Chapter 611
Chapter 611
"This King Anping was originally from Liaoshui. He was born in martial arts. He was once the commander of Liaoshui's general army. During the previous dynasty, his father Lu Ning was arrested in Jiangcheng. Fu Ya begged for mercy and let him be imprisoned instead of his father to show his filial piety. At that time, Fu Ya was moved by his filial piety, not only released Lu Ning, but also praised Lu Shang for his filial piety.

Before I entered the Central Plains, he lived in Kyoto for two years, and he got to know famous officials and literati. It is said that he was handsome and handsome when he was young, and he was often mistaken for a fanboy. Fight with people.

Later, the iron hooves of my Great Zhou entered the Central Plains, the former Emperor Yongzhen was assassinated, and his troops retreated steadily, but at that time, Lu Shang was already the general officer of Pingzhou, guarding the Qianmen Gate, his troops were not like other remaining defeated generals, Still heroic, the grandfather couldn't break his cavalry even after four consecutive attacks.

Later, the grandfather sent a counselor Su Liangcheng to lobby, promising to give him Pingzhou, let him be the king in Pingzhou, and the court will support Pingzhou. After careful consideration, he agreed. "

Feng Yunzheng slowly talked about the history of Lu Shang's fortune.

"Your Highness Nine Thousand Years Thousand Years Thousand Years Thousand Years." At this time, only a loud voice sounded, and then a swish sound was heard, and hundreds of people knelt down in unison and shouted.

Feng Yunzheng leaned out, and saw that Anping King Lu Shang led four sons—the first son Lu Mao, the second son Lu Qing, the third son Lu Jing, and the fourth son Lu Sheng standing on both sides of their father, the second row, All of them were the Lu family who were the grandsons of Lu Shang. Except for Lu Jingyao, who was still a hostage in the capital, there were as many as sixteen descendants.

Compared with Qin Nan's Anqing Wang Pan's family, this Lu family is really flourishing.

Feng Yunzheng glanced at it. Lu Shang was wearing Da Zhou's official robe, as were the four sons beside him. The family seemed to be very loyal to Da Zhou.

"King Anping, please get up." Feng Yunzheng calmed down his thoughts, got out of the carriage, raised his hand, and said.

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Everyone said in unison.

Lu Shang stepped forward, cupped his hands, and said, "The Ninth Prince came to Pingzhou. The people of Pingzhou were very happy to hear about it, and they have been looking forward to it."

Lu Shang was in his fifties, but his temples were already graying, but he was full of energy. Although he was very pious in front of Feng Yunzheng, the shrewdness and arrogance in his bones could not be concealed.

"This king has been walking all the way, seeing Pingzhou, where the people live and work in peace and contentment, a vibrant scene. King Anping has made great achievements in governing Pingzhou. When this king returns to the capital, he will report to his father one by one." Dew has its own unmoving momentum.

"Thank you Your Highness, Your Highness, please." King Anping has already prepared a magnificent house for Feng Yunzheng during his stay in Pingzhou, which is to the east of Prince Anping's mansion.

Therefore, a group of Lu family members welcomed Feng Yunzheng into the house. The scale and splendor of the Anping Prince's Mansion were comparable to half a royal palace, and they arrived after passing through several corridors.

After entering the room, Feng Yunzheng just sat down.

A graceful and wealthy lady wearing a brocade gown with a real purple embroidered butterfly pattern and a red gold ruby ​​phoenix hairpin walked up to Feng Yunzheng, and suddenly knelt down on her knees, wiping her tears with a handkerchief , crying, "Your Highness, my son Jingyao made a mistake in front of the emperor in a muddleheaded way. All of this is because I, my mother, didn't teach me well. Please, Your Highness..."

This person turned out to be Shizi's wife, Lu Jingyao's mother-in-law Wan Lan.

Seeing this, the eldest son Lu Mao hurriedly came over and knelt down, and scolded, "Bold, how can you be presumptuous in front of Your Highness, why don't you retreat quickly."

"But, my son Jingyao..."

"Shut up!" Lu Mao slapped Wan Shi's face with his backhand, and scolded, "Everyone in my Lu family is benevolent and righteous, but you are so arrogant, Lu Meng and Lu You, hurry up and help your mother down. "

"Yes, father." The two women of Lu Mao rushed over, helped Wan Shi up, persuaded him in a low voice, and left the room.

Lu Shang said displeasedly, "You madam! I don't know how you teach."

"Father, the child knows his mistake."

Feng Yunzheng watched quietly, then said slowly, "Mrs. Shizi also misses her child."

Lu Mao hurriedly explained, "Your Highness, the people of Pingzhou are open-minded. My wife is a vulgar woman. She misses my son Jingyao every day. When she sees His Highness, she seems to see hope. That's why she acted recklessly. It disturbed His Highness, please read it for the sake of this woman's beloved son, don't blame him."

Feng Yunzheng said, "My son, please, this king also has a mother and concubine, so I naturally understand that this mother misses her child, and this king will not take it to heart."

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your generosity."

Lu Shang and all the Lu family members said together.

After a few more words, the Lu family bowed down.

All the way back to the hall of Anping Prince's Mansion, the four sons of the Lu family stayed behind, and the rest of the descendants dispersed separately. Everyone seemed to be in a tacit understanding and left quietly.

The housekeeper closed the door, and the wife of the prince, Wan Shi, was sitting on a chair with a handkerchief in her hand, her face was tightly pressed, half of her face was red and swollen from Lu Mao's beating.

Seeing Lu Shang come in, she immediately stood up, nodded and said, "Father."

Lu Mao walked over quickly, and asked with concern, "Ma'am, it was a bit harsh just now, don't worry about it."

"Master, don't worry. I, Wan Lan, was also a practicing family back then. I can still bear this slap. It's just a few flesh wounds. It's not a problem. But, I hope my slap won't be in vain!"

"Father, what do you think? Your Ninth Highness, can you believe that sister-in-law is such an impulsive and vulgar person?" the second young master Lu Qing asked.

Lu Shang sat down on the chair in the middle, frowning slightly, exuding a strong and stern aura, completely different from the polite King Anping just now.

Four sons stood before him, waiting.

After a while, Lu Shang didn't answer, but instead asked, "Eldest daughter-in-law, what do you think of the ninth prince, Feng Yunzheng?"

"When my daughter-in-law begged him just now, he listened carefully and didn't say much. At first glance, he seemed calm."

Lu Shang took the conversation and said, "I've seen all the sons of Emperor Zhou Cheng. It turns out that the eighth prince Feng Ye is the most popular and very proud, and the fourth prince can hide his strength and bide his time the most. He has not been favored since he was a child, so he must be extremely scheming." It's usually deep, and this Ninth Highness was just a vassal of the abolished prince Fengming in the past, so it's not unremarkable, but seeing you now, it's different from what I remembered."

"Father, according to the child, he has already lived in our house. Since the dog emperor has taken Jingyao as a hostage, we will also detain his son. We will not lose if we exchange this Ninth Highness for Jingyao!" The young master Lu Sheng is the most domineering one among Lu Shang's four sons.

"No! Jingyao has a clue in the hands of the emperor, because he was suspected of stealing the military formation map and was charged with treason. The statement that he was detained in the capital made the world surrender, and the Ninth Prince came here to urge Tweet Order, if we detain him, we will not be able to explain to the people of the world, then your father and I will be labeled as a thief, and if the people's hearts are not going well, it will be of no benefit to our Lu family." Lu Shang immediately Said.

"Yes, what my father said is reasonable, we want to win over the hearts of the people, it is my child's recklessness." Lu Sheng said hastily.

"Father, have you thought of another way? Jingyao has always been careful. He must have been framed by someone, so he was detained in the capital and could not return. Father, please show this anger to your daughter-in-law," said the wife of the eldest son, Wan Shi.

Lu Shang stood up, walked to the shrine, took down a sword that was offered, and said——

"The emperor is really not kind. When I was stationed in Pingzhou, my 20 cavalry were enough to defeat them, but their true ancestor emperor sent counselors to persuade me. I did not hesitate to betray the late emperor and was scolded by all the subjects as treacherous officials. , Everyone in my Lu family was poked in the back.

It took me, Lu Shang, so much time and energy to finally appease the hearts of the people.

Now that the Central Plains is stable, he wants to weaken my power and take back my power, hehe, how can I tolerate him!

Fortunately, the few of you didn't think about competing with your elder brother for the title, but to break up our Lu family, instead you all worked together. "

"Father, this is the trick of the old emperor, we will not fall for it." All the sons said in unison.

"Okay!" Lu Shang said happily, "The biggest difference between me and the emperor's old man is that his sons all wanted to fight for his seat, and they did not hesitate to frame and kill each other for this, while my sons, Everyone is family-centered! Good, good! Your mother and I did not raise you for nothing."

"It would be great if the eldest sister was here." At this time, the eldest son Lu Mao suddenly mentioned Lu Xilai who was married in the capital.

Speaking of this woman, Lu Shang frowned deeply, and said, "It would have been nice to let her bring my good grandson Xiao He to Pingzhou earlier, so let them stay in Pingzhou and not go back." , but now the old emperor will definitely not allow it."

"My lord, King Anguang's men have arrived." At this moment, there was a knock on the outside door, and he said.

Lu Shang immediately said, "Let him in quickly."

After a while, the door opened, and a man dressed as a servant came in. He looked like an ordinary servant from the Anping Palace. He couldn't tell the difference from other servants. He knelt on the ground and said, "I serve my lord order to come."

Lu Shang stared at the people on the ground, and asked in a deep voice:
"What did King An Guang ask you to bring?"

I saw that this man took out a black feather from his bosom and handed it to Lu Shang's hand. Lu Shang looked at it with a smile on his face and said:
"Great! Once King Anguang comes, I will be even more powerful."

"Father, King Anguang has an army of 15, and I have 25 cavalry in Pingzhou. If these 40 troops are ready to go together, the current situation of the dog emperor's internal and external troubles will really be very powerful to us." Third son Lu Qing said happily.

"In this way, we are looking for an excuse to let His Highness the Ninth Prince become an excuse for us to send troops! Detain him in Pingzhou. If Jing Yao is not handed over, we will kill the Ninth Highness to sacrifice the flag, and Jing Yao will be regarded as father's Weiye made a sacrifice! He won't resent his grandfather in his heart!" Wan said with a trace of cruelty in his eyes.

"My good daughter-in-law, my father has not misunderstood you. Although you were not reckless at the beginning, your behavior shows that you are not simple-minded and reckless. It is really a blessing for my Lu family that Maoer married you!" Lu Shang He was very relieved, "But, no matter what, we must find a way to let the dog emperor release Jingyao to Pingzhou on his own initiative. You are so benevolent and righteous, and being a father can't make you sad."

"Thank you father." Lu Mao and Wan Shi said in unison.

Anping Palace, in the east courtyard.

The room was filled with mist, and a bath tub was placed behind the screen. Feng Yunzheng sat in the tub with his eyes closed, his upper body bare, his eyes slightly closed, and the water drops slowly fell down his muscular chest. The floating water vapor lingered around his body, like a god, noble and gentle, even the movement of slowly opening his eyes was like a picture scroll.

(End of this chapter)

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