First-class daughter

Chapter 596 Princess 1

Chapter 596 The Eleventh Princess
Chapter 596 The Eleventh Princess
"Where did you get this earring? Did you steal it?" The third princess asked coldly.

"No, no, the servant didn't steal it, no, yes, she picked it up..." Cheng Xiu didn't know how to answer, so she turned her head to look at Lian Shiya.

Lian Shiya recovered from the shock, hurriedly knelt on the ground again, and said, "Princess please calm down, this earring, this earring was picked up by this maid, she said that there is no owner, she likes it herself, I will, I will Let her wear it, but who knows that it is the relic of the Eleventh Princess, offending the spirit of the Eleventh Princess, it is really a sin to die!"

Feng Jiao said displeasedly, "Bring it here, since it's eleven things, it can't be lost among the people, and it has to be disposed of together with her belongings."

"Yes, yes, hurry up and give it to the third princess!" Lian Shiya hurriedly motioned for Cheng Xiu to take off the earrings, and put her hands in Feng Jiao's hands, "Princess, please calm down."

"Hmph!" Feng Jiao snorted coldly.

"Forget it, third sister, Eleven has already died, and today I came here to pray for my father, just get the things back, don't pursue it anymore." The seventh princess didn't want to cause trouble, so she comforted her.

"Then listen to Seventh Sister, forget it." The third princess put the earring into her cuff and said.

Lian Shiya hurriedly pulled the orange embroidery to thank her, and then she couldn't care less about praying to God and worshiping the Buddha. She hurriedly got on the sedan chair, ordered the bearers to go back to the Yue Palace quickly, and after the notification, she entered Feng Qianyue's study, panting, said:

"Your Highness, I know who that earring belongs to. If I tell you, Your Highness may not believe it!"

Feng Qianyue was dealing with official business, he frowned slightly, and asked in a deep voice, "Whose is it?"

"It belongs to Princess Eleven!" Lian Shiya blurted out and said.

"What!" The brush in Feng Qianyue's hand trembled, and she stood up abruptly, "Who are you talking about? Say it again?"

"It turns out that Your Highness is as shocked as I am. This earring belongs to the Eleventh Princess. This is what the Third Princess said!" So Lian Shiya explained in detail what happened in Jiufang Temple just now.

Feng Qianyue frowned even tighter——

These are Shiyi's things, and they were found in the Jingxi shop. Shiyi is already dead, so how could her personal accessories appear there.

He thought quickly in his mind——

Could it be that Eleven is not dead?He remembered what Xiao Zhenhai had said to him, and he also suspected that the fire that burned Princess Eleven to death was actually ordered by his father, because his father wanted to get rid of Eleven, so as to rectify the blood of the royal family!
But now, something belonging to Eleven has appeared in Jingxi Shop!
With a flash in his eyes, the weird feeling that had been lingering in his mind these days was finally untied!
The day Thirteen Feng Tangyao was removed from the title of Princess Xiaoren by the emperor and imprisoned in the prison, he felt that everyone had overlooked something about this matter, and now he finally knew what it was!

That is--

Eleven is actually not dead at all!

Lian Siyue... Feng Qianyue trembled when he thought of Lian Siyue.

"Is the earring at the third princess's now?" Feng Qianyue asked.

"Yes, the third princess took it away. She should be preparing to go down the mountain now, and there is still time for His Highness to get it back!" Lian Shiya said hastily.

"Win Kong, prepare the horse!" Feng Qianyue stood up suddenly, and shouted loudly, the blood in his body seemed to be boiling, and he was trembling with excitement.

And even Shiya was so excited that a smile appeared on her face. Although she hadn't figured out what happened, she vaguely felt that Lian Siyue was going to be in bad luck this time!

Feng Qianyue walked a few steps towards the door of the study, suddenly thought of something, turned back, and said to Lian Shiya, "You have made meritorious service, and this king will never forget it. Uncle Xiao Guogong said, only the king and you know."

The smile on Lian Shiya's face disappeared immediately, she looked at Feng Qianyue, and asked, "Why? We found the earrings of Princess Eleven in the Jingxi shop, so it is very likely that Princess Eleven's death, and my eldest Cousin's death is related to Lian Siyue, my uncle knows, and will definitely investigate with all his strength, and will not let Lian Siyue go, but His Highness won't let me tell him, could it be... Does His Highness want to be lenient with Lian Siyue? ?"

"Of course not. I hate Lian Siyue to the bone. I wish I could end her life with my own hands. How could I want to spare her? However, this matter has yet to be confirmed. I'm afraid this mere earring can't cure Lian Siyue. This cunning land." Feng Qianyue said solemnly, but there was a flash of emotion in his eyes.

"So that's the case, then His Highness will take back the earrings first, and then talk to Uncle after the investigation." Lian Shiya said relieved.

"En." Feng Qianyue came over, raised her hand, wiped a drop of sweat from her forehead with her fingertips, and said, "You have worked hard."

Lian Shiya's heart trembled, her face blushed quickly, her heart was thumping, she reached out and hugged Feng Qianyue's medicine, buried her head in his arms, and said infatuatedly, "Your Highness, for you, I am not afraid Hard work, as long as I can help His Highness, I am willing."

Feng Qianyue smelled the strong scent of makeup on Lian Shiya's body, frowned, and felt her nose choked, so she pushed her away a little, and said, "I'm going to find Sister Sanhuang to return the earrings, so as not to startle the snake."

"Well, be careful, Your Highness!" Lian Shiya looked at Feng Qianyue's back as she strode away in a hurry, with an intoxicated smile on her face.

Feng Qianyue got out of the palace, got on the horse, immediately took off the cloak on her body, threw it to Ying Kong, and said, "Throw it away!"

Ying Kong saw that there was a white trace on the front of the cloak, which looked like a woman's body powder, and he immediately understood.

Feng Qianyue chased after the third princess Feng Jiao all the way, and told her that the earrings were actually something he kept for eleven as a souvenir, but unexpectedly, he was picked up by the maid, and he had beaten the maid thirty times. as punishment.

After hearing what Feng Qianyue said, the third princess returned the earrings to Feng Qianyue, and said, "Unexpectedly, the fourth emperor also has a crush on Eleven."

Feng Qianyue said, "Eleventh is pure and well-behaved. As a brother, I have always liked her very much, but she has many brothers, and she doesn't take care of me on weekdays. Now she is pitifully dead. I keep her things. It's a thought." Think about it."

"Even so, let the Fourth Emperor take it, today is considered a misunderstanding." Feng Jiao said.

However, Feng Qianyue took back the earrings, but instead of acting immediately, she suddenly closed the door and didn't even go to the morning court, staying in the room all day, and Ying Kong didn't know that he was sent there where.

Lian Shiya was very anxious, afraid that Lian Siyue would escape, but Feng Qianyue said that he would take care of it, and he would not let Lian Siyue go, and ordered people to send precious gifts every day. People thought that she had suddenly won the favor of the Fourth Highness, and she became more respectful to her, so she stopped the urge to tell Xiao Zhenhai, and obeyed Feng Qianyue's arrangement obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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