First-class daughter

Chapter 638 The Return of the Teenager

Chapter 638 The Return of the Teenager
Chapter 638 The Return of the Teenager
"I'm afraid Jue'er is more ominous than good." Lian Yanfu sighed deeply and said, "When I return to Lian's house in the future, how should I explain to my mother and elder brother?"

"Marshal, you also said that Master Jue is a lucky man. Since there is no news, it is good news. Maybe Master Jue is trying to find a way to come back to meet you now. Don't be too discouraged." Wang Qin comforted him.

"Marshal Lian." At this time, the curtain of the tent was raised, and the Eighth Highness Feng Ye and the six-pointed Feng Yu walked in together. Lian Yanfu put his thoughts on his face, stood up, bowed and said:

"Your Highness."

"Marshal Lian, please sit down." Feng Ye signaled.

"Thank you, Your Highness."

The three sat down respectively, and Wang Qin bowed and retreated.

His Highness Sixth Prince Feng Yu asked, "Marshal Lian is hurting himself for Lian Jue?"

Lian Yanfu sighed slightly, nodded, and said, "As the Grand Marshal of the army and horses, Lian Jue's uncle, but failed to keep him, I am really ashamed of my family and Lian Jue..."

As he spoke, there was a look of relief and admiration in his eyes, and a slight smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

"The child Lian Jue has a very clean, pure and persistent heart.

He came to Shanhaiguan with the imperial decree of the emperor. It is not an exaggeration to appoint him as a pioneer. However, he rejected my arrangement for him. He insisted on starting from the most ordinary soldier. Living in a world of ice and snow, living in the same tent with the soldiers, drinking snow water, and eating rough dry food, he is the eldest son of our family holding him in the palm of our hand, and he is used to fine clothes and fine food, even this kind of hardship, he insisted Came down without a single complaint.

Even until now, the soldiers below don't know that the missing Ah Jue is the prime minister's eldest son and my own nephew, Lian Yanfu. "

"I have known Lian Jue since I was a child. I have always been close to him. I have always admired and loved him. When I first came to Shanhaiguan, I found out that he was missing. I was always restless and just wanted to find him quickly. "His Sixth Highness, Feng Yu's eyes revealed a look of heartache.

Among these few people, only Feng Ye knew Lian Jue's true identity - he was the Queen's son, and he and Feng Yu's brother.

When he was ordered to go to Shanhaiguan, the queen mother had another secret talk with her. She said, Ye'er, no matter how much you like Lian Siyue, you can't show mercy to Lian Jue. If you have a chance, you must get rid of him. Lianjue, everyone thinks that the ninth prince, Feng Yunzheng, and the current fourth prince, Feng Qianyue, are your biggest opponents, but in fact, the eleventh prince's Lianjue (Lianjue is a little older than Feng Lingyue) is you The biggest opponent, once he becomes popular, all your princes will not be his opponents.Because, as the fortune teller said, a person with seven red moles on the soles of his feet is a born emperor. You can beat your brothers, but you can't beat God, unless he dies, you can avoid future troubles forever.

Now, Lian Jue's life and death are uncertain, maybe, he doesn't need to contradict or entangle, Lian Jue is already dead, he should be happy, but why, he can't be happy at all.

That girl is so fond of this "brother", she must be very sad when she knows about Lian Jue.

"Eighth Emperor Brother, have you thought of something important?" Seeing Feng Ye's pursed lips, looking thoughtful, Feng Yu asked.

Feng Ye withdrew his thoughts and said, "Marshal Lian, Lian Juefu has a great destiny, don't give up too early, he will come back."

"I would like to thank the two highnesses for their concern for our Lian Jue. I also hope to hear about him as soon as possible. In three days, I will fight Yelu Zhongyuan again. I have some matters and I want to talk to the two highnesses. Let's discuss it." Lian Yanfu got up and unfolded the battle strategy map, Feng Ye and Feng Yu got up, stood in front of the map, and discussed together.

The atmosphere in the barracks was tense, and all the soldiers were ready for battle.

"Look! Look! There, it's on fire..." In the middle of the night, suddenly, there was a commotion in the barracks, and many soldiers gathered together when they heard the movement, watching the rushing fire in the Khitan barracks a few miles away. Huoguang, everyone was talking excitedly.

Feng Ye, Feng Yu, Lian Yanfu and the others also hurriedly got up when they heard the movement, walked out of the military tent quickly, and looked opposite——

"Why did this Khitan barracks suddenly catch fire? Besides, the fire looks very fierce." Feng Yu looked at the soaring flames with a puzzled look on his face.

"Something must have happened to them." Feng Ye said after thinking about it.

"Marshal, their barracks suddenly caught fire, and they must be in a mess now, why don't we take the opportunity to send troops and catch them by surprise!" Someone among the soldiers said.

"No!" Lian Yanfu almost immediately denied this idea, "It happened suddenly, I'm afraid there may be fraud, and you must not act rashly."

"The fire is getting bigger and bigger, will Yelu Chongyuan set us up in such a self-destructive way?" Feng Ye said, looking at the spreading fire.

Lian Yanfu was silent for a moment, and said, "Wang Qin, you immediately lead a group of troops and go quietly with the commander to investigate. Use the firecrackers as a signal. If there is no danger, then use the firecrackers as a signal, and we will lead the troops to attack immediately."

"This method is feasible, Wang Qin, let's go." Feng Ye nodded and said.


Feng Ye, Feng Yu, and Lian Yanfu stood where they were, with calm and dignified eyes, and the tens of thousands of troops behind them were ready.

On Wang Qin's side, he led a group of people and galloped towards the Khitan barracks.

After running for a long time, suddenly, a small torch appeared in front of him. Wang Qin raised his hand to signal everyone to stop. He put his hand on the knife, ready to fight at any time.

"Drive! Drive! Drive!" The horse was getting closer, and the torch was getting closer.

Wang Qin found that the man was alone, and his sharp eyes were making judgments at any time——

That man was wearing the uniform of a Khitan soldier!
Wang Qin immediately drew out his knife and ordered loudly, "Kill!"



All the soldiers drew their swords from their waists one after another, and charged at the person who came.

"Wang Qin, stop, it's me!" At this moment, the man shouted loudly, and came in front of all the soldiers.

Wang Qin was taken aback for a moment, and took a closer look——

There was ecstasy in his eyes - "Ah Jue! Ah Jue is you?"

He immediately ordered loudly, "Take it! It's A Jue!"

Speaking of which, this man had already arrived in front of Wang Qin, the fire was shining on his face, and he was still carrying a bloody bundle in his hand!
Seeing the scar on Lian Jue's face, Wang Qin's heart trembled, and he lost his voice, "A Jue, your face..."

"Now I don't have time to say so much. I burned Yelu Chongyuan's food and grass, and took his head. Now is a good time to attack. Hurry back to the camp and report to the marshal. Send troops quickly, and catch the Khitan people by surprise! "Lian Jue said loudly!

It turned out that the bloody bundle in his hand contained Yelu Chongyuan's head!
(End of this chapter)

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