Chapter 560

Chapter 560

"I always feel that she is not kind." Feng Tangyao whispered.

"She is Mother Concubine's niece, and it's getting late. It's not unreasonable to stay for one night. Mother Concubine has no reason to refuse her. Mother Concubine will send Wenxiu to keep an eye on her. She is right under our noses." You don't have to worry." Lian Zhaoyi comforted Feng Tangyao, "By the way, you just said you wanted to share good news with your mother and concubine, what news do you have?" Lian Zhaoyi asked, remembering this.

Feng Tangyao showed a smile, and the gloom on her face was swept away, and said, "It's better for the concubine mother to let Xiao Guogong expose Feng Lingyue's false identity, and the father put Feng Lingyue under house arrest. I don't have to Going out and destroying her.

Father also intends to decree to dissolve the engagement between Xiao He and her, this is what Father and Duke Xiao said, hum, Feng Lingyue is nothing, so naturally she is not worthy to be with Xiao He. "

"You." Lian Zhaoyi shook her head helplessly, and said, "You have always been cautious, and you do not follow the truth, but every time you have something related to Xiaohe, you seem too eager. Tang Yaoer, now is the Queen's During the mourning period, you must not get carried away and be seen by others, otherwise the baby in the womb of the empress mother will be regarded as a white pregnancy, understand?"

"Mother, don't worry." Feng Tangyao held Lian Zhaoyi's hand and said, "I will be very careful."

For dinner, Lian Zhaoyi ordered the imperial dining room to specially add dishes for Lian Siyue, and the three of them were talking while eating the meal. It was nothing more than Lian Zhaoyi asking about the situation of Lian's family, and even asking some more questions about Lian Yan. Mrs. Lian Zhaoyi Dao made a great contribution to the Lian family, she gave birth to two legitimate sons, and said that she had prepared a gift, and Lian Siyue would take it back with her when she went back.

After dinner, Lian Zhaoyi lingered over to sit beside Siyue for a while, and ordered someone to make tea.

At this time, Imperial Concubine Liang of Menghua Palace sent Nanny Li, and said, "The imperial concubine heard that the magistrate is staying with Madam Zhaoyi tonight, so she ordered the slaves to bring the freshly made lotus root powder osmanthus sugar cake for the magistrate to taste. "

Lian Siyue bowed, and when Nanny Li's hand left under the food box, she seemed to have touched Lian Siyue's hand inadvertently, Lian Siyue quickly put away her fingers, and said calmly:

"Please go back to the imperial concubine, Rong He, thank you for the reward, and go to pay respects to the empress tomorrow."

Nanny Li then left with the palace maid.

Lian Siyue opened the food box, and the sugar cakes inside were exquisitely made, pink, clear, and exuding fragrance, which made people's appetite whettable. She brought the sugar cakes in front of Lian Zhaoyi with both hands, Said, "Auntie, please use it."

Lian Zhaoyi seemed very cautious, and said, "I'm full just now, so I'll go to bed and rest quickly, don't eat."

Feng Tangyao didn't eat it either, saying that she didn't like sweet and greasy food, so Lian Siyue ate two by herself, and then Lian Zhaoyi ordered the maid Wenxiu to send Lian Siyue back to her bedroom to rest.

After Wenxiu led Lian Siyue to the sleeping place, a maid came in with warm water for washing, and Wenxiu said respectfully at the side:
"Master, the empress has ordered that when you are here, the servant will serve you. If you need anything, just talk to the servant."

Lian Siyue took a gold bracelet from her wrist and put it on Wenxiu's bracelet by covering it with a sleeve. Wenxiu froze for a moment and was about to break free, but Lian Siyue pressed her hand tightly and said, "You are a princess The most capable maid around you is now here to serve me, who is not familiar with you, so I am making things difficult for you."

Wen Xiu finally let go, shook the gold bracelet, and said, "The county lord is too kind."

She turned around and picked up a bowl from the maid's tray behind her, and said, "The princess drinks a bowl of bird's nest soup every day before going to bed, and just now the princess ordered a servant to bring a bowl to the county lord, so that the county lord can sleep well. .”

Lian Siyue showed joy, and said, "Princess has a heart." After saying that, he drank the bird's nest soup without leaving any leftover.

Wenxiu quietly breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the empty bowl.

After Lian Siyue went to rest on the couch, the maid extinguished the candles in the hall, Wenxiu stayed outside the tent until she heard Lian Siyue's shallow breathing, and then left, leaving two maids guarding outside the hall.

In fact, as soon as the candle was extinguished, Siyue squinted her eyes for a while, and then opened them immediately. She just lay down like this for a while, and she felt sleepy, and her eyelids could hardly be opened. People who sleep usually have to toss and turn their eyes open for a long time before they feel sleepy, so they know that the bird's nest soup must have been tampered with.

If it was an ordinary person, she would fall asleep after a few yawns, but Lian Siyue maintained a high level of vigilance, and she knew how to use acupuncture points to relieve difficulties, so she went under her hair and pressed the Yuzhen point on the back of her head, Press hard until there is a numb feeling in the back of the head.

With the other hand, he flicked his sleeve, and a short dagger slipped out, which was secretly given to her by Concubine Cailiang just now. She looked at the dagger with a smile on her face,——

She understood what Concubine Liang meant, and she knew that she had a purpose in staying in Yixiu Palace, so she sent this dagger for her self-defense.

She got up quietly, opened the curtains first, tiptoed down from the couch, took a stool by the bed, walked to the door step by step, then raised the stool, and slammed it on the back of the head of the maid who was guarding the door, only to hear Hearing a muffled groan, the maid fell down softly before she could turn her head.

"Hmm..." The other court lady looked at the dagger in Lian Siyue's hand with wide eyes, and then at her indifferent and expressionless expression like Yama, she was so frightened that she covered her mouth. In the dark night, this county The appearance of the Lord exudes a terrifying aura that makes people tremble with fear.

"Pa..." Lian Siyue threw the other gold bracelet on her wrist to her feet, and pressed the dagger in her hand against her neck, asking, "Which one do you want?"

The maid was so frightened that the blood in her body froze, she bent down tremblingly, picked up the gold bracelet that fell at her feet, and stuffed it tremblingly into her skirt, saying, "County, the county lord ..."

"Carry her to the bed." Lian Siyue ordered in a low voice, the cold blade pressed against the maid's neck.

"Yes, yes." The court lady hurriedly bent down and dragged the fainted man onto the couch.

"Take off her clothes and put mine on her." Lian Siyue ordered again.

The maid followed suit with trembling hands, Lian Siyue put on the clothes that the sleeping maid took off.

After doing this, she asked again, "What's your name?"

"Go back, go back to the county lord, slave Lan Jing."

"Lan Jing, listen, the county lord will not harm you. If you obey my order, I can guarantee that you will be fine. This gold bracelet is just a small sign today, and there will be more in the future. I will protect you when you leave the palace." If you don’t listen to me, I’ll kill you immediately, and even Zhaoyi won’t make a big fuss in order to keep things quiet, you can choose for yourself.”

(End of this chapter)

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