First-class daughter

Chapter 592 How to be good

Chapter 592 How to be good
Chapter 592 How to be good
"You must find this jade pendant for me. It belongs to His Royal Highness, it is the most important thing, and it must not be lost." Lian Shiya said while sitting on a chair in the middle of the shop.

However, everyone looked around carefully, but they couldn't find the jade pendant Lian Shiya mentioned.

But Lian Shiya firmly insisted that the jade pendant was lost here, and she called her maid to testify that she really brought the jade pendant in.

She said angrily, "This Jingxi tailor shop is a famous place in Kyoto. I never expected that I couldn't find the jade pendant I lost here today! It seems that there must be a thief who stole it while I was not paying attention." , I've been here just now, and I didn't see anyone go out, the person who stole the jade pendant must still be in the store, come, search for me!"

As soon as Lian Shiya finished speaking, several guards came in with knives and were about to search the shop.

"Wait!" Mo Liniang said loudly, "Ma'am, you said your jade pendant was missing, we left what we were doing to find it for you, but now the jade pendant has not been found, you said there were thieves in my shop, and you still want to search We, if this matter gets out, I'm afraid it will affect the reputation of our Jingxi tailor shop, and I'm afraid I can't promise you this search."

Mo Liniang said every word very politely, but she didn't back down.

Lian Shiya's face darkened, and she said, "Boss Mo, what do you mean? Are you saying that I can't make false accusations against you?"

"How dare you, it's just that it's not in line with the etiquette to conduct a search without any evidence. Ma'am, don't you think so?" Mo Liniang smiled slightly.

Lian Shiya frowned, and said in her heart, how could the Ninth Highness and Lian Siyue, a small shopkeeper in the shop, have such confidence to face her people without changing their faces.

"I lost my jade pendant, and the search must be done. If Boss Mo has any objections, you might as well wait until my people finish the search!"

When Lian Shiya gave an order, several guards rushed in.

When Feng Lingyue, who was hiding in the secret room on the second floor, heard the movement below, her heart hung in her throat, her hands tightly held the door frame, her eyes looked around, and she thought to herself, what would happen if someone really broke in and searched? It's good to do it.

She ran to the window on Linhou Street and looked down through the gap. There was no one on this road——

bang bang bang...

At this time, she heard another rush of footsteps downstairs.

She gritted her teeth and pushed the window with her hand——

"How about this, ma'am, you said you lost the jade pendant, I promise to dig three feet to find it for you, but let our own people find it, your people can't do it, after all, we are open for business, you said What?" Downstairs, Mo Liniang ordered someone to stop several guards, and asked Lian Shiya's opinion in a discussing tone.

"No!" Lian Shiya immediately denied, thinking in her mind how to be searched, at this time, a person dressed as a maid walked over from the place where she had just changed clothes, with her head bowed, Lian Shiya immediately counted Concentrated, pointing at this maid, said:

"It's her! I remembered! When I was changing my clothes just now, this servant was standing beside me. I remember she touched my clothes, and now she looks sneaky again. She must have stolen the jade pendant! "

The maid raised her head, and a puzzled look flashed in her eyes.

Mo Liniang showed a look of surprise on her face, and said, "Madam, are you... are you sure?"

Lian Shiya nodded, and said, "Sure! It's her! It must be her! The more I look at her, the more she looks like, come here, search me." Lian Yashi's heart flashed with joy, if she couldn't be found, she would Said that she hid the jade pendant, and then rushed inside regardless of 21.

After hearing this, the servant girl frowned, bent her knees, and said, "Madam, this servant is here with Nanny Ji to take the clothes for Princess An. Nanny Ji took the clothes first and left, and this servant stayed behind to get the shoes." Boots, I haven't seen your jade pendant before, did you misread it?"


Lian Shiya was taken aback, Princess An's maid, why is this her again?The so-called beating a dog depends on the owner, how dare she touch Princess An's people, unless she wants to kill her!

Lian Shiya's face suddenly turned red and then turned pale, and said, "It turns out that it is Princess An's person, yes, I was mistaken."

"Third Sister, why has it been so long? She is now a member of the Yue Palace, and she still can't get rid of her bad eyesight." Just as the atmosphere became tense, the door on the second floor suddenly opened, and Lian Siyue The figure appeared at the door.

Lian Shiya was taken aback, and couldn't help blurting out, "Lian Siyue, why are you here?"

With a slight smile on Lian Siyue's face, she shook her head and walked down, her cold eyebrows followed closely, her face was cold, Lian Shiya only felt a powerful momentum rushing towards her face, she couldn't help swallowing Drooling, he took a step back slightly, and a look of uneasiness flashed in his eyes.

I have to admit that today's Lian Siyue is much stronger than before, and even a slight look in her eyes has an aura that makes one's spine chill.

"I didn't intend to show up at first, but I saw the third sister committing a foolish thing again, thinking about being a sister, I couldn't help but come out." Lian Siyue walked up to Lian Shiya and said, not hiding her sarcasm gaze.

"You..." Lian Shiya blushed for a while, and couldn't help but glance at the maid in Princess An's Mansion.

The servant girl stepped forward, bowed to Lian Siyue, and said, "Master, this servant is the princess of An Guo, and represents the princess herself. Now, being slandered and stolen the jade pendant, this servant absolutely cannot just leave like this. If it gets out and the princess finds out, the servant girl will lose her head, so the servant girl decided to stay here and wait for the lady to search her body. I also ask the county lord to send your servant girl to Princess Anguo's mansion to tell the princess, please The princess sent someone to come."

When Lian Shiya heard this, she wanted to go to the princess mansion to report. , there is no need to inform the princess."

Seeing Lian Shiya's fear of embarrassment, Lian Siyue couldn't help showing a cold smile on her lips. Lian Shiya, Lian Shiya, if she hadn't been thinking about Princess Eleven, she wouldn't bother fighting with her now.

"How can I do that? You have already suspected the servant, but you think that the servant is from the princess's mansion, so you don't search it. This is still damaging the reputation of the princess. You should conduct a search in front of everyone." Who knows, the people in Princess Anguo's mansion are not good at fault, so they have to be searched by Shiya.

Lian Shiya was in trouble all of a sudden, and the people from Princess An Guo's mansion would naturally not be able to search, otherwise the princess would definitely blame her, but if she didn't search, this servant girl would not let her go.

Now, what should I do?
(End of this chapter)

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