First-class daughter

Chapter 614 Monkey's

Chapter 614 Monkey's

Chapter 614 Monkey's

I saw the words "Ningde Mountain Villa" appearing in front of my eyes. These four words were written by Emperor Zhou Cheng himself.

Lian Siyue stepped on the groom's back and got out of the carriage, looked up, and saw Feng Qianyue in dark purple robe standing under the plaque, as if waiting for someone.

She was supported by Nanny Tai and walked inside.

"A while ago, Yelu Chongyuan, the great king of Khitan's Southern Academy, launched an attack on Shanhaiguan Pass in a vain attempt to enter the pass. Marshal Lian Yanfu led his troops to attack the enemy, but unfortunately, this Yelu Chongyuan was not a good person. Lian Yanfu Fu Lian fought several times and failed to obtain any advantage, so the father ordered the eighth emperor brother to rush to Shanhaiguan to help."

Lian Siyue stopped, turned around, and said, "Don't you all know these things?"

"However, your good brother, Lian Jue, disappeared during a breakout." Feng Qianyue's voice seemed to come from the sky, his gaze was fixed on Lian Siyue, and he said faintly, his cold eyes were bottomless.

Lian Siyue smiled slightly, "I said what big news, it turned out to be this, I knew about Jue'er's disappearance an hour ago, His Highness's news is still a bit slower than mine."

"Impossible!" Feng Qianyue said with a change of expression.

"There is nothing impossible." Lian Siyue said calmly, supported by the mother, walked in, out of Feng Qianyue's sight, clenched her fists tightly, and gritted her teeth Bite, but still look as usual.

"County Lord, the imperial concubine, please go and sit down." At this time, the nurse next to the noble concubine Liang came over, please Lian Siyue to go.

"Yes, I'll go right away." Lian Siyue nodded, with a smile on his face, and said.

Lian Siyue followed the nanny to the other courtyard where Concubine Liang lived. This time, Emperor Zhou Cheng will live here for a month, and Concubine Liang brought a lot of things casually. This will make Lian Siyue go , Let her drink some tonic.

Feng Qianyue walked in with a gloomy face, just passing Lian Yanqing——

"Fourth Highness." Lian Yanqing bowed and said.

Feng Qianyue looked at the overly cautious prime minister in front of him, and said, "Have you ever heard the story about the monkey breaking the corn?"

Lian Yanqing was slightly stunned, nodded, and said, "This humble minister is ignorant, please make it clear, Your Highness."

Feng Qianyue walked to her other courtyard, Lian Yanqing originally had other things to do, but now he had to walk behind the four highnesses. (Please read this story carefully.)
"Once upon a time, a little monkey who thought he was very smart was hungry. He heard from a tiger that there was a corn field under the mountain, and the corn in the corn field was big and fresh. The little monkey went down the mountain and saw that The corn on the stalks has a lot of knots.

The little monkey was very happy, so he ran over, broke off one, and walked forward with his shoulders. He thought, this corn should be the most delicious thing, and it smells delicious just because of the taste.

The little monkey carried the corn and went on. It came to a peach tree. It was very happy when it saw the peaches in the tree were big and red, so it threw the corn to pick the peaches. "

He was clearly telling a fable, but Feng Qianyue looked as if he was talking about a major national event, cautious and calm. Lian Yanqing was listening and seemed to understand what Feng Qianyue wanted to say.

"This little monkey, holding these peaches, walked to a melon field. It was very happy to see the big and round watermelons all over the ground, so it threw the peaches to pick watermelons.

Then, the little monkey walked back with a big watermelon in his arms.

As he walked, he saw a little rabbit bouncing around again, looking very docile. More importantly, its skin was very beautiful, its whole body was white and spotless. It had never seen such a beautiful rabbit. Rabbit, that's what it wants, and it won't change.

It was so happy that it threw the watermelon to chase the little rabbit.The little rabbit ran into the woods and disappeared. In the end, the little monkey got nothing and had to go home empty-handed.

This rabbit looks docile, but in fact it is the best at running.

The little monkey went back to the mountain and found that the little monkey had nothing in his hand, so he knew that he was half-hearted, so he ate the little monkey in one bite!

This is what Master Wei said in the school when the king was eight years old. At that time, he warned us princes, we must be single-minded in doing things, not half-hearted, looking forward and backward, otherwise, we will get nothing in the end. "

Lian Yanqing nodded and said, "This story is indeed based on such a truth." But he secretly thought in his heart that the Fourth Highness is saying that he is the monkey, that he is swaying and not standing in line.

Feng Qianyue smiled, and walked into the other courtyard, even Yanqing followed.

The trees in the other courtyard are lush and lush, and there is a rockery in the middle. Under the rockery is a pool of water. In the water, a turtle is swimming around, looking very comfortable. Feng Qianyue took a few leaves and threw them into the pool.

"I didn't know what happened yesterday, but I dreamed about Master Wei telling us this story. After I woke up, I stayed up all night, thinking about the gains and losses of my life.

From this story, I seem to see myself, am I just a monkey? "

Feng Qianyue asked.

When Lian Yanqing heard this, he hurriedly said, "His Royal Highness, actually looking at it from another angle, although this little monkey went home empty-handed, it's not that he didn't get anything. He once owned corn, peaches, watermelons, and even experienced chasing rabbits." pleasure."

"Hahaha..." Feng Qianyue laughed and said, "Lianxiang really deserves to be Lianxiang, thinking is completely different from this king. However, it is a pity, what Lianxiang thinks is really too illusory. But it’s far from that. It’s better that this king’s thoughts are more real.”

"Yes, His Highness said so."

"Speaking of which, Lianxiang has been picking and choosing all these years. In order to give the noble lady a good marriage, I missed this king back then. This king personally proposed marriage to you. I didn't expect It didn't work."

"This... is all in the past, and His Highness now has a good marriage."

"Not bad! However, this king wants to give Lian Xiang a good idea. What do you think of my tenth emperor, Feng Rong?" Feng Qianyue said suddenly.

Upon hearing this, Lian Yanqing's expression changed, "Fourth Highness..."

"Prime Minister, don't pick and choose anymore, you pick and choose among our princes, do you think Father doesn't know?
I'm afraid that if I offend him at that time, he will eat you in one bite.

It's better to make an appointment for the eldest lady's marriage earlier, it's really a pity if it ends up being nothing. "


(End of this chapter)

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