Chapter 586
Chapter 586
"I don't need you to marry me, our girls in Qingnan are different from your girls in Kyoto." She blurted out impulsively.

"Self-respect." He recalled with a low and magnetic voice, and loosened his hand again, Pan Ruochu took two steps back, leaning on the table behind her, she suddenly woke up, with a face of shame.

"The king came here only to repay the favor of the sword, and only for you and the Anqing Palace not to use this as an excuse to ask the king for anything in the future. Now, the king has drunk the wine you mentioned, and the sword My love is over, if I get closer, my king's love will come to an end." Feng Yunzheng's tone clearly carried a cold warning.

"Your Highness Ninth Prince, your self-control is too good." Pan Ruochu hugged her body tightly, feeling that she was really humiliating herself. She thought that His Highness Ninth Prince's heart would germinate after being drunk, but unexpectedly, she couldn't control it first. The person is herself.

"You're wrong. You didn't use any self-control." Feng Yunzheng said, and turned to leave. The white robe brought a gust of wind, carrying an elegant fairy air.

The door opened, he stepped out, and the figure disappeared.

Pan Ruochu's body went limp and fell to the ground, she understood, what he meant was that he couldn't use self-control when facing her, because he had never been tempted!
What kind of person is that woman who can make such an outstanding man guard her body like a jade.

"Princess, princess..." Yin Zi hurried in, seeing Pan Ruochu sitting on the ground, she was startled and hurried over.

Pan Ruochu picked up a jar of wine, raised his head, poured it on his face, and said, "The chief of this county has issued a notice that no one will marry in this life, and no one should step into Prince Anqing's mansion to ask for marriage."

"Princess..." Yinzi's heart skipped a beat. Is the princess going to guard the Ninth Prince for the rest of his life? "But, His Highness the Ninth Prince..."

"Needless to say, bring the pen, ink, paper and inkstone!" Pan Ruochu slammed the wine tank on the ground forcefully, and the wine splashed high.


a few days later.

Feng Yunzheng left Qingnan. When the carriage passed through the urban area, he saw a group of people gathered around the city gate to watch the excitement. That Night Breeze also ran over to have a look, and came back and said:
"Na Ruochu Princess posted a notice saying that she will not marry in this life, and no one is allowed to go to the palace to ask for marriage, otherwise the head will be given away."

Feng Yunzheng glanced at him indifferently, and said, "Don't worry about other people's affairs. If you have time, you might as well think about your own." After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes.

Night Breeze murmured with a resentful expression, "This subordinate is just watching the fun."

From the eyes of Princess Ruochu, she is also a fierce woman, but it is a pity that the person she wants to defeat is the eldest lady, and the eldest lady is the uncrowned king with His Royal Highness, so——

Sometimes, it's not that you are not good enough, but that the person he wants is not you at all.

Except for Lian Siyue, it would be a catastrophe for anyone to fall in love with Feng Yunzheng. He only regarded them as passers-by, but they would spend their whole lives thinking about him and forgetting him.

Qingnan's side ended successfully, and the next step is Anping Wang Lu Shang's side——

Among the three vassals, Pan Xilin, the king of Anqing, is the weakest. Due to geographical location, he is far away from the other two vassals and has little connection. Moreover, Pan Xilin's two sons are not well-known. The reason why the implementation is very smooth.

Anping King Lu Shang's side is different. The sons are not simple, even the grandsons are not mediocre. Combined, the difficulty will be much greater.

Feng Yunzheng quietly recalled the events of the previous life. In the previous life, Anping King Lu Shang and Anguang King Li Mao launched a war against the imperial court together. Later, Xiao Zhenhai volunteered to go to Pingzhou to annihilate the San Francisco in one fell swoop and establish Thanks to her hard work, she has completely established her position in the imperial court, and because of this, she began to conspire with Feng Qianyue to harm Yue'er.

In this life, can the Xiao family still fulfill their wish?

In the middle of the night, Huang Yan, who lived with Lian Jue, woke up in a daze, saw Lian Jue still sitting there, flipped through the book in front of him, and said, "A Jue, it's almost dawn, why don't you sleep."

"Brother Huang, you go to bed first, I will fall asleep after reading these pages." Lian Jue turned around and said to Huang Yan.

Huang Yan said, "I've practiced for a whole day, and I'm still reading military books at night, aren't you tired?"

Lian Jue smiled and said, "I'm not tired, go to sleep, you have to get up early tomorrow."

Huang Yan didn't understand why Lian Jue worked so hard. Every day, he led a hundred men to practice hard, and every night he often lit up the lamp to read until late at night. He read one book after another. The books I have passed are almost piled up into a hill.

"Ajue, I have never seen you who are so willing to work hard. You will become a great weapon in the future and become a high-ranking official." Huang Yan said sincerely.

After hearing this, Lian Jue paused and said, "I just want to protect the people I care about one day."

Before he left, he swore to the emperor that he would return with glory, and he did this only to protect the person he wanted to protect.

Lian Jue put down the book in his hand, opened the tent and went out.

It was gray outside, and there was a red light looming in the east. When he looked up, his picturesque face almost melted into the sky——

How are you, sister?

I have been in Shanhaiguan for more than half a year, and I have never heard too much news from you. My fourth uncle said that my mother gave birth to a little brother, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief in my heart. You must be very happy too——

Sister, speaking of it, I haven't seen your smile for a long, long time.

I really... miss you very much. In your heart, do you still remember Jue'er... brother?

Ling Yue'er died. I don't know why, but I felt very guilty towards her. I always felt that I was sorry for her. When she was in distress, I couldn't do anything to help her...

How wonderful it would be if she hadn't died, if everything was fake...



"Boom..." Lian Jue was immersed in his own reverie, when he suddenly heard a loud voice in the distance, he turned his head abruptly, and saw soldiers running out of the tent one after another, he was stunned and suddenly felt uncomfortable wonderful--

"Ajue, it's not good! The Khitan suddenly invaded, and the whole army is in emergency preparations!"

Huang Yan and several soldiers hurried over and said loudly, with nervous expressions on their faces.

"What, Khitan..." Lian Jue's heart sank, and he immediately said, "Hurry up, gather our people, the Marshal must have important tasks to give!"


Everyone assembled one after another.

After a while, Lian Yanfu, Generalissimo of Soldiers and Horses, had put on his armor, stood on top of a tall horse, held up his sharp sword, and said loudly:

"Soldiers, I have been stationed at Shanhaiguan for five years. During these five years, you have worked hard. Now that the Khitan invaded our Central Plains, it is finally time for me to show my skills and make great achievements!"

(End of this chapter)

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