concubine Xian, please see the county magistrate." At this moment, the servants outside reported.

"Aunt, she, what is she doing here?" Wei Ruhao trembled a little when she heard Lian Siyue's name, and felt a little nervous.

Concubine Xu Xian's expression changed when she heard that Lian Siyue came to see her, thinking that she was a good concubine after all, and she was just a county lord, so she said, "Let her in."


After a while, Lian Siyue came in, invited An, and said, "Ronghe wants to have a few words with the empress alone, is it convenient?"

Concubine Xu Xian turned her head to look at Wei Ruhao, nodded to her, Wei Ruhao turned and walked out.

"What did you come to see me for?" Concubine Xu Xian sat upright on the chair, with a bit of majesty in her eyes.

Lian Siyue bowed her body without any cover, and asked directly, "Madam, my son is the child of Queen Duanwen, right?"

Concubine Xu Xian's hands trembled, she turned her face away, she looked a little indifferent, and said: "Lian Siyue, this kind of thing, once or twice is enough, why bother to talk to Ben Gong all the time, this matter is not for the benefit of all Yours, if the identity of Lian Jue is really revealed, if the emperor refuses to admit it, he will be the one who suffers."

"It turns out that I was not wrong in my calculations, Jue'er was really born by the queen." Lian Siyue said.

"... Enough! Lian Siyue!"

"Your Majesty, don't get excited. Your Majesty knows why the Empress Dowager and the Emperor left Princess Eleven alone in the Changchun Palace to talk."

"Naturally, I am relieved. Once the Empress Dowager dies, there will be no one around to take care of her after the eleventh day. The Empress Dowager and the Emperor are sympathetic, so they went to have a look." Concubine Xu Xian said.

Lian Siyue showed a slight smile on her lips, and said, "No, the emperor and the queen mother already know that the eleventh princess is not of royal blood, so meeting the princess alone is just to confirm that she is ill and can't do anything for her." It is even more impossible for the queen to be in mourning, I have seen her before, although she is mentally weak, she is in good health, presumably, after the emperor knew the truth, she was imprisoned."

"What..." Concubine Xu Xian stood up abruptly, "No, it's impossible, how could the emperor suddenly know that I don't believe you, did you file a lawsuit yourself?"

"If I go to file a complaint, can the empress still talk to me properly?" Lian Siyue said quietly.

Concubine Xu Xian tightened the veil, her eyes looked a little flustered, she stood in the harem for decades, she did not know how many concubines were defeated, even the empress was defeated by her without anyone noticing, she did everything Be cautious, pay attention to everything, and leave nothing in the hands of others. Only this incident, like a rope, tied her throat tightly, and this rope is still being pulled by Lian Siyue, who is not simple——

Her quickness, her thinking, greatly surpassed ordinary people.

"Tell me honestly, the reason why this matter has reached the ears of the emperor is because the empress has long known that the eleventh princess is not her own daughter. She knows that she is not long, so she tells the matter Princess Eleven wanted Princess Eleven to seek refuge with Concubine Xin. Just now, Princess Eleven called me over and told me about it. She said that the empress passed out after giving birth. When she woke up, Madam Mammy and Po Wen told her that a princess was born.

But the nanny told the queen again within a few days, saying that the princess was not born to her, but a prince who was born to her, but it was a pity that the prince died at birth. In order not to disappoint the emperor, she brought back a princess My child, I wanted to hug a boy, but by mistake, the one I hugged back was a girl doll.

I thought of Jue'er's birth date, which was almost the same as the queen's birth date, and there was almost no gap in this time coincidence.

I don't know why the nanny told the queen that the princess was not her own, but didn't tell her all the truth, but I know that the queen's son is undoubtedly Lian Jue.

Empress, you are really the most powerful woman in this palace. The empress did not know that she had been designed by you all her life until she died, and she lived in the guilt and regret of losing a son all her life. "

Concubine Xu Xian's face was tense, her chin was raised slightly, coldness flashed across her eyes, and she said, "Since you have guessed so much, you didn't tell the emperor, but ran to find Ben Gong instead, presumably, you also have something to ask Ben Gong for help. Well, Lian Siyue."

"I would like to ask my mother to join me in saving the eleventh princess's life." Lian Siyue said.

"Since the emperor personally imprisoned her on Eleventh, and she still did it so covertly, one shows that the emperor doesn't want to publicize the matter, and the other shows that the emperor doesn't intend to save her. She will either be imprisoned forever, or killed and then claimed to have died of illness. .

(End of this chapter)

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