Chapter 575
Chapter 575
Inside the Hall of Honor.

Emperor Zhou Cheng sat on the dragon chair with a stern face.

Xiao Zhenhai, Mrs. Xiao stood on the left side of the hall, Jiang Keji, commander of the imperial guards, Zhang Yingzhi from the Ministry of Punishment was also there, and Lan Jing, the maid of Yixiu Palace, was kneeling tremblingly on the ground.

And Princess An, who hadn't shown up in the Princess Mansion for a long time, also appeared.

Lian Siyue, Lian Zhaoyi and Feng Tangyao walked into the hall, Feng Tangyao secretly took a look at Xiao Zhenhai, Xiao Zhenhai's eyes seemed very calm.

Even Siyue looked over and found that Feng Qianyue was also there, standing with Xiao Zhenhai, recuperating in the mansion these days, but he hadn't seen him for quite a while——

I heard that these days, he recharged his energy and acted in a low-key manner. When Emperor Zhou Cheng was ill with his dragon body, he went to Tianshan in person to pick the snow lotus that blooms once in a thousand years. When he sent it to Emperor Zhou Cheng's bed, he was seriously injured. Shengsheng fainted before the dragon collapsed, and the snow lotus was well preserved.

The sick Emperor Zhou Cheng was greatly moved, and Feng Qianyue's heartfelt words to Zhou Cheng Emperor on the first day of their wedding also touched the sick Zhou Cheng Emperor later, so he treated him much more pleasantly—

So, from this point of view, Feng Qianyue looked much more energetic than before.

As soon as Lian Siyue's figure appeared, Feng Qianyue's eyes fell on her. These days, he was single-mindedly thinking about how to win back his father's trust, but he hadn't fought her for a while, but such a Seeing him, his heart still throbbed inevitably because of her——

Her eyebrows are like emerald feathers, and her complexion is astonishing. Today she is wearing a water-red golden trousers inlaid with plum blossoms all over the place. Her slender and fair hands are exposed on the sleeves. , following her footsteps, the plum blossoms on the skirt swayed, making her look elegant, exquisite and exquisite.

that one

The more beautiful, the more feminine, every move, revealing a dignified atmosphere——

Obviously, this is what the woman he likes looks like.

Sensing his gaze, Lian Siyue slowly passed her gaze over the man, her gaze was still cold and...disdainful.

It's a pity... He secretly clenched his fists, narrowing his eyes slightly——

"See Your Majesty."

"Tang Yao'er...Tuan Yao'er has met the emperor."

The three knelt on the ground and greeted the emperor——

"Get up."

This time, Emperor Zhou Cheng didn't let Lian Zhaoyi and the Thirteenth Princess get up, and even Zhaoyi had to kneel when she was pregnant. Feng Tangyao turned to look at Lan Jing, Lan Jing's eyes flashed, and she immediately lowered her head.

Emperor Zhou Cheng glanced at Jiang Keji. Jiang Keji stepped forward, cupped his hands, turned around, looked at Lan Jing, and asked:
"Lan Jing, maid of Yixiu palace, you put a burning mouse into the prison cell last night, burned the eleventh princess to death, and even burned Xiao Shan to death, you are guilty!"

Lan Jing immediately fell on the ground, shrunk, and said, "Yes, it was done by the slave."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because, because..." Lan Jing's eyes wandered back and forth between Lian Siyue and Feng Tangyao.

"In front of the emperor, if there is half a lie in front of him, it is a serious crime to punish the nine clans. If you tell the truth, maybe the emperor can forgive me." Jiang Keji stared at the little maid in front of him, interrogating.

"Slap!" Suddenly, without waiting for Lan Jing to speak, Feng Tangyao walked up to her in two steps, raised her hand and slapped her face hard, and said, "Lan Jing, thank you for being kind to you." , Now, you have caused me such a thing, how do you tell me to deal with myself in the future, how to be worthy of Eleventh Elder Sister's spirit in heaven."

"..." Lan Jing gasped, staring blankly at Feng Tangyao, who gave her a hard look.

Lian Zhaoyi's face turned pale when she heard this, and she thought to herself: Tang Yao'er is going to die!

Lian Siyue shook her head, sighed lightly, and said, if a person wants to die, there is no way to stop her. She had expected that with Feng Tangyao's temperament, she would not admit the evil things she had done so simply. of.

"No, no, the emperor clearly checked, yes, it was the princess, the princess asked the servant to do this, the servant, the servant dare not disobey!" Lan Jing lowered her head suddenly and said.

Emperor Zhou Cheng's eyes suddenly became cold, and he looked at Feng Tangyao. Feng Tangyao's heart trembled, and her face immediately turned pale, as if she had been wronged. month said to do.

"No, father, it's not me, it's really not me, it's this servant girl, she was wronged by Eleventh Sister, and Eleventh Sister beat and scolded her, and she once told me that she was wronged." It must be like this, she took the opportunity to burn Elder Sister to death.

Lan Jing, you are so courageous, you burned Elder Sister to death, and now you say that I instigated it, how kind I was to Eleven Sister, how could I have poisoned her, father, father Huang Mingjian. "

Feng Tangyao lay on the ground, weeping sobbingly, Lihua looked tearful, as if she had really been wronged by the heavens.

"No, I'm wronged, the slaves dare not, and Princess Eleven never beat or scolded the slaves, no..." Lan Jing hastily argued.

"You lied, you accidentally offended Elder Sister Eleven that day, and she made you carry a hot stove, which scalded your hands!" Feng Tangyao made up a lie casually, saying that, in fact, she had indeed seen Some masters punish slaves like this.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, my princess has been wronged, my Majesty..."

At this moment, there was a voice of a court lady crying and yelling for grievances outside the hall, followed by the guards' scolding and driving away.

The people in the hall were stunned for a moment, Feng Tangyao suddenly turned around to look outside the hall——

But the owner of that voice refused to back down, and continued to shout, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Princess Eleven is not a bad person, she is a good person, good people have no rewards, Your Majesty."

After a while, Feng Degui bent over and walked in hastily.

"Feng Degui, who is making noise outside the hall? I wonder if this is a capital offense?" Emperor Zhou Cheng frowned and said.

"Your majesty, Zhili, the maidservant of the eleventh princess, suddenly broke in, saying she wanted to complain for the princess." Feng Degui said.

"A little court lady dares to make a big disturbance in my Rongyuan Palace. If you drag it down, you'll die." Emperor Zhou Cheng raised his hand and said, in fact, he didn't want to see anything related to Feng Lingyue. people.

"...Yes." Feng Degui bowed and said.

"Your Majesty, since today is the trial of the case of Shi Yi and Xiao Shan being burned to death, the court lady risked her life to come here to appeal for grievances. There must be something hidden. Why don't you let her in so that people can know that the Emperor is trying this matter fairly? What do you think? Your Majesty." At this moment, Princess An, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

Emperor Zhou Cheng listened, nodded, and said, "Princess An Guo is right, but she dared to make a noise in front of the imperial court, and she will inevitably be guilty of living. Feng Degui, first beat the [-] boards, resist, and then bring people in."


The hall was very quiet, and after a while, there was the sound of a staff scolding, and the sound of Zhili holding back his tears, but he couldn't hold it back after all.

Lian Siyue clenched her fists secretly - Zhili, resist.

After a while, Zhili was dragged in by two guards, Lian Siyue glanced at her, there was blood on the corner of her mouth, blood on her back, her legs dragged on the ground, the guards pushed her to the ground , a little court lady risked her life to cry for grievances, and she must be beaten with sticks first, this is the rule.

When Feng Tangyao saw the princess Zhili, her whole body trembled uncontrollably, and her face became even paler.

"What are you shouting outside?" Princess An asked, looking at the servant in front of her.

Zhili lay on the ground, with blood and tears running down his face, and howled, "Your maidservant Zhili, if you want to complain for my princess, Princess Eleven is wronged!"

"What are you calling injustice?" Emperor Zhou Cheng asked coldly.

"Your Majesty, my princess is not as unruly and rude as the thirteenth princess said. She has never really treated the servants harshly, let alone scalded the court lady Lan Jing with a hot stove. The thirteenth princess kept saying that she was good to my princess. Lie, she didn't treat Princess Eleven badly at all, on the contrary, in the first few days after Princess died, Princess Thirteen was still persecuting our princess, Your Majesty, you have to be vigilant and give justice to my princess."

Zhili prostrated herself on the ground, weeping bitterly.

(End of this chapter)

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