First-class daughter

Chapter 594 Revenge for me

Chapter 594 Revenge for me
Chapter 594 Revenge for me
As soon as Lian Siyue went upstairs and walked into the middle room, Leng Mei immediately closed the door and guarded outside.

"Miss, it seems that some people are beginning to suspect us." Mo Liniang said.

Lian Siyue frowned slowly, and said, "It will be a matter of time before someone suspects the Jingxi shop, Xiao Zhenhai and Feng Qianyue are not vegetarians, this time Lian Shiya came to such a surprise attack just to find out There are some clues, the guards of the palace just now, none of them are ordinary guards, they are all trained by Feng Qianyue, these people obey Feng Qianyue, collect information everywhere for him to use."

The reason why she recognized it at a glance was because she had seen one or two of them in Feng Qianyue's study in her previous life.

"Fortunately, both His Royal Highness and Missy have the foresight to prepare a batch of fake ledgers and put them here, while the real ledgers are placed in Missy's boudoir. Now let her search it generously, but instead Better." Mo Liniang said with a sigh of relief.

Lian Siyue frowned again, "However, this method is not a long-term solution. They must still be secretly investigating the Jingxi shop, and they won't just give up. They are not afraid to check the accounts. Most importantly, Ah Yue still Hiding here, if they find out, not only will she die, but my ninth prince and I will also be convicted of deceiving the emperor, ten heads are not enough to cut off, and our entire family will also be doomed."

As Lian Siyue said, she pressed the switch on the bookcase, and the bookcase moved away. Feng Lingyue was standing behind the bookcase. When she saw Lian Siyue, she walked out a few steps, holding Lian Siyue's hand hand, said:
"I just heard footsteps, and my heart almost jumped out."

Lian Siyue squeezed her cold hand, and was about to speak, when she raised her head, her eyes fell on her ear, she was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Ah Yue, where is the earring on your left ear?"

Feng Lingyue was taken aback, and subconsciously stretched out her hands to touch her ears, feeling an ominous premonition in her heart, and tremblingly said, "No, I don't know."

Lian Siyue's heart trembled, and said, "Boss Mo, Lengmei, look for it quickly!"


Several people immediately split up to look for the lost earring. Feng Lingyue was fidgeting, her heart was pounding, her face turned pale, and she asked, "Will someone pick it up?"

Lian Siyue said, "Don't worry, maybe you will find it later."

She comforted Feng Lingyue like this, but her mind was like boiling water, quickly recalling every expression, every tone of voice when Lian Shiya left just now, whether the earrings would be picked up by her?

After a while, Leng Mei and Mo Liniang came back, and they both shook their heads.

Mo Liniang's face was tense, and she said, "The earrings were still on Ah Yue's ears yesterday, and Ah Yue has only been active in these two rooms, and I can't find them in either room."

"Too bad." Feng Lingyue's legs went limp, and she sat down on the chair, holding the back of the chair tightly with her hands, and said, "I'm afraid someone will pick it up!"

Lian Siyue clenched her fists slowly, her eyes flickering.

Lian Shiya went out of Jingxi shop, went back to the palace directly, and went into Feng Qianyue's study. At this time, Xiao Zhenhai was also in the study.

"Your Highness, uncle." She bent her knees and took out the account book in her arms.

Feng Qianyue took the ledger, and went through it with Xiao Zhenhai. Xiao Zhenhai frowned, and said, "There's nothing in this ledger, it's just an ordinary transaction."

"By the way, is His Highness's information wrong?" Lian Shiya said, "The shop is not owned by His Highness Ninth Prince and Lian Siyue, but by Lian Jue. Lian Siyue said that Lian Jue just gave the shop to her. "

"Heh..." Xiao Zhenhai sneered, and said, "It's the style of Lian Siyue, a little slut, to make noise and blur the focus."

Feng Qianyue looked through the ledger carefully again, and the expression on her face gradually became serious.

"Also, I found this by accident." Lian Shiya took out an earring from her sleeve, put it in her palm, and said.

"Earrings?" Xiao Zhenhai reached out and took them.

"I looked carefully, and even the earrings on the ears of Siyue, Boss Mo, and the maids there are all intact, but I always feel like I have seen this earring somewhere before, but I just can't remember it." Lian Shiya said.

Feng Qianyue said in a deep voice, "Don't let go of any clues, and check this earring carefully."

Xiao Zhenhai nodded, and said, "As long as it is something from Jingxi Tailor Store, every item is worth studying carefully."

Coming out of Feng Qianyue's study, Lian Shiya struggled to catch up with Xiao Zhenhai's pace, bent her knees, knelt down in front of him, and called out, "Uncle!"

Xiao Zhenhai stopped, "Ya'er, what are you doing?"

Lian Shiya repeatedly kowtowed to Xiao Zhenhai three times, and said, "Uncle, please avenge my mother. My mother was tortured to death by Lian Siyue, a bitch who killed thousands of knives at Lian's house. She must have fallen into the water by accident. Uncle, my mother's death is too unjust, she must die with regret!" As she spoke, she began to cry loudly, and then sobbed intermittently, "Also, there is me, uncle, look at my present condition. This way! This is all caused by that bitch Lian Siyue!
She ruined my face and she twisted my hair and put me in a barn and made me sleep and eat with animals and tortured me day and night feeling like I was dying !
It's also because of this, when she lied to me that I could leave the barn as long as I listened to her, I, I didn't care so much, I just wanted to get out of that ghost place quickly, so I paid my respects to His Highness instead of my cousin, I did it because I was desperate, Uncle. "As Lian Shiya spoke, she began to cry bitterly, crying very sadly, "Now, my mother is gone. Although I am from the Yue Palace, I have the Fourth Highness to rely on, but, I still can't swallow it. This tone, uncle! "

Xiao Zhenhai looked at the niece in front of him who looked neither human nor ghost, sighed, and said, "After all, all of this is the result of even that little bitch, Siyue, obstructing it! Don't worry, you Mother's hatred, I have always kept it in my heart, and I have never forgotten it. I didn't ask the Lian family to settle the score before, but your mother murdered the son-in-law. The evidence is solid. If you have to give her the head, I am afraid that the Lian family will place this crime on the old man's head come up.

Now, since you came to beg me, I agreed to you. Your mother's revenge and your uncle's revenge are all in mind, and I will avenge them one by one.At that time, kill Lian Siyue and hang her head for public display! "

"Uncle, let me cut off her head with my own hands, so that I can relieve the hatred in my heart!" Lian Shiya gritted her teeth with hatred.

"Don't worry, this time, I will definitely uproot His Highness Ninth Prince and Lian Siyue." Xiao Zhenhai narrowed his eyes slightly, exuding a chill.

Lian Shiya smiled, that ugly face, when she laughed like this, her expression became a little distorted——

(End of this chapter)

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