First-class daughter

Chapter 660 pass by

Chapter 660 pass by
Chapter 660 pass by
Lian Jue quickly walked towards the ruined temple along the mountain road that he had walked before, Huang Yan followed closely behind.

Lian Jue personally went out to find Feng Lingyue today, but he didn't say anything, because the news that Feng Lingyue was alive could not be spread, otherwise his sister would be in great trouble.

The wilderness and the ruined temple are places that are inaccessible at first glance. The cobwebs formed are enough to show that no one has come here for a long time.


"Squeak..." A slight voice sounded, the crumbling door of the ruined temple opened one by one, and a blue figure floated in cautiously.

This is a beautiful little nun, her face is pale, her small body is wrapped under the green clothes, and she wears a nun's hat on her bald head, making her small face even smaller with slaps.

I saw that she held several vegetables and a carrot in her hand, looked around with a pair of black pearl-like eyes, squatted on the ground, and whispered:
"Xiaobai, Xiaobai, where have you been..."

After a while, she saw something moving in the grass in front of her. She was overjoyed, and hurried over, pushed aside the grass, and saw a snow-white, fluffy little rabbit nesting there, with a pair of ruby-like eyes. I was looking at the little nun with my eyes, and when I looked closely, I found that its two hind legs could not stand up. It turned out that it was injured, and there were bloodstains on the leg hair.

She carefully held the little rabbit in her arms, stroked its back gently, and said softly, "Little rabbit, Lingyu has come to see you again, what do you think I brought you?"

She handed the vegetable leaves to the little white rabbit's mouth, and the little white rabbit seemed to understand human nature, rubbing against Lingyu's arms while opening his mouth to chew the fresh vegetable leaves.

Seeing it eating so happily, Lingyu's thin face showed a contented smile. After feeding it, she ate the vegetable leaves and carrots, and carefully inspected the little white rabbit's legs.

Seeing that the wound on it was still not healed, she showed a sad expression on her face. She hurriedly took out the medicine from her bosom, sprinkled some on its wound, then lifted up her robe and tore off a piece of fabric, carefully The ground bandaged the little rabbit.

After doing this, she put the little rabbit beside her, continued to lower her head, stroked its back, and said:

"Xiaobai, you need to get better soon, I can't always come to see you, if someone finds out, I will die, no, not only I will die, but also my best friend will die Follow the dead.

do you know?Actually, in fact, I kind of miss them, like my friends. "

As Lingyu said, tears fell on the back of her hand with a thud, and the hot teardrops were like flames, burning her tormented heart.

The little rabbit seemed to be quite human. Knowing that the kind person who saved it felt sad, enduring the pain in his hind legs, he slowly approached her hand and rubbed against the back of her hand.

There was a heartbreaking smile on Lingyu's face, she sniffed, and said, "I meditate with my master and sister every day in Shuiyue Nunnery, but I always think about the mundane world in my heart, you If the Bodhisattva finds out, will he punish me for being dishonest?"

As she spoke, she raised her head and looked at the place that was hijacked by two gangsters, but now it has become the only place she secretly misses the past, saying:
"Xiaobai, you know what?

I saw him the other day, and he is very powerful now, he has become a majestic general, he is wearing a silver armor, holding a red tasseled gun in his hand, riding on a white horse, many people cheer for him, Because the smile on his face is the most beautiful smile I have ever seen, I watched him in the crowd for a long time, but I didn't go forward, because now I am no longer qualified to talk to him.

Actually, I almost blurted out and shouted!

However, even though I didn't say it out loud, I silently recited his name a hundred times in my heart——

Link, link, link, link...

That's what I was thinking...

I won't shout out, there is no Feng Lingyue in this world for a long time, now, there is only Lingyu, and I can only live with Lingyu's soul.

Originally, I thought about dying quietly, in this wilderness. After death, the eagle pecked me, the wild dogs ate me, the rain washed me away, and the wind blew me away. up.

Just like that, quietly disappear.

No one cried for me, no one saw me off.

But, I was a little scared, I didn't know what I was waiting for, and I didn't know what else to expect in my life.

Until I saw that combo again, I suddenly understood, what am I waiting for..."

As she spoke, cold tears rolled down her cheeks, and she buried her head in her knees.

She cried and cried, and suddenly thought of another person——


That day she heard about the Xiao family, she ran to the Xiao country mansion quietly, and found that the people in the Xiao country mansion were empty, and the prosperity was gone like the wind, she wanted to know where Xiao He was being imprisoned now.

However, she is just a little nun now, there is nothing she can do.

"Xiao He, what should I do? You have helped me so much, but when you are in trouble, I can't help you, I can't even see you..."

In the distance, Lian Jue finally saw the small ruined temple, and a relieved smile appeared on his face——

Fortunately, the ruined temple is still there, and it was not washed away by heavy rain or flash floods.

"Your Majesty, is this the place your friends will miss?" Huang Yan asked out of breath standing behind her.

"I don't know if it's a place she misses, but at least it's a place I've been to." Lian Jue said, walking towards the door faster.

Huang Yan looked up at the sky in the west, and said, "Then we have to hurry, the Prime Minister's Mansion is going to hold a banquet for you in the dark, you are the protagonist, you can't be absent."

Lian Jue walked all the way to the entrance of the ruined temple, he paused, stretched out his hand and pushed open the crumbling door, suddenly thick dust flew down from the door, he stretched out his hand, waved it in front of his eyes, and walked in .

The ruined temple was still the same as before, barren and dilapidated, the grass grew taller, and the walls became more mottled. Huang Yan followed in, coughing a few times due to the dust.

Lian Jue looked around and saw that there was no one in the ruined temple, and there was no trace of anyone's presence, so he felt a little disappointed——

That's right, such a small dilapidated temple is not safe, how could it come on the [-]th?
How confused he is!

"Xixi rate rate..." At this time, suddenly, a white shadow rushed out from the grass and crossed Lian Jue's feet.

Lian Jue was taken aback for a moment, and hastily lowered his head——

"Ah, the king of the county, it's a little white rabbit. It seems to be injured." Huang Yan stepped forward quickly and caught the injured rabbit.

Lian Jue reached out and took the little rabbit, hugged it in his arms, looked at it, he was indeed injured, and there was still a little blood on his leg——

(End of this chapter)

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