First-class daughter

Chapter 572 I'm Sorry

Chapter 572 I'm Sorry
Chapter 572 I'm Sorry
Mrs. Xiao lay on Xiao Shan's coffin, cried countless times, passed out and woke up again, continued to cry, and then passed out again, and said bluntly that she would never let the person who killed Xiao Shan go.

Hearing this sentence, Xiao Zhenhai was very annoyed, he raised his head to the sky and screamed, beat his chest and stamped his feet, wept bitterly, patted the coffin, clenched his teeth, and shouted loudly, "It was that stupid princess who killed me! My son, I'm sorry for your father , unexpectedly failed to save the life of your eldest son!"

Mrs. Xiao raised her head suddenly, her eyes were filled with tears, she guessed a little bit about Xiao Shan's death from what Xiao Zhenhai said when he cried bitterly.

She stared at Xiao Zhenhai viciously, and said, "Master, who did you collude with again? You killed my Shan'er! Are you still the mighty general I admire? Now you, a woman's opinion, You actually had an affair with a woman in the harem, and now you put your own son in, and you kept blaming He'er for beating him to the point of bleeding, what's wrong with He'er. Xiao Zhenhai, you really disappointed me, Lu Xi! Back then, my father said You are a generation of heroes, in my opinion, what is the difference between you and a bear now!"

"Madam..." Xiao Zhenhai felt shameless, and looked at Lu Xi guiltily. At that time, this Lu Xi was also a figure in Pingzhou, and he was admired by Xiao Zhenhai. After marrying in the capital, he restrained himself and became a good wife with peace of mind. mother.

"Hmph, if this time, master, you don't kill the person who actually killed Shan'er to avenge him, then I, Lu Xi, will lead He'er and Hu'er back to my father!" Mrs. Xiao said, standing up abruptly. He got up, and said without showing any affection to Xiao Zhenhai.


In the night, the wind and snow fluttered.

Lian Jue was holding a long spear, his gaze was like a torch, and he was standing outside the tent of Marshal Lian Yanfu, today he and Huang Yan in his tent are in charge of standing guard.

Last time, he made a great contribution by beating a tiger to death with his bare hands. Later, he also made a contribution to Khitan's invasion several times. Now he has been promoted to a centurion, and there are hundreds of people under his command. He is training these one hundred people, thinking that the one hundred people in his hands will become the most heroic and combative one hundred people in the three armies.

"Pa-ta", suddenly, something fell from Lian Jue's body.

That Huang Yan bent down, picked up the thing, put it in Lian Jue's hands, and said, "Longevity Lock? Ah Jue, this was given to you by your mother before you set off."

Lian Jue's eyes fell on the longevity lock, and the day when he entered the palace to bid farewell to the eleventh princess, the empress empress called him to her side and gave him the longevity lock.

That day, when he saw her, he felt that she was weak and must be dying soon. Unexpectedly, he heard the news of her funeral two days ago.

He put the longevity lock back into his arms and said, "No, it wasn't given by my mother."

"That is……"

"Ajue, come in." At this moment, Lian Yanfu's voice came from inside the tent.

"Yes, Generalissimo." Lian Jue put the spear aside, bent down and walked in, and saw Lian Yanfu holding a letter in his hand, and the left vanguard Wang Qin was standing beside him.

Lian Jue attacked, nodded, and said, "General Marshal, what do you want from me?"

Lian Yanfu's face was a little heavy, and he said, "Jue'er, I heard that you had a good time with the Eleven Princesses of Changchun Palace when you were in the capital, didn't you?"

Lian Jue was startled, why did he suddenly mention eleven?

He nodded and said, "My nephew once gave the princess a deer, and the princess helped me and my sister out of trouble. We are good friends."

Lian Yanfu sighed and said, "She passed away."

"What..." Lian Jue felt his heart tremble, raised his head suddenly, looked at Lian Yanfu in disbelief, and said in a trembling voice, "Fourth Uncle, is it true?"

"It's absolutely true. It is said that the eleventh princess is not in good health. The queen passed away, and she was overwhelmed with worry, so she followed. Distance, you also head towards the capital, bid her farewell." Lian Yanfu asked Wang Qin to give Lianjue three sticks of incense and a jug of wine.

Lian Jue didn't know how he got out of Lian Yanfu's tent, his footsteps were a little weak, and he walked to the northeast corner in frustration, his feet went limp, and he knelt on the ground on one knee.

There were wisps of green smoke from the three sticks of incense in front of him, and he tightly held the pot of wine in his hand, his body trembling slightly.

No, how is this possible?

Even though she is a golden branch and jade leaf, she clearly lives like a strong weed, no hardship can defeat her, why is she not in good health, why did she go with the queen...

"Then will you come back?" In the Changchun Palace, Eleventh Princess couldn't help but see mist in her eyes, and asked with a sob, he could see the expectation in her eyes, but he pretended he didn't see anything, Shaking his head, he said:
"I don't know, but I will be fine and not die."

"Don't say this word, Lian Jue!" Princess Eleven stood on tiptoe when she heard the word "death", and covered his mouth with her hand, "Whether you will come back or not, you will be fine, I believe , because you are a good person, God will treat you kindly."

Lian Jue smiled, "Yes, you are right, princess, I will be fine, and you will be fine too."


This is the last conversation between them, all this seems to have happened yesterday, her smile, her tears are still so vivid, how could it just go like this?

That bright face appeared in Lian Jue's mind, she was really a good girl.

His heart suddenly felt a stabbing pain, and he immediately covered his chest, with a weeping expression on his face, and said, "If you go, I can only bid you farewell here, and I won't even be able to see you for the last time." Come on, you let me be good, but you don't cherish yourself, how can you make me feel so embarrassed?"

Lian Jue opened the jug, raised his head, took a sip by himself, and then spilled the rest of the wine on the ground. He felt that today's wine was particularly bitter.

Two lines of cold tears could not help sliding down his eye sockets. He began to sob slightly, then stretched his limbs and lay down on the snow, looking up at the bright galaxy above his head with empty eyes, suddenly a star Flying across the sky, I don't know where it landed.

Lian Jue suddenly covered his eyes tightly with both hands, and burst into tears like a child. In the open snow field, his crying sounded so sad and moving——

"I'm sorry, my sister, it was my elder brother who hurt you, so you should go on your way. May you fall in love with someone you should like in your next life."

Lian Jue just thought about Eleven, and slept in the snow for a whole night without moving. The incense ash burned out and fell on the white snow, and the ashes all over the ground——

This is like Feng Lingyue's feelings for Lian Jue, burning hot, but in the end, it turned into ashes and nothing was gone.

(End of this chapter)

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