First-class daughter

Chapter 617 The Eve of the Storm

Chapter 617 The Eve of the Storm
Chapter 617 The Eve of the Storm
Her mouth seemed to contain vermilion dan, and her light-white ten fingers slowly slid across the strings, the sound of music flowed out, and the frown and smile on her face were soul-stirring.

Feng Yunzheng was sitting in front of him, and on the table in front of him was a pot of pear blossom wine, which exuded a faint fragrance, and it merged with the incense in the room. It was a very wonderful experience. His eyes fell on Liu Xuewu. .

At the end of the song, Liu Xuewu got up, walked slowly to Feng Yunzheng's side, leaned on him, took the jug in front of him, poured a glass of wine into the jade cup, and handed it to him with both hands, opened the cherry blossoms. Small lips, softly said:

"My lord, Xue Wu has poured wine for you." Not long after she arrived at Zuixian Tower, she was sought after by the noble sons and gentlemen of Pingzhou South Mansion with her outstanding appearance and outstanding talent, and she became a drunkard in no time. The oiran of Xianlou, besides, she has always been a showman rather than a person, and she once let the old bustard say that she, Liu Xuewu, will pay with her body only if she waits for a sincere person.

Rare things are expensive, and so are people. After Liu Xuewu's words got out, not only did her net worth not decrease, but it went up in a short period of time, and everyone flocked to her.

"Thank you Miss Xuewu." Feng Yunzheng took the jade cup.

Liu Xuewu's eyes like water fell on Feng Yunzheng's body softly, her face was slightly red, and she said, "My lord, it's getting late, and I'm going to stay overnight in Zuixian Tower today. I'll ask my mother to arrange a good wing room for you." .”

Feng Yunzheng opened the curtain, looked over to the second floor, and said, "So it's already so late, Miss Xuewu's piano skills are worthy of being the best in Pingzhou, my son listened, and forgot the time."

"Then Xuewu went to instruct Yan'er to find her mother to arrange a room." Liu Xuewu said.

"No need, I still have a wife and children at home, no matter what, I have to go home." With that said, Feng Yunzheng stood up and nodded to Night Breeze.

Night Breeze, who was guarding the door, pulled out a stack of bank notes from his pocket and put them on the table.

"Grand..." Liu Xuewu looked at Feng Yunzheng's leaving figure, and couldn't help showing a look of loss on her face. She Liu Xuewu had always been noble, but now she fell into the love of this young master Feng.

"Xuewu..." The old bustard rushed in after Feng Yunzheng left, and when he saw the thick stack of bank notes on the table, his eyes lit up immediately, "Young Master Feng is still paying you back!" How generous, he spent a total of [-] taels of gold and silver on you in the past few days, not including the items he gave you..."

"Money is something outside of the body, what I want, but he refuses to give it." Liu Xuewu's tone was a bit bitter.

The old bustard stopped the hand holding the bank note, and said, "Whatever you want, he won't give it to you."

"Sincerely." Liu Xuewu said.

The old bustard listened, sighed, and said, "Xuewu, Xuewu, you really have a heart higher than the sky, and a life thinner than paper. You are a girl from Zuixianlou, what are you asking for, you have to ask for sincerity. In my mother's opinion, you are young now, hurry up and make more money, and you can retire in the future."

"Mom, is it really so difficult to find someone who is sincere? This Mr. Feng seems to be interested in me and spends a lot of money on me, but he seems alienated. Let me say that it is getting late and let my mother arrange it." One room above, but he said that his wife and children are waiting at home."

"Xue Wu, you really want to be with her." The old bustard asked.

"Yeah." Liu Xuewu nodded, "Although I haven't been in Zuixianlou for a long time, I have met all kinds of people. Xue Wu has never looked directly at them. Only this Mr. Feng, let me see them." not enough."

"In this case, then mother will give you an idea." The old bustard said.

"What's the idea, Mama, tell me quickly." Liu Xuewu seemed a little eager.

"In our Zuixian Tower, there is a kind of incense. When a man and a woman are alone in a room, light it, and both parties will be unable to control themselves... Except for you, all the girls in Zuixian Tower have this kind of incense in their hands more or less." Fragrance, hehe, because the price of your God of Perfection is too expensive, mother, I didn't give you this kind of incense." The old bustard said.

Liu Xuewu blushed, and said, "There are still such things, Mom, give some to your daughter."

"I can give it to you, but you have to promise me that when the time comes, you will leave with Mr. Feng, and you will pay me 10 taels." The old bustard seemed to see through her eagerness, and raised the price on the ground.

"10 taels, Mom, this is too high!" Liu Xuewu said after being taken aback.

"Xue Wu, think about it, if Mr. Feng takes you away, your future will be more than 10 taels." The old bustard's eyes narrowed slightly, and shrewdness was revealed in the cracks.

Liu Xuewu finally said, "Okay, if it works, Xuewu is willing to give her mother 10 taels."

"Okay." The old bustard pulled out a pack of incense from his sleeve, put it in Liu Xuewu's hand, and said, "Next time, after he comes to your room, you light this incense, and you will become his."

Liu Xuewu took the incense, her face flushed, and her heart beat a little faster.

The old bustard walked out of Liu Xuewu's wing with the silver ticket, then looked around vigilantly, then turned and walked into another wing——

As soon as she walked in, she saw a man sitting on the table, drinking tea quietly, she walked over with a flattering face, bowed and said: "Master, it's done, the servant lied to Xue Wu that it was a reminder Love medicine, she believed it."

Lu Mao pulled out two pieces of gold from his pocket, put them on the table, and said, "Take it, it's your reward."

When the old bustard saw it, her eyes lit up again, and she hugged the gold tightly, but she suddenly hesitated, and asked tremblingly, "Master, then, what kind of incense is that, it won't kill people, right?"

Lu Mao stood up, with an inscrutable expression on his face, and said, "Don't worry, you won't die."

"Then, can you tell this servant what kind of person this Young Master Feng is? I think he has an extraordinary bearing. Although he falls in love with Xue Wu, he doesn't have sex with her. What a..."

"Shua..." Suddenly, a sword stabbed at the old bustard's neck, and the old bustard knelt down on the ground in fright, trembling, "My lord, please spare me, my lord..."

Lu Mao looked at the people on the ground coldly, and said, "You shouldn't ask, don't ask anything, just do what you're told, Anping Prince's Mansion won't treat you badly, otherwise, you won't know how you died. "

"Yes, yes, I don't dare to talk too much anymore, I will do as my son ordered." The old bustard felt a little cold in his heart, no one in the Anping Palace dared to offend.

On the tenth day after Feng Yunzheng arrived in Pingzhou, he finally read out the imperial decree. After the imperial decree was promulgated, Lu Shang expressed his sincerity, and placed the imperial decree in the center of the main hall of the palace, and sent the imperial decree to Quanpingzhou Nanfu The people of the country issued a notice to let all subjects obey the emperor's order

(End of this chapter)

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