Chapter 577
Chapter 577
When she raised her eyes, she met Princess An's eyes for a moment, Princess An nodded slightly at her, and she followed Nanny Ji out.

Xiao Zhenhai squinted his eyes slightly, his eyes fell on Lian Siyue's body, a deep coldness appeared from the corners of his eyes.

Inside the Hall of Honor.

Princess An Guo looked at the court lady Lan Jing who was kneeling on the ground, and asked, "My princess will ask you again, did you start the fire?"

Lan Jing saw Zhili's tragic death, and heard that the thirteenth princess turned black and white like this, and pushed all the sins on her head in an attempt to escape herself. Seeing that Princess An had the intention of facing the dead eleventh princess, she bit the thirteenth princess to death just now. Answer, said:

"Back to Princess Anguo, as Zhili said, the Eleventh Princess never punished her servants, and the slaves did not hold grudges against the Eleventh Princess, there is absolutely no reason to hate the Eleventh Princess.

Even if, even if the Eleventh Princess really punished the servant, the slave would accept it if the master punished the servant, and would never have any thoughts of revenge.

If, if we talk about punishment, the thirteenth princess has really punished the servants several times, and the servants did not intend to kill the thirteenth princess, but served them wholeheartedly. "

As Lan Jing said, she rolled up her sleeves, and saw that there was a burn mark on her wrist, the flesh was red, and there was a circle of blisters. Looking at it from a distance, the burn mark was in the shape of a butterfly. .

"This is because the servant was unwilling to set fire to the servant. When the thirteenth princess punished the servant, she burned the butterfly hairpin on her head on the oil lamp and burned it red. It burned the mark left by the servant."

"You, you lowly maidservant, you spitting blood, this princess wants to tear your mouth to pieces, when did this princess burn you with a hairpin, you must be in league with others, and burn yourself to blame me, you cheap People..." Feng Tangyao couldn't hold back, she stood up abruptly, rushed in front of Lan Jing, raised her hand and slapped several times fiercely, she really wanted to kill her!

With her ferocious appearance and twisted and vicious expression, it was almost the first time for everyone present to see her like this, and they couldn't help showing surprise in their eyes, especially Emperor Zhou Cheng, when his Tang Yaoer spit out When he spoke these filthy words, he suspected that there was something wrong with his eyes and ears, which was so different from the gentle and pleasant appearance he had remembered.

"Tangyao'er!" Seeing this, Lian Zhaoyi knew something was wrong, and hurried forward to cover Feng Tangyao's mouth.

Princess An motioned to He Xiang, the close maid behind her. He Xiang walked up to Lan Jing, lifted her hand vigorously, looked at the imprint on it carefully, and then returned to Princess An, bent Waist whispered something in her ear.

Princess An Guo nodded and said, "Your Majesty, the imprint on this lady's wrist is very special. The hollow pattern in the middle of the butterfly's wings looks like a Chinese character for longevity."

Everyone looked at it, and sure enough, the word "longevity" faintly appeared on the burn on the maid's wrist.

Hearing Princess An's words, Feng Tangyao trembled all over, and her face turned even paler.

"This princess has a bit of an impression of the butterfly hairpin with the birthday character..." Princess An's majestic gaze slowly fell on Feng Tangyao, and said, "The queen mother once got two butterfly hairpins with the birthday character. At that time, she One of them was given to me, and the other was given to Shisan."

"...No..." Feng Tangyao didn't understand why not only Siyue refused to prove her innocence for her, but even this aunt Huang, whom she had always been the most afraid to provoke, treated with care, and had power over the government, also refused. Still speaking for a Feng Lingyue who was all dead.

At this moment, she hated Feng Lingyue even more, a useless dead person, why would someone send her to death for her, someone speak for her, are these people crazy?
"Your Majesty, the servants should be damned. They committed a wrong thing, but, it was the thirteenth princess who set the servants on fire. The princess put kerosene in the meal for the eleventh princess, as well as soup and baskets. Filled with kerosene, and let the slaves catch the mouse alive, put the mouse in the bag and set it on fire. As soon as the bag was opened, the fire mouse fled around and rushed into the cell, and burned the eleventh princess to death. Young Master Xiao..."

When Xiao Shan's name was mentioned, Xiao Zhenhai's face was very gloomy, but he remained calm. He watched the stupid thirteenth princess confine herself in a cocoon, and it would be fine if she was bestowed by the emperor to give his eldest son a sigh of relief. Tiger, catch it later!
"No, I didn't, you..." Feng Tangyao still wanted to argue.

"Enough!" However, Emperor Zhou Cheng spoke, interrupted her words coldly, and said, "Tuanyaoer, I am so disappointed in you. I have treated you the best these years, but I never expected that you secretly With such a mind, killing deer, secretly liking Xiao He, abusing slaves, setting fire to people, and telling lies, does it mean that you have no sincerity towards me, but have the same terrible thoughts!"

"Father..." Feng Tangyao was startled, and suddenly raised her eyes to look at Emperor Zhou Cheng. She shook her head and shed tears, "No, no, Father, you have wronged Tang Yaoer, Tang Yaoer How wronged..."

She cried, raised her head, and inadvertently saw Xiao Zhenhai who had been standing there calmly, and her heart was startled——

He didn't say a word, obviously they were in the same group back then, but he didn't say a word for her.

Now that Xiao Shan is dead, he is going to watch her fall.

"Come here..." Zhou Chengdi opened his mouth, and the only trace of pity in his eyes slowly dissipated. He ordered in a cold voice, "Put the thirteenth princess, Feng Tangyao, in prison temporarily."

If it was only Eleven who died, the emperor would see Shisan's true colors clearly and be disappointed in her, but he would not arrest her and put her in prison. After all, Eleven is not a real princess, so if she did it quietly—

But now, one of the dead is Xiao Zhenhai's eldest son, so it's not easy to do it quietly, and an explanation must be given to the Xiao family and everyone.

Do not!
Do not!
She suddenly remembered what Lian Siyue had said earlier, so she suddenly pointed at Xiao Zhenhai and said, "Royal Father, Royal Father, it is Duke Xiao, who asked me to do this. I like it, so, so I tricked Tangyao'er to kill Elder Sister, and then, he can beg my father to marry me to Xiao He. Because my daughter likes Xiao He in her heart, she was confused for a while, so she will, she will He was fooled by the ghostly obsession, Father, you know Tang Yao'er best, and Tang Yao'er never has such a meticulous mind, nor does she have the courage to do such a thing."

Feng Tangyao put all the blame on Xiao Zhenhai, her eyes were red, her gaze flickered erratically, her chest heaved violently.

(End of this chapter)

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